Contributed by lauraclimbing Jan/22 - This public ticklist has been seen 147 times

Chubby Brown Syndrome is the corner line on the right  © springfall2008
Chubby Brown Syndrome is the corner line on the right
© springfall2008, Mar 2016

3 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st ethanr2000 46% 23 Jul
2nd richardr 33% 18 Jul
3rd Hidden 31% 23 Jul

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Sport

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

What crux move? Gwen Morgan cruising in the Wye Valley.

Almost Me
What crux move? Gwen Morgan cruising in the Wye Valley.
© Jon_Butters

What crux move? Gwen Morgan cruising in the Wye Valley.

Almost Me
What crux move? Gwen Morgan cruising in the Wye Valley.
© Jon_Butters

Ollie Elms on Almost Me

Almost Me
Ollie Elms on Almost Me
© chrisscutt

Ollie Elms on Almost me

Almost Me
Ollie Elms on Almost me
© chrisscutt

George enjoying jugs galore at Ban-Y-Gor!

George enjoying jugs galore at Ban-Y-Gor!
© CornishLau

Great exposure on Pet Cemetery

Pet Cemetery
Great exposure on Pet Cemetery
© TommyKips

Wide stepping on the send go of Latest Craze

Latest Craze
Wide stepping on the send go of Latest Craze
© ethanr2000

Matt Cox on 'Almost Me' F7c, Ban-y-Gor.

Almost Me
Matt Cox on 'Almost Me' F7c, Ban-y-Gor.
© _m.cox_

Sam Clarke cutting loose on Gordonzola (6b+) Ban-y-Gor

Sam Clarke cutting loose on Gordonzola (6b+) Ban-y-Gor
© SamStokes

Tom Harrison attempting "Almost Me' F7c, Ban-y-gor.

Almost Me
Tom Harrison attempting "Almost Me' F7c, Ban-y-gor.
© _m.cox_

Ross climbing Too Hot to Touch on an amazing rock formation at Ban y gor

Too Hot to Touch
Ross climbing Too Hot to Touch on an amazing rock formation at Ban y gor
© TommyKips

Jugs for dayz

Jugs for dayz
© Jamie Black

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
It's A Sin 7a+ ** 42 21m Ban-y-gor
Tier-Gas 7b ** 12 21m Ban-y-gor
The Beauty Of It All 7a+ ** 47 21m Ban-y-gor
Let's Celebrate 7b * 19 22m Ban-y-gor
96 Tiers 7c+ * 33 23m Ban-y-gor
Aerial Combat 7b+ ** 41 23m Ban-y-gor
Pet Cemetery 7a *** 345 23m Ban-y-gor
Cocotte 7a+ ** 23 23m Ban-y-gor
Up The Garden Path 6b+ * 23 23m Ban-y-gor
Slow Boat To Chepstow 6b+ * 17 23m Ban-y-gor
Muddy Waters 6a ** 407 20m Ban-y-gor
The Motley Crew 6b+ 27 23m Ban-y-gor
In Apedex 7b * - 23m Ban-y-gor
Fresh Fish 6c+ 18 21m Ban-y-gor
Poison Poisson 6c 10 21m Ban-y-gor
Head in the Clouds 6c * 9 20m Ban-y-gor
Heady Days 6b+ *** 533 20m Ban-y-gor
Chin Hooks 7a * 102 20m Ban-y-gor
Hummin' Bird 7b+ ** 82 23m Ban-y-gor
Archaeopteryx 7b+ ** 16 23m Ban-y-gor
Almost Me 7c *** 219 23m • 2 Ban-y-gor
The Drilling Fields 7c+ ** 67 23m Ban-y-gor
Stitch That! 7b+ ** 71 20m Ban-y-gor
Head Tennis 7c+ * 21 23m Ban-y-gor
Match Point 8a *** 3 23m Ban-y-gor
Gimme Back My Head 7b ** 57 23m Ban-y-gor
Open Head Surgery 6c+ * 22 21m Ban-y-gor
Id Proof 4a 9 7m Ban-y-gor
Three Men, Two Girls And A Dog 3b 34 9m Ban-y-gor
Will The Real Gary Gibson Please Stand Up 6a 14 9m Ban-y-gor
Who do you Think You Are? 6c * 14 11m Ban-y-gor
Who Do You Think I Am? 6a+ * 52 12m Ban-y-gor
Lordy, Lordy 6b 26 12m Ban-y-gor
Old Smokie 7a+ 6 12m Ban-y-gor
One Puff Or Two 6a+ 3 8m Ban-y-gor
The Cuban 5c 2 6m Ban-y-gor
The Fatter Controller 6a 53 8m Ban-y-gor
Such A Big Cactus! 4a 93 8m Ban-y-gor
The Fat Controller 5c * 147 10m Ban-y-gor
Dear Prudence 6b 5 10m Ban-y-gor
Snaffel Attack 7b * 47 12m Ban-y-gor
The Gnarliest 7b+ 12 8m Ban-y-gor
Breast Stroke in a D Cup 7a+ 36 10m Ban-y-gor
Craters of Mono 7a * 73 12m Ban-y-gor
Frisco Disco 7b * 23 8m Ban-y-gor
Really Big Sur 7c ** 101 8m Ban-y-gor
B'stard 7a+ ** 111 15m Ban-y-gor
Too Hot to Touch 7b *** 120 18m Ban-y-gor
Time Was Once On My Side 8a ** 15 18m Ban-y-gor
Just Too Hot 7b *** 73 18m Ban-y-gor
Gordonzilla 7a+ * 7 18m Ban-y-gor
Lounge Lizard Leisure Suit 6c+ * 65 18m Ban-y-gor
Good 'Jab'! 7a+ * 12 15m Ban-y-gor
Latest Craze 7b+ *** 159 15m Ban-y-gor
Too Short 5b 82 12m Ban-y-gor
Keep It Short 5b 108 12m Ban-y-gor
Short and Simple 4b 136 12m Ban-y-gor
Short Changed 4c 101 12m Ban-y-gor
Pokémon GO 5c * 212 11m Ban-y-gor
Kalamazoo 6c 28 11m Ban-y-gor
The Microwave Man 6b 84 12m Ban-y-gor
Nation of Shopkeepers 6a+ * 305 12m Ban-y-gor
Get Them Out By Xmas 6b+ 96 12m Ban-y-gor
A Liberal Smear 6a+ 69 12m Ban-y-gor
Take The Wave 6a+ * 164 11m Ban-y-gor
Let's Hear It for Lorenzo 6b+ 51 9m Ban-y-gor
Gobbo Wuz Yer' 7a * 12 11m Ban-y-gor
Crocker's Ash 7a+ * 12 11m Ban-y-gor
The Pink Punter 5c * 280 11m Ban-y-gor
So Gross 6b * 224 11m Ban-y-gor
Lip Service 6b * 52 11m Ban-y-gor
Violation of Trust 6b+ * 232 11m Ban-y-gor
Utilizing Eucalyptus 7a+ * 27 11m Ban-y-gor
Up a Gum Tree 7a * 102 11m Ban-y-gor
Habit of a Lifetime 6c ** 71 11m Ban-y-gor
His Master's Voice 6c+ ** 168 11m Ban-y-gor
Avatamsaka 6b+ ** 211 12m Ban-y-gor
Polarization 6b * 155 11m Ban-y-gor
Victimization 6b+ * 160 11m Ban-y-gor
Alienation 6b+ * 91 9m Ban-y-gor
Gordonzola 6b+ * 653 11m Ban-y-gor
Josie Swoonpence 6b * 514 11m Ban-y-gor
In The Dead Of The Night 6a 191 13m Ban-y-gor
Who Is This Man Dukakis? 6c 96 12m Ban-y-gor
Ugooloo 6a * 748 13m Ban-y-gor
Avidya 6b+ ** 128 12m Ban-y-gor
The Good Friday Agreement 6c ** 267 13m Ban-y-gor
Biscuits Bite Back 5c 201 10m Ban-y-gor
Autumnal Dark 6b * 116 10m Ban-y-gor
The Royal Thanks (1) 5c * 235 10m Ban-y-gor
The Royal Thanks (2) 6a+ * 184 10m Ban-y-gor
Tinaderm (Circular) 6a 179 10m Ban-y-gor
Tinaderm 6a * 326 10m Ban-y-gor
A Midsummer Night's Garden (1) 6a+ * 290 13m Ban-y-gor
A Midsummer Night's Garden (2) 5c 341 13m Ban-y-gor
Full Tidenham Breakfast 5a * 262 13m Ban-y-gor
Dabbawallah 4c * 349 13m Ban-y-gor
Always The Rain 6c * 81 14m Ban-y-gor
The Chepstow Triangle 6b 78 17m Ban-y-gor
Darkside 5b ** 790 14m Ban-y-gor
One Step Ahead of the Blues 6c+ * 38 14m Ban-y-gor
The Toe 6a+ 30 7m Ban-y-gor
Double The Fun 4b 187 16m Ban-y-gor
I've Got A Bad, Bad Bottom! 5c 233 17m Ban-y-gor
Amuse Bouche 5a 132 7m Ban-y-gor
You're Having A Laugh? 6a 195 7m Ban-y-gor
Laughability 6a 77 7m Ban-y-gor
That Historic Reach 4c * 244 12m Ban-y-gor
Dry Day 6c+ * 41 12m Ban-y-gor
Lotus Wing 6b ** 747 12m Ban-y-gor
Flat Baps 7b * 19 14m Ban-y-gor
Bad Man From Bodie 7a+ * 93 12m Ban-y-gor
Stars and Stripes 6c ** 242 14m Ban-y-gor
Just Yvonne More 6c+ * 112 14m Ban-y-gor
Ninety-Nine Rabid Feminists 6c+ * 66 14m Ban-y-gor
Join the Union, Jack 6b+ * 247 11m Ban-y-gor
Spunk Trumpets 6c * 171 12m Ban-y-gor
Sperm Wales 6c+ * 104 12m Ban-y-gor
Nelson Mandela 7b ** 313 12m Ban-y-gor
Nelson Mandela Right Wing Connections 7c * 31 17m Ban-y-gor
East Of Sweden 6c ** 424 14m Ban-y-gor
Blabba Mouth 7a+ * 157 14m Ban-y-gor
East of Sweden / Blabba Mouth / Duhkha Combo 6c 7 12m Ban-y-gor
Duhkha 6c * 348 12m Ban-y-gor
Crack Around The World 6a - 30m • 2 Ban-y-gor
Morning Wimpenny 5c * 805 12m Ban-y-gor
Day Break 5a 45 12m Ban-y-gor
It's A Fluke 7a 5 9m Ban-y-gor
Slug Control 6b+ * 85 9m Ban-y-gor
The Disillusioned Bronto Machine 6c+ 54 9m Ban-y-gor
Doyouthinkhesawus 6b+ 168 9m Ban-y-gor
Trans-African Drum Battle 6c+ 29 9m Ban-y-gor
The Itch You Can Never Scratch 5c 160 10m Ban-y-gor
The Chubby Brown Syndrome 5c 192 12m Ban-y-gor
Totally Awesomely Cool 7a 11 12m Ban-y-gor
The Unpure 7a+ 23 12m Ban-y-gor
Discharge 6b+ 59 12m Ban-y-gor
The Blessing 5c * 294 12m Ban-y-gor
The Smiling Assassin Mr Bo 4a 493 10m Ban-y-gor
The Gruesome Toothsome 5b * 751 9m Ban-y-gor
Two Name Graham 5a 259 9m Ban-y-gor
Slow Macabre Dance 6a+ 303 10m Ban-y-gor
A Little Stiff'ner 6b * 663 9m Ban-y-gor
130 stars 21,497 1,952m 145
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