Contributed by lauraclimbing May/24 - This public ticklist has been seen 32 times

Topo of new and existing routes at Blacknor Far North - Fallaway Block  © Adam Perrett
Topo of new and existing routes at Blacknor Far North - Fallaway Block
© Adam Perrett

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1st Hidden 38% 4 May

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Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Topo of new routes at Blacknor Far North - Pit Prop South Wing.

The Ivanator
Topo of new routes at Blacknor Far North - Pit Prop South Wing.
© Adam Perrett

Topo of new and existing routes at Blacknor Far North - Fallaway Block

It's the End of the World as we Know it (and I Feel Fine)
Topo of new and existing routes at Blacknor Far North - Fallaway Block
© Adam Perrett

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Reinheitsgebot 4a 76 11m Blacknor North
It's the End of the World as we Know it (and I Feel Fine) 5a 43 ? Blacknor North
Unprecedented Times 6a 47 ? Blacknor North
Another One for the Pot 6a+ 32 12m Blacknor North
Enlightenment 6a * 56 ? Blacknor North
Slim Fingers' Revenge 7a * 24 12m Blacknor North
Boiled Lobster 6b * 34 12m Blacknor North
The Escape Route 6c 15 ? Blacknor North
The Ivanator 6b * 10 ? Blacknor North
Blown Away 6c+ * 8 ? Blacknor North
The Blacknor Lemmings 5b 28 ? Blacknor North
Walking on Broken Glass 6b+ 12 ? Blacknor North
The Notorious Ivy G 5b 31 ? Blacknor North
I Spy Gaz Fry 5c 32 ? Blacknor North
Princess Consuela Bananahammock 6a+ 28 ? Blacknor North
A Highway With No One On It 6b 18 ? Blacknor North
One Armed Bandit 5c 34 ? Blacknor North
The Mighty Midget 6b+ 15 ? Blacknor North
5 stars 543 47m 18
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