Logbook for Flyer from Fulham

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275 entries in this logbook showing 251-275
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Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
Rhino Traverse f6A * Sent x   24 May, 2020 Torcross Boulders
Rhino Direct f5 * Sent x   24 May, 2020 Torcross Boulders
Beesands Exit: Torcross Sit-start f7A ** Sent dnf   24 May, 2020 Torcross Boulders
Beesands Exit: Torcross f6C ** Sent x   24 May, 2020 Torcross Boulders
Beesands Arête f5 ** Sent x   24 May, 2020 Torcross Boulders
Thread Flintstone 7b *** Lead dog   23 May, 2020 Torbryan Quarry
Mayday 6c *** Lead O/S   23 May, 2020 Torbryan Quarry
Wages of Fear 6c+ * Lead O/S   23 May, 2020 Torbryan Quarry
Peggy Potato 6b * Lead O/S   23 May, 2020 Torbryan Quarry
Heil Hitler 7a ** -   May, 2020 Wintour's Leap
Sette Anni di Solitudine 6c+ AltLd dog   14 Nov, 2019 Punta Giradili
Last Rose of Summer 7a ** Lead RP Michael Cromwell 11 May, 2019 Blacknor Central
Lord Stublock Deepvoid Breaks the Chain of Causation 6b+ *** Lead O/S Michael Cromwell 11 May, 2019 Blacknor Central
Cocher Cochon TD- 6a *** AltLd   26 Aug, 2018 Aiguilles Rouges
West-northwest Flank PD * Lead O/S Jacque 25 Apr, 2018 Castor
Southwest Ridge AD ** Lead O/S Jacque 24 Apr, 2018 Pollux
Traverse of the Breithorn AD *** Solo O/S Jacque 24 Apr, 2018 Breithorn
Cardiac Arete 5.10d *** -   Aug, 2016 The Grand Sentinel
Northeast Ridge (Bugaboo Spire) 5.8 *** AltLd O/S   25 Jul, 2016 The Bugaboos
L'ete indien TD- *** AltLd O/S   17 Aug, 2015 Moriond
Desmaison TD 6a+ ** AltLd O/S   16 Aug, 2015 Aiguille de la Vanoise
West Arête D *** AltLd O/S   15 Aug, 2015 Petite Aiguille de...
Huayni Potosi PD *** - Sam May, 2014 Huyana Potosi
Amy Couloir D 2nd O/S   Mar, 2014 Aguja Guillaumet
Tiramisu 6b ** Lead O/S   0000 Spazzacaldera
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