Contributed by petecallaghan Jul/24 - This public ticklist has been seen 108 times

Xmas sport climbing.  © tomrainbow
Xmas sport climbing.
© tomrainbow, Dec 2014

6 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
Login as Existing User to subscribe, which will show the climbs you've already ticked.

User Percentage Latest Log
1st Hidden 28% 21 Aug
1st Hidden 28% 21 Aug
2nd eddy-on-the-rocks 25% 31 Aug
3rd Toby Bellows 13% 20 Aug
4th EllieWoods 4% 3 Sep

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Distribution of grades - Sport

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Tim Emmett on Avenged, Anstey's Cove

Tim Emmett on Avenged, Anstey's Cove
© dr evil

Rhos sending Avenged.

Rhos sending Avenged.
© Mark Bullock

Just Revenge #2

Just Revenge
Just Revenge #2
© stuart littlefair

Falling off Empire

Empire of the Sun
Falling off Empire
© Tris.west

Jerome Taylor on 'Threadbare' F7c

Jerome Taylor on 'Threadbare' F7c
© Finn Clipson

Hanging out on 'Empire of the Sun' 7b, Empire Wall.

Empire of the Sun
Hanging out on 'Empire of the Sun' 7b, Empire Wall.
© _m.cox_

Tom-foolery - descending to the ground floor of Empire Wall.

Tom-foolery - descending to the ground floor of Empire Wall.
© Mark Bullock

luckily not quite this steep in real life, threadflintstone f7a+.

Thread Flintstone
luckily not quite this steep in real life, threadflintstone f7a+.
© theterrorwheel

Onsighting Empire

Empire of the Sun
Onsighting Empire
© James Marshall

On the edge.

Yukon Gold
On the edge.
© tomrainbow

Muz not in Riglos.

Muz not in Riglos.
© tomrainbow

Empire of the Sun

Empire of the Sun
© Jon_Warner

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Whizz Bang Kissy Kissy 7b+ * 1 14m Churston Quarries
The Muscle Farm 7a * 12 13m Churston Quarries
Billy Crystal Cluster 7a ** 93 17m Churston Quarries
Stan Coliform 7c ** 29 18m Churston Quarries
Mackerel Stevens 7c *** 10 20m Churston Quarries
Krushmi Chheda 7c+ *** 22 20m Churston Quarries
Macca's Route 7a+ ** 90 17m Churston Quarries
Gene Parmesan 7b ** 34 15m Churston Quarries
Helter Skelter 7b+ ** 9 14m Churston Quarries
See-Saw Sundays 7c *** 39 20m Churston Quarries
No Holds Barred 7a+ ** 69 18m Churston Quarries
Chocology 7c * 6 17m Churston Quarries
Bering Strait 7a+ * 50 18m Churston Quarries
There She Blows 7b 1 13m Churston Quarries
The King of Ming 7a * 260 18m Anstey's Cove
Crook Bruce Hybrid 7a ** 168 15m Anstey's Cove
Hybrid Heathen 7a+ * 33 20m Anstey's Cove
Heathen Man Left-hand Finish 7b ** 25 20m Anstey's Cove
Heathen Man 7b ** 110 20m Anstey's Cove
Sun of Righteousness 7b+ ** 33 20m Anstey's Cove
Rye 'n' Shy 7b+ - ? Anstey's Cove
Rise 'n' Shine 7b+ 3 30m Anstey's Cove
Rise 'n' Shine (Oozy Start) 7c+ 1 30m Anstey's Cove
Oozy in My Pocket 7c ** 28 22m Anstey's Cove
Empire of the Sun 7b *** 717 23m Anstey's Cove
Empire Direct 7b+ ** 124 23m Anstey's Cove
Not Just Empire 7c *** 97 26m Anstey's Cove
Avenged 7c+ *** 117 25m Anstey's Cove
Just Revenge 7c+ *** 168 20m Anstey's Cove
Helium 7c ** 11 35m Anstey's Cove
Fusion Reactor 7c *** 8 40m Anstey's Cove
Machine Gun Funk 7a+ * 28 20m Anstey's Cove
DTR 7b+ 14 20m Anstey's Cove
VTR 7a+ 6 20m Anstey's Cove
Mitre Direct 7a+ ** 42 23m Anstey's Cove
How the Mighty Fall 7a+ *** 155 22m Anstey's Cove
Waffle Supremacy 7b+ ** 14 18m Anstey's Cove
The Mightier 7c+ ** 23 18m Anstey's Cove
The Mightiest 7a+ - 15m Anstey's Cove
Nowt Ta Do With Me 7a * 77 16m Anstey's Cove
Flo Rida 7a+ ** 26 18m Anstey's Cove
La Crème 7c+ *** 56 16m Anstey's Cove
The Lynch 7b+ *** 146 12m Anstey's Cove
Rawhide 7a 29 13m Anstey's Cove
The Creaming Dream 7a * 2 10m Anstey's Cove
Peak 8b 7a+ 1 10m Anstey's Cove
American Express 7a+ ** 194 13m Anstey's Cove
Torbay or Not Torbay 7b * 38 13m Anstey's Cove
More Steam, Bigger Women!!! 7b *** 149 23m Anstey's Cove
Blazing Apostles 7b+ 6 23m Anstey's Cove
Boy George 7c+ ** 13 20m Anstey's Cove
Vicious Delicious 7b * 133 17m Torbryan Quarry
Little White Lie 7b ** 272 17m Torbryan Quarry
Threadbare 7c+ *** 127 22m Torbryan Quarry
Thread Flintstone 7b *** 647 23m Torbryan Quarry
Bam-Bam 7b ** 51 22m Torbryan Quarry
Barney Rubble 7a+ *** 772 22m Torbryan Quarry
Little White Lie Direct 7b ** 45 17m Torbryan Quarry
Threadbare Left-hand 7b+ *** 161 20m Torbryan Quarry
Left Said Thread 7b+ 5 ? Torbryan Quarry
Horse Pieces 7b 2 38m The Nudey Cliff
Have I Got Nudes For You 7a+ 3 38m The Nudey Cliff
Frank Buff 7a 5 15m The Nudey Cliff
The Nudey Blues 7b 3 20m The Nudey Cliff
Blame It On The Nudey 7a 5 12m The Nudey Cliff
Bear Faced Cheek 7a+ 2 22m The Nudey Cliff
Full Frontal 7b 3 25m The Nudey Cliff
Chewbadger 7a+ 12 32m The Nudey Cliff
The Eyeful Toweller 7a+ 14 30m The Nudey Cliff
Tan Solo 7a 42 25m The Nudey Cliff
Jedi Wall 7a 37 30m The Nudey Cliff
Whizzer and Chips 7a 2 17m Potato Head
Yukon Gold 7b 19 15m Potato Head
Poitín 7c 7 20m Potato Head
The Purple Peruvian 7b 6 15m Potato Head
French Fingerling - A Family Favourite 7c+ 3 20m Potato Head
The Tuber Player 7a+ 50 13m Potato Head
Tuber Colosis 7c+ 16 17m Potato Head
Taters 7c 10 20m Potato Head
Fast'n'Bulbous 7b+ 39 20m Potato Head
King Edward's Wall 7c+ 11 28m Potato Head
The Good Fry Day Agreement 7b 1 18m Potato Head
Lord of the Fries (Oven Ready) 7c 7 20m Potato Head
Mr. Potato Bottom 7a 66 12m Potato Head
Mr. Potato Head 7c 40 18m Potato Head
Cheeky Little Blighter 7a+ 52 ? Potato Head
A Mash Made in Devon 7c 6 25m Potato Head
Poitingerling 7c+ 1 ? Potato Head
Disco Babes from Outer Space 7a+ - 12m Berry Head Quarry
Disco Babes Direct 7a+ * 2 14m Berry Head Quarry
Hardcore 7a * 26 15m Babbacombe Crags
You Know the Score 7a * 43 13m Babbacombe Crags
He Shoots He Scores 7b+ * 20 18m Babbacombe Crags
Losing My Religion 7c+ S3 ** 1 20m Long Quarry Point
Up the Styx, without a Paddle 7b ** 67 22m Long Quarry Point
Shadow Styx 7c *** 19 27m Long Quarry Point
Shadow Beast 7c+ *** 13 27m Long Quarry Point
Mustard Custard 7c+ *** 10 25m Long Quarry Point
120 stars 6,265 1,882m 98
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