Contributed by lauraclimbing Nov/21 - This public ticklist has been seen 92 times

Fully stretched   © Julesthe1st
Fully stretched
© Julesthe1st, Mar 2011

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1st Hidden 66% 27 Jul
2nd Hidden 13% 27 Aug, 2023
3rd chrizla 11% 27 Aug, 2023
4th jumpforit 4% 25 Aug, 2023

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Sport

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Adder at Dancing Ledge

Fat Chance Hotel
Adder at Dancing Ledge
© Rob Kennard

Fully stretched

Perpetual State of Confusion
Fully stretched
© Julesthe1st

Steep work on Brutal Equation

A Brutal Equation
Steep work on Brutal Equation

Working Mr Choo Choo 7a

Mr. Choo Choo
Working Mr Choo Choo 7a
© Olivia Hartnett

Rob Higginson about to clip on Double Or Quits (7a+), Dancing Ledge, Swanage

Double or Quits
Rob Higginson about to clip on Double Or Quits (7a+), Dancing Ledge, Swanage
© Charles Arthur/UKClimbing

Dancing Ledge

Shinhead Clash
Dancing Ledge
© Rafael Libson-Hochenberg (

Henry B on B4 Destruction

B4 Destruction
Henry B on B4 Destruction
© tclewis

On the way to the Redpoint

Rambling Moses Weetabix and the Secona Park Seven
On the way to the Redpoint
© Martinsharp

Working a knee bar which eases the crux a bit; so I hear.

Fat Chance Hotel
Working a knee bar which eases the crux a bit; so I hear.
© Bisset

Party Time on Sugar Ray

Sugar Ray
Party Time on Sugar Ray
© paultaylor

Double or Quits

Double or Quits
© Mike Redmayne

Starting up Trade Route. @aoacbristol

The Trade Route
Starting up Trade Route. @aoacbristol
© wilsers

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
A Brutal Equation 7a ** 116 11m Dancing Ledge
Shinhead Clash 6b+ ** 276 10m Dancing Ledge
Idiot Joy Showland 6c+ ** 117 10m Dancing Ledge
Sugar Ray 7a+ ** 133 10m Dancing Ledge
Names is for Tombstones, Baby 7a * 90 10m Dancing Ledge
Traffic 6a * 122 ? Dancing Ledge
Smut & Violence 6a ** 149 ? Dancing Ledge
Custodian 6a+ * 85 ? Dancing Ledge
Saskia 5c * 202 6m Dancing Ledge
Transparent Birthday Suit 6a * 668 10m Dancing Ledge
WAF 6a * 96 8m Dancing Ledge
Ideal World 6a+ * 392 10m Dancing Ledge
Squalid Walid and the Druze Blues 6b * 333 10m Dancing Ledge
Ozark Mountain Daredevils 6a+ ** 549 12m Dancing Ledge
The Trade Route 5b * 412 ? Dancing Ledge
B4 Destruction 6b+ * 257 ? Dancing Ledge
Date with a Frog 6a ** 898 12m Dancing Ledge
Indian Rope Trick 7b+ * 4 ? Dancing Ledge
Fear of a Black Planet 7a * 97 12m Dancing Ledge
Today Forever 7a+ ** 39 12m Dancing Ledge
Chicago Pipe Dreaming 6a * 558 12m Dancing Ledge
Borra Ring 6a * 825 12m Dancing Ledge
Perpetual State of Confusion 6b+ * 220 12m Dancing Ledge
Hiccup 6c * 65 13m Dancing Ledge
Empty Promises 6a * 525 10m Dancing Ledge
All Fall Down 6a+ * 592 11m Dancing Ledge
Carol's Little Injection 6a 470 11m Dancing Ledge
Slopin' and Hopin' 6b+ ** 352 12m Dancing Ledge
Someday 7a * 53 ? Dancing Ledge
Mr. Choo Choo 7a ** 474 12m Dancing Ledge
Stay Balanced 7a ** 34 ? Dancing Ledge
Seven Year's Solitary 7a+ * 64 12m Dancing Ledge
Figure at the Base of a Crucifixion 7b ** 42 ? Dancing Ledge
Disco's Out, Murder's In 6c+ * 111 12m Dancing Ledge
Daylight Robbery 6c ** 270 12m Dancing Ledge
Double or Quits 7a+ ** 131 13m Dancing Ledge
Rambling Moses Weetabix and the Secona Park Seven 6b+ ** 718 13m Dancing Ledge
The Honey Monster 6c * 55 13m Dancing Ledge
The War of the Wardens 5c * 523 10m Dancing Ledge
You'll Pay For It 5c * 84 ? Dancing Ledge
Positive Action 6a * 80 ? Dancing Ledge
Fred Roberts 6b * 26 10m Dancing Ledge
Negative Creep 6b+ * 105 10m Dancing Ledge
1937 Direct 6c * 8 9m Dancing Ledge
Slap, Bang on a Hang 6c * 72 7m Dancing Ledge
Corona Envelope 7b+ ** 33 7m Dancing Ledge
Corona Connection 7b+ ** 5 13m Dancing Ledge
Prophets of Rage 7b ** 155 11m Dancing Ledge
Haunted by a Million Screams 7a ** 232 11m Dancing Ledge
The Ghost of Ian Curtis 7c+ ** 4 11m Dancing Ledge
Atrocity Exhibition 7a+ ** 50 12m Dancing Ledge
The Wonders of Wallkraft 7a ** 147 12m Dancing Ledge
Fat Chance Hotel 7b+ ** 54 17m Dancing Ledge
Extremely Fat Chance Hotel 7b+ *** 4 ? Dancing Ledge
Slim Fast Motel 7c ** 1 ? Dancing Ledge
Seriously Slim Fast Motel 7c *** 1 ? Dancing Ledge
Day of the Lords 7a 23 7m Dancing Ledge
Minimum Maximum 7b+ * 3 ? Dancing Ledge
Ken Wilson's Last Stand 7a * 65 10m Dancing Ledge
With or Without You 6a+ * 259 ? Dancing Ledge
Cold Steal 6b * 104 10m Dancing Ledge
John Craven's Willy Warmer 5c * 690 10m Dancing Ledge
Taylor-made Tracking Damage 6c+ 85 8m Dancing Ledge
Alienation 7a * 26 12m Dancing Ledge
A Sea Without Water 6c * 46 12m Dancing Ledge
Fire-Fox 5c * 118 ? Dancing Ledge
Option B 6c+ * 22 12m Dancing Ledge
Eye am the Sky 7a+ * 19 13m Dancing Ledge
93 stars 13,638 557m 68
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