Logbook for alberthickman

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51 entries in this logbook showing 1-25
Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
Spanner Eyes 7b ** Lead dog   2 Sep Blacknor North
To Wish the Impossible 7a *** Lead RP Dilly 30 Aug Blacknor South
Medusa Falls 7a *** Lead dog Dilly 24 Aug Blacknor South
New Saladin 6c ** Lead dog   20 Aug The Cuttings
Want Out 7b+ *** Lead dog   20 Aug The Cuttings
Modern Nightmare 7a ** Lead dog   17 May The Cuttings
No Man is an Island 6c *** Lead dog   17 May Battleship Back Cliff
No me Comas el Coco 7a ** Lead dog   17 May Battleship Edge
Victims of Fashion 7a+ *** Lead dog   17 May Battleship Edge
Inch Perfect, Inchworm 6b+ ** Lead O/S   17 May Battleship Edge
Sardegna Canforata 7a+ * Lead dog   25 Apr Mount Pellegrino - Valdesi
Sussurri e Grida 6c *** Lead dog   25 Apr Mount Pellegrino - Valdesi
Il Bocciato 6b *** Lead rpt   25 Apr Mount Pellegrino - Valdesi
Kataclo 6a ** Lead O/S   25 Apr Mount Pellegrino - Valdesi
Vortice 6a *** Lead O/S   24 Apr Mount Pellegrino - Roccia...
Ornella 6a ** Lead O/S   24 Apr Mount Pellegrino - Roccia...
Atmosfera Zero 7a *** Lead dog   24 Apr Mount Pellegrino - Roccia...
Johnnie Walker 7a+ ** Lead dog   23 Apr Scogliera Di Salinella - North
The Riddle 7a ** Lead O/S   23 Apr Scogliera Di Salinella - North
Cassatelle 6a ** Lead O/S   22 Apr Scogliera Di Salinella - Far...
Stella Gemella 6a+ ** Lead O/S   22 Apr Scogliera Di Salinella - Far...
Via Rossa 6b *** TR O/S   21 Apr Scogliera Di Salinella - South
Caduta Sassi 6b+ *** Lead dog   21 Apr Scogliera Di Salinella - South
Jammin' In The Name Of The Lord 6a *** Lead O/S   20 Apr Scogliera Di Salinella - North
Beam Me Up Scottie 7a ** Lead dog   20 Apr Scogliera Di Salinella - North
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