Logbook for Elle Hopkins

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182 entries in this logbook showing 151-175
Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
The Hotsteppa f6C * -   22 Sep, 2015 Glen Croe Boulders (Southside)
Swap Meet f7B * Sent   22 Sep, 2015 Glen Croe Boulders (Southside)
Green Onion HVS 5b 2nd tom russell 6 Jul, 2015 Auchinstarry Quarry
Scream S 4b 2nd tom russell 6 Jul, 2015 Auchinstarry Quarry
The Secret to Olive's Preserve Cupboard Direct f7A -   2015 Rocklands
To Siemay f6C+ *** -   2015 Rocklands
Silky Natural f7A -   2015 Rocklands
Sunset Traverse f7A *** -   2015 Rocklands
Un petit Hueco dans Rocklands f7B+ *** -   2015 Rocklands
Panic Room f7A+ *** -   2015 Rocklands
Mary's Roof f6B+ ** -   2015 Rocklands
Creaking Heights f6C+ *** -   2015 Rocklands
Consolidated f7B+ *** Sent   2015 Dumbarton Rock
Andy's Arete f7A ** Sent   2015 Dumbarton Rock
Pongo Arete f7A+ ** Sent   2015 Dumbarton Rock
Toto Sit Start Direct f7A+ * Sent   2015 Dumbarton Rock
Toto SS f7A Sent   2015 Dumbarton Rock
Toto f6A *** Sent   2015 Dumbarton Rock
Home Rule Low Traverse f7A+ * Sent   2015 Dumbarton Rock
Friar's Mantle f4+ *** Sent   2015 Dumbarton Rock
Natural Born Drillers 7a * Sent   2015 Dumbarton Rock
Persistence of Vision 7a+ *** Sent   2015 Dumbarton Rock
1990 Traverse f7B * Sent x   18 Aug, 2013 Dumbarton Rock
The Magician's Nephew f6B+ ** Sent x   16 Aug, 2013 Queens Crag
Myxamatosis f7A Sent x   16 Aug, 2013 Queens Crag
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