Contributed by lauraclimbing Jun/23 - This public ticklist has been seen 55 times

Fantastic climbing on the melting organ-pipes of Slingshot  © JP
Fantastic climbing on the melting organ-pipes of Slingshot
© JP, Jun 2007

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1st Hidden 20% 10 Jun, 2023

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Sport

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

John Maskell climbing the superb flowstone of Slings Shot (F5), Blacknor North, Dorset.

Slings Shot
John Maskell climbing the superb flowstone of Slings Shot (F5), Blacknor North, Dorset.
© AndyStripp

Matt Cousins on England's Dreaming

England's Dreaming
Matt Cousins on England's Dreaming
© Mark Alderson

Captain Klutz and the Sailors of Fortune, 6a, Blacknor North

Captain Klutz and the Sailors of Fortune
Captain Klutz and the Sailors of Fortune, 6a, Blacknor North
© Brian H

That beautiful flowstone!

England's Dreaming
That beautiful flowstone!
© Ron Yeadon

Piotr Wycislik on ,,Freaky Ralph'' 8a+, Portland.

Freaky Ralph
Piotr Wycislik on ,,Freaky Ralph'' 8a+, Portland.
© Szymon Dziukiewicz

Si lowering off into the sunset.

Si lowering off into the sunset.
© Kayface42

not quite

not quite
© mwatson

Martin Larsen on England's Dreaming

England's Dreaming
Martin Larsen on England's Dreaming
© Simon Hill

Rachel high above the crux on Downtown Julie Brown, fantastic moves with a perfect sky.

Downtown Julie Brown
Rachel high above the crux on Downtown Julie Brown, fantastic moves with a perfect sky.
© Matti Puckridge

Dan Weissmann breaking into the sunlight on 'Appleturnoverload'.

Dan Weissmann breaking into the sunlight on 'Appleturnoverload'.
© After The Send

Grant with bird, Portland in november!

Seattle be the Day
Grant with bird, Portland in november!
© Emily Goodman

Hugging the fridge with hands and heel!

Spanner Eyes
Hugging the fridge with hands and heel!
© Cyrees

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Absolute Beginners 2c 41 6m Blacknor North
Too Hard for Matt Ilott 3c 18 ? Blacknor North
Chin Reaction 6c 7 15m Blacknor North
Meltdown 7a ** 89 16m Blacknor North
Quakin' in My Bones 7a+ ** 18 16m Blacknor North
Sellerfield 7b * 6 ? Blacknor North
The Taylor Show 6a+ * 40 ? Blacknor North
Living the Dream 6b+ 6 ? Blacknor North
Death of Cool 7a+ * 10 22m Blacknor North
Drag Racing Underground 6c+ ** 45 22m Blacknor North
Seattle be the Day 6b+ ** 89 21m Blacknor North
The Fabulous Bakery Boys 6c * 58 18m Blacknor North
Captain Lob Meets the Nipple Pincher 6b ** 211 18m Blacknor North
Grease Monkey 6a+ * 15 18m Blacknor North
Grease Paint and Monkey Brains 6a+ * 327 18m Blacknor North
Indian Summer 6a * 317 18m Blacknor North
Blowing Chunks 6c 13 16m Blacknor North
Where's Blue Hippo 7a+ * 9 16m Blacknor North
Beer and Corruption 7a * 77 17m Blacknor North
Henry Rollins for President 7a+ 7 17m Blacknor North
Wynona's Big Brown Beaver 6c 6 20m Blacknor North
Ximenesque 6b+ 22 20m Blacknor North
In Dust We Trust 6c+ 4 20m Blacknor North
Ironhead 7a+ ** 51 23m Blacknor North
Meg's Got Leukaemia 6a ** 900 23m Blacknor North
Cinema Paradiso 6a * 539 22m Blacknor North
Skin Flick 7c+ 8 ? Blacknor North
Captain Klutz and the Sailors of Fortune 6a * 582 20m Blacknor North
Major Mushrooms and that Mentally Muffled Mentality 6c * 65 20m Blacknor North
Unknown 6a 16 ? Blacknor North
For Love and Liberty 7a+ *** 43 21m Blacknor North
Is Vic There? 7a ** 487 21m Blacknor North
Sanfte Kuss 7a+ * 85 20m Blacknor North
Wolfgang Forever 7a ** 784 22m Blacknor North
Popeye Doyle 7c ** 50 ? Blacknor North
French Connection UK 7b+ ** 60 ? Blacknor North
Appleturnoverload 7a+ ** 421 22m Blacknor North
The Post Rad Gypsy Junkshow's search for Teacakes 7a ** 24 21m Blacknor North
The Magic Bowl of the Mushroom Men 6c+ * 25 18m Blacknor North
Very Sleepy River 6b ** 1179 22m Blacknor North
The 'Real' Cat of Cockles Cottage 7b+ ** 20 21m Blacknor North
Edge Hog 7a+ 19 22m Blacknor North
Toes Curl 6c+ * 65 20m Blacknor North
Freaky Ralph 8a+ *** 54 20m Blacknor North
Birthday Boy 6a+ * 34 18m Blacknor North
Aim High, Shoot Low 6a+ * 422 21m Blacknor North
Isle of Plenty 6b+ * 31 20m Blacknor North
Downtown Julie Brown 6c *** 1376 22m Blacknor North
Reptile Smile 6a+ *** 2620 22m Blacknor North
Talking Smack 5c * 609 22m Blacknor North
Slings Shot 5a *** 3251 22m Blacknor North
Crocadilia 6a * 967 ? Blacknor North
Spanner Eyes 7b ** 365 21m Blacknor North
England's Dreaming 7a+ *** 1000 21m Blacknor North
Cake Walk 6a+ ** 1704 22m Blacknor North
The Tea-Cake Path 6b * 143 20m Blacknor North
California Hot Licks 6a+ 97 20m Blacknor North
Doughnuts and Duvets 6b * 338 21m Blacknor North
Apfel Strudel 6a * 648 19m Blacknor North
Dwarf Lops 6b+ * 69 14m Blacknor North
Suck, Don't Blow 6c * 52 21m Blacknor North
Mother's Milk 6a ** 1075 21m Blacknor North
Do You Like Our Owls? 6b * 221 21m Blacknor North
Hot From the Forge 7a * 81 20m Blacknor North
Onto the Ice Flow 7a * 122 20m Blacknor North
82 stars 22,137 1,100m 65
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