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626 entries in this logbook showing 176-200
Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
Bullet f7C ** -   24 Sep, 2021 Anston Stones Wood
Last Stand f7A ** Sent β   23 Sep, 2021 Anston Stones Wood
Harvey Oswald (ss) V8+ ** Sent x   8 Sep, 2021 Milestone Buttress Boulders
Marilyn Monroe V6 * Sent x   8 Sep, 2021 Milestone Buttress Boulders
The Patroniser V8 Sent x   30 Aug, 2021 Beddgelert Forest. The...
The Shocker V8+ *** Sent x   30 Aug, 2021 Beddgelert Forest. The...
Flick of the Wrist f7C+ *** Sent x   25 Aug, 2021 Tanygrisiau Boulders
Tempest f7A *** Sent β   25 Aug, 2021 Tanygrisiau Boulders
Rock Atrocity f7C ** Sent x   19 Aug, 2021 Parisella's Cave
The Pit Problem (low start) f7B+ Sent x   12 Aug, 2021 Trowbarrow
Lou Ferrino V10 *** Sent x   4 Aug, 2021 Parisella's Cave
African Headcharge 7a+ Lead G/U Kie 22 Jul, 2021 Pigeon's Cave
Fish Pie f7C *** Sent x   21 Jul, 2021 Pigeon's Cave
King of Drunks V6 *** Sent x Jackspratt 15 Jul, 2021 Tonfedd [Wavelength Boulders]
The Pieman RH f6B+ * Sent β   15 Jul, 2021 Tonfedd [Wavelength Boulders]
Chip Shop Slapper f6C * Sent β   15 Jul, 2021 Tonfedd [Wavelength Boulders]
The Pieman f6B * Sent β   15 Jul, 2021 Tonfedd [Wavelength Boulders]
Plinth Eyed f7B ** Sent β Jackspratt 15 Jul, 2021 Tonfedd [Wavelength Boulders]
Nazgul's Traverse f7C *** Sent x   24 Jun, 2021 Rhiw Goch Boulders
Ride the Wild Smurf f7A ** Sent x   24 Jun, 2021 Rhiw Goch Boulders
Lily Savage (shelf start) V6 ** Sent x Barrez 17 Jun, 2021 Afon Lloer Boulders
Paul O'Grady f6C+ *** Sent x Barrez 17 Jun, 2021 Afon Lloer Boulders
Apprentice Wall f6C *** Sent x joe bennett 10 Jun, 2021 Anston Stones Wood
Apprentice Prow f7A+ ** Sent x joe bennett 10 Jun, 2021 Anston Stones Wood
The Cookie f7A+ * Sent β joe bennett 10 Jun, 2021 Anston Stones Wood
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