Logbook for brian watson

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2,776 entries in this logbook showing 2701-2725
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Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
Via Dolorosa VS 4c *** 2nd O/S   1 May, 2004 Roaches Lower Tier
Valkyrie VS 4c *** Lead O/S Rodney Fewins 1 May, 2004 Roaches Lower Tier
The Pony HVS 5a ** 2nd O/S scott titt 25 Apr, 2004 Worbarrow Tout
Tensor II VS 5a *** Lead O/S scott titt Jan, 2004 Guillemot Ledge
Wonderlust 6b ** Lead   2004 Neddyfields
Joe's Route VS 4c ** AltLd O/S Michael Manzi 2004 Wintour's Leap
Tensor II VS 5a *** Lead O/S scott titt 2004 Guillemot Ledge
Old Faithful VS 4c ** Lead O/S scott titt 2004 Boulder Ruckle
Mary Rose VS 4b Lead O/S   2004 Cattle Troughs
Clov S Lead O/S   2004 Cattle Troughs
Grottle VD ** Lead O/S   2004 Cattle Troughs
Glove VD Lead O/S   2004 Cattle Troughs
The Flail Trail 6a * Lead O/S scott titt 2004 The Promenade
Revelation Chimney VS 4c ** Lead O/S scott titt 2004 The Promenade
Grockles Passage VS 4c * Lead O/S scott titt 2004 The Promenade
Finale Groove HVS 4c *** Lead rpt   2004 Boulder Ruckle
The Heidelberg Creature HVS 4c ** Lead O/S Jeff Yaldren 2004 Boulder Ruckle
Mellow Yellow VS 4c ** Lead O/S Pam Joliffe 2004 Subluminal and Lighthouse...
Knickerless Crutches 6b+ * Lead O/S   2004 Winspit
Unseen Ripples of the Pebble 6b *** Lead O/S   2004 Winspit
''99 HVS 5a Lead O/S scott titt Oct, 2003 Winspit
Barney HS 4b * Lead O/S scott titt Oct, 2003 Winspit
Things That Make You Go Hmmmm... 6c * Lead RP Rodney Fewins Oct, 2003 Winspit
Mackerel 5a ** Lead O/S   2003 Winspit
Tom's Patience 4a * Lead O/S   2003 Winspit
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