Logbook for Sam_G12345

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96 entries in this logbook showing 1-25
Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
Disco Baby V4 * Sent O/S Tom 2 Jun Clogwyn y Tarw (The Gribin...
Here Comes Cadi V6 ** Sent x Tom 2 Jun Clogwyn y Tarw (The Gribin...
Soul boy f6C * Sent x Tom 2 Jun Clogwyn y Tarw (The Gribin...
Aravius stand f7A+ ** Sent x Tom 1 Jun Llyn Coedty
Rammstein (ARR-B81-L1) f7B Sent x Tom, Reece 5 May Arrastradero
Zarzamora (sit) (PAR-B20-L1) (post 2021) f7B *** Sent x Reece, Tom 5 May Parking
Zarzamora (stand) (PAR-B20-L1) f6C ** Sent x Reece, Tom 5 May Parking
¿Me entiendes? (ENA-B6) f7C ** Sent x Reece, Tom 1 May Entre Aguas [Entreaguas]
El redil (ENA-B6-L1) f6B+ Sent O/S Reece, Tom 30 Apr Entre Aguas [Entreaguas]
Variante del redil (ENA-B6-L2) f7A Sent x Reece, Tom 30 Apr Entre Aguas [Entreaguas]
Zooruyo (sit) (PAR-B1-L4) f7A Sent x Reece, Tom 30 Apr Parking
Los presuntos (PAR-B9-L7) f6B Sent x Reece, Tom 29 Apr Parking
Implakados (PAR-B9-L6) f6B+ Sent x Reece, Tom 29 Apr Parking
Moderdonia (PAR-B4-L1) f6A+ * Sent x Reece, Tom 29 Apr Parking
Zooruyo (stand) (PAR-B1) f6C ** Sent x Reece, Tom 29 Apr Parking
El cuarto oscuro (PAR-B1-L1) f6A Sent β Reece, Tom 29 Apr Parking
Regeneration f7B * Sent x   11 Nov, 2023 Gallt yr Ogof Boulders
The Ramp f7A * Sent x   11 Nov, 2023 Gallt yr Ogof Boulders
Diamond eyes RH V6 * Sent x Tom 11 Nov, 2023 Gallt yr Ogof Boulders
Propeller Head f7A *** - Tom 7 Oct, 2023 Farley Woods
School of Swing f7A+ * Sent x Tom 10 Sep, 2023 Biblins Cave
19th Dynasty f6B Sent O/S Martin 28 Aug, 2023 Farley Woods
18th Dynasty f6A Sent O/S Martin 28 Aug, 2023 Farley Woods
Imhotep f6B+ ** Sent x Martin 28 Aug, 2023 Farley Woods
Seti the 1st f6B+ *** Sent x Martin 28 Aug, 2023 Farley Woods
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