Contributed by Rock Limpet Jun/24 - This public ticklist has been seen 111 times

Find grid peculiarly hard. been climbing E2s on other rocktypes fine for over a decade but shy away from them on grit.

First day out post lock down  © ipfreely
First day out post lock down
© ipfreely, May 2020

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1st Hidden 28% 31 Aug

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Trad

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

"I'm a bird"

The Sentinel
"I'm a bird"
© jules1990

So, where did you get pumped exactly?

The Rasp
So, where did you get pumped exactly?

The Sentinel

The Sentinel

Paul Murdy showing us how its done on Regent Street E2 5c

Regent Street
Paul Murdy showing us how its done on Regent Street E2 5c
© JRae

Ready for the lip….maybe

Ready for the lip….maybe
© jethro kiernan

More Erb

More Erb
© Nick Smith

Attempting the Rasp

The Rasp
Attempting the Rasp

Ant Roberts taking 5 Fingers.

Five Finger Exercise
Ant Roberts taking 5 Fingers.
© shickading

Thea on the finishing crack of Suspense (E2 5c), Lawrencefield

Thea on the finishing crack of Suspense (E2 5c), Lawrencefield

committing to the crux of 'Quietus'

committing to the crux of 'Quietus'
© Nadir khan

Finishing Five Finger

Five Finger Exercise
Finishing Five Finger
© andybirtwistle

"I'm a bird"

The Sentinel
"I'm a bird"
© jules1990

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Regent Street E2 5c *** 1797 22m Millstone Edge
Erb E2 5c *** 737 28m Millstone Edge
Knightsbridge E2 5c *** 741 34m Millstone Edge
Billy Whizz E2 5c *** 855 18m Lawrencefield
Suspense E2 5c *** 1199 20m Lawrencefield
The Rasp E2 5b *** 840 14m Higgar Tor
Orang-outang E2 5c *** 483 12m Stanage North
Bean Stalk E2 5c ** 206 18m Cratcliffe Tor
Five Finger Exercise E2 5c *** 703 22m Cratcliffe Tor
Quietus E2 5c *** 695 14m Stanage North
Piccadilly Circus E2 5c ** 510 24m Millstone Edge
The South-West Corner (Original Route) E2 5c ** 331 12m Rivelin Edge
White Out E2 5c ** 674 12m Rivelin Edge
Great West Road E3 5b *** 337 34m • 2 Millstone Edge
Vaya Con Dios E2 5c ** 38 20m Gardom's Edge
Elegy E2 5c *** 634 16m Roaches Lower Tier
The Sentinel E2 5b *** 893 10m Burbage North
Zeus E2 5b *** 285 12m Burbage South...
The Arête E2 5c *** 152 22m Tintwistle Knarr
Synopsis E2 5c ** 621 14m Froggatt Edge
The Big Crack E2 5b *** 855 15m Froggatt Edge
43 e, 57 stars 13,586 393m 22
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