Logbook for raj

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10 entries in this logbook
Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
Spaceship f8B+ *** -   14 Jun, 2022 Biblins Cave
WADzilla f8B *** Sent x   12 Sep, 2021 Biblins Cave
Crispy's Roof f7C ** Sent x   29 Aug, 2021 Biblins Cave
Bit Bites Again f7C * Sent x   29 Aug, 2021 Biblins Cave
Godzilla f8A *** Sent x   6 Sep, 2020 Biblins Cave
Punter Proof Roof f7C+ ** Sent   7 Sep, 2019 Biblins Cave
Tears of the Angels f7C+ * Sent   7 Sep, 2019 Biblins Cave
Peckitt's Traverse f7C *** Sent   7 Sep, 2019 Biblins Cave
Pop for the Top f7A *** Sent   7 Sep, 2019 Biblins Cave
School of Burl f7B * Sent   7 Sep, 2019 Biblins Cave
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