Logbook for Thomas Hirons

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1,575 entries in this logbook showing 1551-1575
Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
Wildy's Arête Sit-start V4 Sent x tessbennett 24 Mar, 2017 Roaches Lower Tier
Wildy's Arête f5+ * Sent β tessbennett 24 Mar, 2017 Roaches Lower Tier
Twisted Crack f6A+ * Sent β tessbennett 24 Mar, 2017 Roaches Lower Tier
Arête on Left f6B Sent O/S   24 Mar, 2017 Roaches Lower Tier
Violence f6A Sent x   24 Mar, 2017 Roaches Lower Tier
Ramphole of the Roaches f5+ * Sent β   24 Mar, 2017 Roaches Lower Tier
The Ramp f5+ ** Sent β   24 Mar, 2017 Roaches Lower Tier
Shallow f6C+ Sent x   Mar, 2017 Anston Stones Wood
Eye, Eye 6b+ ** Lead O/S   20 Jul, 2016 Masson Lees Quarry
Exo6 7a+ ** Lead O/S tessbennett 20 Jul, 2016 Masson Lees Quarry
Got it Wrong 6a Lead β   Jul, 2016 Stoney West
Deconstruction 6a * Lead β   Jul, 2016 Stoney West
A Time and a Place 6a * Lead β   Jul, 2016 Stoney West
Hanging Crack f6A *** Sent O/S   Jul, 2016 Bonehill Rocks
The Scoop f6B *** Sent x   Jul, 2016 Bonehill Rocks
Warm-up Traverse f5 * Sent O/S   Jul, 2016 Bonehill Rocks
Beatle Juice debout f6A Sent x   Mar, 2016 Franchard Cuisiniere
Moondance f6A ** Sent β   Mar, 2016 Franchard Cuisiniere
Jet Set f7A ** Sent x   Mar, 2016 La Roche aux Sabots
Graviton f7A * Sent x LSMC, tessbennett Mar, 2016 La Roche aux Sabots
The Shelf V0+ Sent β   Oct, 2015 Cromlech boulders
Ramp LH V2 ** Sent β   Oct, 2015 Cromlech boulders
The Ramp V1 *** Sent β   Oct, 2015 Cromlech boulders
Ramp Central V2 ** Sent β   Oct, 2015 Cromlech boulders
Pocket Wall f6A+ ** Sent x   Oct, 2015 Cromlech boulders
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