Contributed by Betajunkie Jun/19 - This public ticklist has been seen 1,199 times

If you know you know.

The Lighthouse   © Wft
The Lighthouse
© Wft

9 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and 1 has completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Hidden 100% 6 Mar, 2020
2nd Elliot Shiel 37% 15 Jun, 2020
2nd CameronSiggins 37% 12 Jun, 2023
3rd Ashley Thompson 25% 16 Jun, 2020
3rd AdamBrown 25% 3 Jun, 2022
4th thebigfriendlymoose 12% 4 Sep, 2021
4th IRad 12% 4 Sep, 2021

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Bouldering

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

The Lighthouse

Light Worker
The Lighthouse
© Wft

Work in progress.

Light Worker
Work in progress.
© Betajunkie

Trying on Breach of the Peace

Breach of the Peace
Trying on Breach of the Peace
© Dawn B

Getting the full body send of Diamond White at Earth Quarry.

Diamond white
Getting the full body send of Diamond White at Earth Quarry.
© Joe_Law

Cruel summer

Cruel Summer
Cruel summer
© Betajunkie

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Narcolepsy f7A+ 7 ? Smeaton Edge
Diamond white f7B *** 79 ? Earth Quarry
Cruel Summer f7B * 4 ? Hooton
Boston Tea Party f7C *** 4 ? Boston Castle
Mo's Undercut f7B+ *** 36 ? Sprotbrough
The People Under the Stairs f7A+ * 2 ? Lound Hill
Breach of the Peace f7A+ ** 66 ? Nearcliff Wood
Light Worker f7B *** 35 ? Levitt Hagg
16 stars 233 ? 8
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