Contributed by Dale Turrell Jan/24 - This public ticklist has been seen 243 times

As selected by Tom Rainbow circa 2007.

Taken from:

Tom on Nether Edge  © gordy767
Tom on Nether Edge
© gordy767, Feb 2014

6 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Hidden 50% 24 Mar
2nd gordy767 30% 22 Jun
3rd Dale Turrell 25% 19 Feb, 2023
4th Hidden 20% 2021
4th Hidden 20% 19 Feb, 2023
5th Hidden 5% 7 Sep, 2019

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Bouldering

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Trying to hold on the sharp crystals

Devon Sent
Trying to hold on the sharp crystals
© yan hawkins

Squeezing Blood From A Stone

Devon Sent
Squeezing Blood From A Stone
© _vix28_

If this was in the Peak it would be one of the most sought after lines around, but it isn't...

Nether Edge
If this was in the Peak it would be one of the most sought after lines around, but it isn't...
© Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing

Following the trail

Breadcrumb Trail
Following the trail
© dan23584

Sebastian projecting Devon Sent in Bearacleave Woods (Bovey Woods). New high point for him in this image.

Devon Sent
Sebastian projecting Devon Sent in Bearacleave Woods (Bovey Woods). New high point for him in this image.
© Dundon

Dave on Devon Sent.

Devon Sent
Dave on Devon Sent.
© clark alston

Following the Breadcrumb Trail in Bovey Woods

Breadcrumb Trail
Following the Breadcrumb Trail in Bovey Woods
© Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing

The best boulder problem in the south of England?

Devon Sent
The best boulder problem in the south of England?
© Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing

Dan on Devon Sent

Devon Sent
Dan on Devon Sent
© gordy767

Times are changing, they’re queueing up!

Devon Sent
Times are changing, they’re queueing up!
© Mark Bullock

The sound of one hand clapping...

Nether Edge
The sound of one hand clapping...
© Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing

Dave back on the granite.

The Boy With Perpetual Nervousness
Dave back on the granite.
© tomrainbow

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Breadcrumb Trail f6B *** 82 ? Bovey Woods
William Shaptor f7B+ *** 9 ? Bovey Woods
Slotted Wall f7A+ *** 72 ? Bovey Woods
Green Dot Traverse f7B *** 20 ? Bovey Woods
Devon Sent f7C+ *** 19 ? Bovey Woods
Nether Edge f7A+ *** 17 ? Bovey Woods
Balu f6B ** 15 ? Bovey Woods
Calcaneum Crisis f7A+ *** 5 ? Bovey Woods
Shimmer f6A *** 30 ? Bovey Woods
The Boy With Perpetual Nervousness f6C ** 5 ? Bovey Woods
Spiderland f7A+ *** 25 ? Bovey Woods
The BBBD f7A *** 7 ? Bovey Woods
Terror Twilight f7A ** 15 ? Bovey Woods
Swansong f6C ** 17 ? Bovey Woods
Dog's Dick Arête f6B *** 30 ? Bovey Woods
Bubbles from Amsterdam f7A ** 13 ? Bovey Woods
The Beast of Bearacleave f6C ** 6 ? Bovey Woods
The Pig Nest f6A ** 5 ? Bovey Woods
Little Arithmetics f6C ** 39 ? Bovey Woods
Back of Beyond f6B ** 3 ? Bovey Woods
51 stars 434 ? 20
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