Contributed by lauraclimbing Apr/24 - This public ticklist has been seen 61 times

Pregnant Pause  © Pete Dangerous
Pregnant Pause
© Pete Dangerous, Mar 2012

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1st Hidden 9% 19 May

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Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Phil Belcher Swinging off Twangy Pearl

Twangy Pearl
Phil Belcher Swinging off Twangy Pearl
© Mr p

unknown climber on Pregnant Pause, Portland

Pregnant Pause
unknown climber on Pregnant Pause, Portland
© sebf

Committed on the soaring final arête.

Cocteau Phenomena
Committed on the soaring final arête.
© Jon_Butters

Isle of Portland wall climbing at its best - a Seagulls eye view.

Isle of Portland wall climbing at its best - a Seagulls eye view.
© Mark Glaister - Assistant Editor

'Burning Skies' with a burning sky.

Burning Skies
'Burning Skies' with a burning sky.
© samparsons

Between the snow shower!

Twangy Pearl
Between the snow shower!
© Sam Parsons

Enjoyable exposure and some winter sun.

Pregnant Pause
Enjoyable exposure and some winter sun.
© Ben.o.neill

Superb Good Friday weather at Portland - Jenna on I Walk the Line - 7b

I Walk the Line
Superb Good Friday weather at Portland - Jenna on I Walk the Line - 7b
© Brian H

Pregnant Pause.

Pregnant Pause
Pregnant Pause.
© mikehenesy

Rik on Lord Stublock ... (f6b+)

Lord Stublock Deepvoid Breaks the Chain of Causation
Rik on Lord Stublock ... (f6b+)
© Kafoozalem

Kevin on Best Destiny

Best Destiny
Kevin on Best Destiny
© clipskipper

Reaching on the Island!

Isle of Slingers
Reaching on the Island!
© After The Send

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Imbolc 7b ** 39 21m Blacknor Central
The Hong Jagged Flake of Death (Retired) 6b+ * 8 24m Blacknor Central
Distanced 6b+ * 32 20m Blacknor Central
Dudas sin nombres 6b+ * 117 20m Blacknor Central
When This Hits the Fan 6b+ * 189 20m Blacknor Central
Shit Happens, Actually 6a ** 1542 20m Blacknor Central
Unstuck on You (Flowstone Shuffle) 7b * 38 20m Blacknor Central
21.5 Weeks 6b+ * 125 19m Blacknor Central
Birthday Girl 5c * 445 19m Blacknor Central
Bag End 5c * 65 15m Blacknor Central
Divine Comedy 5a * 207 ? Blacknor Central
I Don't Have a Spoiler so I Just Leave My Boot Open 6b * 101 16m Blacknor Central
Hysterical Solitude 6c * 131 18m Blacknor Central
Crucifix Kiss 7c ** 40 17m Blacknor Central
Choc Speedway 6b+ * 159 20m Blacknor Central
Nothing is Cool 6c ** 164 19m Blacknor Central
Protein Delta Strip 6c ** 150 19m Blacknor Central
That Honeycomb Centre 6c+ * 59 20m Blacknor Central
Kit Kat 6b ** 515 22m Blacknor Central
Whilst the Cat's Away 7a+ * 41 22m Blacknor Central
The Launch 7c * 6 19m Blacknor Central
Fat Falling Pigs 6b * 313 14m Blacknor Central
Twangy Pearl 7b *** 201 16m Blacknor Central
Boilermaker 7c ** 26 16m Blacknor Central
Into the Sun 6c 33 18m Blacknor Central
Bring on the Night 6c+ * 55 21m Blacknor Central
Does Trunky Want a Bun? 6b+ * 51 ? Blacknor Central
Monsoon Malabar 6a ** 1236 22m Blacknor Central
I thought hurricane season was over! 7a ** 31 ? Blacknor Central
Mr. Wiggles 6c ** 13 ? Blacknor Central
Inbreeding 6b 34 16m Blacknor Central
Adventure Time 6a+ * 8 16m Blacknor Central
Tipperary 5c 10 16m Blacknor Central
We Are Not Men, We Are Roto 6c 10 19m Blacknor Central
The Stals on Me Pal 7a 7 20m Blacknor Central
Toothless Vampire 7b 6 20m Blacknor Central
Keeping Abreast of Things 6b+ 9 ? Blacknor Central
Paws for Thought 6b+ * 67 ? Blacknor Central
Pregnant Pause 6a+ *** 1690 26m Blacknor Central
Suenos de España 7a+ ** 9 25m Blacknor Central
Valerian 6a 292 26m Blacknor Central
Viper's Tale 7a+ * 10 23m Blacknor Central
Natural Born Drillers 6c * 25 25m Blacknor Central
Solstice Arête 7a ** 22 26m Blacknor Central
The Long Walk 6c ** 227 25m Blacknor Central
Mexican Stand-off 7a+ ** 43 25m Blacknor Central
Madame Butterfly 6a+ 42 25m Blacknor Central
One Fine Day 6a+ * 213 25m Blacknor Central
Dust in the Wind 5c * 70 32m Blacknor Central
Skank Central 6b+ * 104 25m Blacknor Central
Summer Wine 6a ** 100 20m Blacknor Central
Last of the Summer Wine 5c *** 113 ? Blacknor Central
Go With the Flow 6a ** 668 22m Blacknor Central
Ocean Rock 6c+ ** 148 22m Blacknor Central
The Thin Edge of the Wedge 6a+ * 54 20m Blacknor Central
Rise of Iron 6b 21 20m Blacknor Central
Electric Brae 6b+ 17 20m Blacknor Central
Elusive Butterfly 6b+ * 19 20m Blacknor Central
Best Destiny 4c ** 879 20m Blacknor Central
Aeroforce 7b ** 7 26m Blacknor Central
Blame it on the Drain 7a+ * 1 26m Blacknor Central
Niagara Wall 7a * 4 26m Blacknor Central
Dizzy up the Girl 7a+ ** 19 28m Blacknor Central
Gaze of the Gorgon 6a+ ** 348 28m Blacknor Central
Sniffin' Glue 7a+ * 11 26m Blacknor Central
Athenian Tactics 7b+ ** 25 28m Blacknor Central
Corinthian Spirit 7b+ ** 7 28m Blacknor Central
Cybernetic Orchard 7a+ ** 84 28m Blacknor Central
I Walk the Line 7b ** 112 24m Blacknor Central
Portland Heights 7a *** 431 28m Blacknor Central
Grand Larceny 7a+ 10 28m Blacknor Central
Burning Skies 6c *** 544 28m Blacknor Central
Isle of Slingers 6c+ ** 238 28m Blacknor Central
Lord Stublock Deepvoid Breaks the Chain of Causation 6b+ *** 841 28m Blacknor Central
Gone Amongst Innocent Angels 6b ** 204 29m Blacknor Central
Up Lift Finish 6b+ * 23 29m Blacknor Central
Dusty Bedrock in need of Careful Preparation 7a+ * 30 32m Blacknor Central
Cocteau Phenomena 7b+ *** 128 28m Blacknor Central
The Chronicles of Vladimir 6c+ 50 27m Blacknor Central
Ausfahrt 6b+ *** 414 28m Blacknor Central
Screw the Roses, Send me the Thorns 7a+ * 69 28m Blacknor Central
The Shells, The Shells 7a * 70 28m Blacknor Central
Driven Like the Snow 6b+ ** 288 28m Blacknor Central
Return to Roissy 6b+ ** 538 28m Blacknor Central
Daydream Believer 6c+ * 49 25m Blacknor Central
Last Rose of Summer 7a ** 350 28m Blacknor Central
Through the Barricades 7a+ ** 217 27m Blacknor Central
Step away from the Gingga 7a * 93 25m Blacknor Central
Babelicious Redhead 6c * 273 26m Blacknor Central
Chasing the Sun 6c+ * 91 24m Blacknor Central
The Angry Sea 6c * 94 22m Blacknor Central
The Wrecked Finger 6a+ * 388 20m Blacknor Central
126 stars 17,100 1,966m 92
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