Logbook for SharpJ15

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227 entries in this logbook showing 51-75
Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
Tall People 6b *** Lead O/S DavidOrrego 24 Dec, 2023 Frontales
Small People 6b *** Lead RP DavidOrrego 24 Dec, 2023 Frontales
Yocare 6b ** Lead O/S   23 Dec, 2023 Desplomilandia
WiFi 6a+ *** Lead O/S DavidOrrego 23 Dec, 2023 Desplomilandia
Facilonga 6a *** Lead O/S DavidOrrego 23 Dec, 2023 Desplomilandia
Autovia de los Cabras 6a+ ** Lead O/S   22 Dec, 2023 Los Olivitos, Bedees and...
¡Soy Caliente! 6a+ * Lead O/S   22 Dec, 2023 Los Olivitos, Bedees and...
El Nazareno 6a * Lead O/S   22 Dec, 2023 Los Olivitos, Bedees and...
Zou zou Chenit 6a+ Lead O/S   20 Oct, 2023 Arhi
Argonauti Extension 6a ** Lead O/S   20 Oct, 2023 Arhi
Tamalou 6b+ *** Lead RP   19 Oct, 2023 Telendos North Face
The Magic Circle 6a+ ** Lead O/S   19 Oct, 2023 Telendos North Face
Provatina 6b+ ** Lead O/S   16 Oct, 2023 Arginonta Valley
Bichon Direct 6b *** Lead O/S   16 Oct, 2023 Arginonta Valley
Diedre Oublie 6b *** Lead RP   15 Oct, 2023 Symplegades Area
Farapopoulos 6b ** Lead RP   15 Oct, 2023 Symplegades Area
Panselinos 6b+ ** Lead dog   14 Oct, 2023 Grande Grotta Area
Carpe Diem 6b *** Lead dog   14 Oct, 2023 Grande Grotta Area
Resista 6c *** Lead dog   12 Oct, 2023 Ghost Kitchen
Pirates of Kalymnos 6b+ *** Lead O/S   12 Oct, 2023 Ghost Kitchen
Exotic Ambeli 6a ** Lead O/S   12 Oct, 2023 Ghost Kitchen
Wild Country 6a+ *** AltLd O/S   10 Oct, 2023 Telendos South Face
Bloc Volant 6a+ ** Lead O/S   9 Oct, 2023 Masouri Area
Schnügu 6b ** Lead RP   9 Oct, 2023 Masouri Area
Ericstotle 6b Lead O/S   8 Oct, 2023 Noufaro Area
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