Logbook for salix

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1,938 entries in this logbook showing 1901-1925
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Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
Black and Tan S 4c ** Lead O/S Noemie 17 Feb, 2013 Bowden Doors
The Overhanging Crack E2 5c *** Lead dnf Dr Toph 9 Jan, 2013 Bowden Doors
Magic Flute E1 5b ** Lead dog Dr Toph 9 Jan, 2013 Back Bowden Doors
The Dagger HVS 5b * Solo Dr Toph 9 Jan, 2013 Goats Crag
Haute Cuisine 7a+ ** TR dnf Phil 1 Jan, 2013 The Cuttings
Rusty the Red Neck TakesOne for the Team 6a+ * Lead Steven 1 Jan, 2013 The Cuttings
Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth 6b ** Lead O/S Trevor 1 Jan, 2013 The Cuttings
Perihelion 6b+ ** Lead dog Phil 1 Jan, 2013 The Cuttings
Twilight E1 5b ** Lead O/S Dr Toph 16 Oct, 2012 Polney Crag (Craig a Barns)
Wriggle VS 5a ** 2nd Dr Toph 15 Oct, 2012 Polney Crag (Craig a Barns)
The End VS *** AltLd Dr Toph 15 Oct, 2012 Polney Crag (Craig a Barns)
Poison Ivy VS 5a ** Lead O/S Dr Toph 15 Oct, 2012 Polney Crag (Craig a Barns)
Left-Hand Crack E2 5c ** 2nd Dr Toph 15 Oct, 2012 Polney Crag (Craig a Barns)
Old Lawbreaker (LH Start) 6b+ 2nd Dr Toph 22 May, 2012 North Berwick Law
(Strongarm - pre-rockfall) E3 6a ** Lead RP Dr Toph 15 Mar, 2012 Ratho Quarry
Plain Sailing E1 5b *** Lead Caitlin 3 Mar, 2012 The Souter (Fastcastle)
Ordinary Route HVS 5a ** Lead O/S Caitlin 3 Mar, 2012 The Souter (Fastcastle)
Replicant E3 5c 2nd Dr Toph 30 Jan, 2012 Auchinstarry Quarry
Darkness Falling 6a+ * 2nd Dr Toph 9 Jan, 2012 North Berwick Law
Igneous Intruder 6c+ ** 2nd Dr Toph 9 Jan, 2012 North Berwick Law
Queasy Slab HVS 4c Lead O/S Jake 2012 Corbie's Craig
Spike Fright HVS 5a * Solo O/S   2012 Salisbury Crags
Necktie 6b+ * Lead O/S Dr Toph 2012 North Berwick Law
Glen Boltachan big guns 6c ** 2nd Dr Toph 7 Nov, 2011 Dunira
Loose Living 6a * 2nd Dr Toph 6 Nov, 2011 Glen Ogle Sport Crags
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