Contributed by riccynino Jul/24 - This public ticklist has been seen 41 times

Whose Line is it Anyway? F7a, Overshoot Wall, Cheddar Gorge  © Didymus
Whose Line is it Anyway? F7a, Overshoot Wall, Cheddar Gorge
© Didymus, Oct 2011

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1st riccynino 7% 21 Jul

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Sport

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Raw deal

Raw Deal
Raw deal
© Mr p

Finishing Raw Deal

Raw Deal
Finishing Raw Deal
© Paul Robertson

Jack on Raw deal 7a in the Beautiful cheddar gorge.

Raw Deal
Jack on Raw deal 7a in the Beautiful cheddar gorge.
© Jake.tebbutt1

Down-climbing Raw Deal

Raw Deal
Down-climbing Raw Deal
© Paul Robertson

Ray on Raw Deal

Raw Deal
Ray on Raw Deal
© henry.jeffreys

Cheddar valley last weekend. There are more pictures on + Instagram: AfterTheSend

Ritual Slaughter
Cheddar valley last weekend. There are more pictures on + Instagram: AfterTheSend
© samparsons

Raw deal final dyno move

Raw Deal
Raw deal final dyno move
© Jeff Armstrong

Cutting lose on the final dyno

Raw Deal
Cutting lose on the final dyno
© mop449

Raw Deal 
One of the best 7a in Cheddar

Raw Deal
Raw Deal One of the best 7a in Cheddar
© PW

Sam putting the dyno finish on Raw Deal

Raw Deal
Sam putting the dyno finish on Raw Deal
© DaveX

Sean on the final holds......

Raw Deal
Sean on the final holds......
© Simon S

Whose Line is it Anyway? F7a, Overshoot Wall, Cheddar Gorge

Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Whose Line is it Anyway? F7a, Overshoot Wall, Cheddar Gorge
© Didymus

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Ritual Slaughter 7a * 129 ? Cheddar Gorge North
Raw Deal 7a ** 1123 ? Cheddar Gorge North
Joyride 7a 297 ? Cheddar Gorge North
Screwballed! 7a * 601 12m Cheddar Gorge North
Whose Line Is It Anyway? 7a * 391 ? Cheddar Gorge North
Sidekick 7a * 165 12m Cheddar Gorge South
Picador 7a ** 17 30m Cheddar Gorge South
Mooney's Route (Gather the People) 7a * 54 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Mir 7a 38 ? Cheddar Gorge South
2001 7a 26 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Croaking in Woking 7a * 147 ? Cheddar Gorge South
The Knack 7a * 122 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Round the Bend 7a 131 ? Cheddar Gorge South
11 stars 3,241 54m 13
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