Contributed by Jamo23 Jun/24 - This public ticklist has been seen 89 times

Summiting Squareface  © Simon Theobald
Summiting Squareface
© Simon Theobald, Jul 2021

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1st Hidden 27% 31 Aug
2nd Hidden 9% 25 Feb, 2023

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Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Chris Bonington still climbing at 78. Legend

Little Chamonix
Chris Bonington still climbing at 78. Legend
© Paluchi

Amphitheatre Buttress - this took longer to take than I'd like to admit xD

Amphitheatre Buttress
Amphitheatre Buttress - this took longer to take than I'd like to admit xD
© starlitejumper


Amphitheatre Buttress
© Barrez

"Katie, can you climb Little Chamonix in a dinosaur suit?" "You bet Jurassican!"

Little Chamonix
"Katie, can you climb Little Chamonix in a dinosaur suit?" "You bet Jurassican!"
© Luke Briggs


© mikemartin

Heading up the Cioch

Cioch Nose
Heading up the Cioch
© RAB623

The final wall on Squareface in the final traces of daylight

The final wall on Squareface in the final traces of daylight
© colin milton

Will Birkett races up the top pitch of Little Chamonix as night falls, the final route of The Lakes Classic Rock Round.

Little Chamonix
Will Birkett races up the top pitch of Little Chamonix as night falls, the final route of The Lakes Classic Rock Round.
© Tom McNally

debs and dave finishing the off-width variation to the top pitch

debs and dave finishing the off-width variation to the top pitch
© MrRiley

Lockdown Amphitheatre Buttress

Amphitheatre Buttress
Lockdown Amphitheatre Buttress
© Hat Dude

Pitch 2 of Squareface

Pitch 2 of Squareface
© Mike-W-99

Lamplighter Folk Group . Little Chamonix 1965

Little Chamonix
Lamplighter Folk Group . Little Chamonix 1965

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Cioch Nose S *** 1052 200m • 7 Sgurr a'...
Cioch Nose VD *** 416 40m • 2 Sron na Ciche
Commando Ridge VD ** 2 20m Crimea Pass
Amphitheatre Buttress VD *** 1993 ? Craig Yr Ysfa
Little Chamonix VD *** 8072 70m • 4 Shepherd’s Crag
Squareface VD *** 518 90m • 3 Beinn a'...
Heaven Crack VD *** 6101 10m Stanage Popular
FM VD *** 282 162m • 6 Slieve Lamagan
Sou'wester Slabs VD *** 818 110m • 5 Cir Mhor
Cyfrwy Arete (Summer) D *** 1083 ? Cadair Idris -...
'C' Ordinary Route (Summer) VD *** 1064 ? Dow Crag
32 stars 21,401 702m 32
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