Contributed by Josephtheboy Jul/24 - This public ticklist has been seen 68 times

Every 6A and 6A+ in The Cuttings Boulderfield [according to the Ben Stokes Rockfax Guide] - in one day

Photo by Janice Gaudin  © Janice Gaudin
Photo by Janice Gaudin
© Janice Gaudin, Jan 2021

2 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Josephtheboy 78% 31 Aug
2nd conor_66 64% 21 Jul

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Bouldering

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Making my way up the center of the slab

The White Tower
Making my way up the center of the slab
© Stella Perryman

Flash ascent of "Menage A Trois" at The Cuttings Boulderfield, Portland

Ménage a Trois
Flash ascent of "Menage A Trois" at The Cuttings Boulderfield, Portland
© SavageRock

? Janice Gaudin

Pinky Powerless
? Janice Gaudin
© Wayne.Gaudin

Photo by Janice Gaudin

Photo by Janice Gaudin
© Janice Gaudin

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Fire f6A * 87 ? The Cuttings...
Air f6A ** 119 ? The Cuttings...
Water f6A ** 130 ? The Cuttings...
Terror Arête f6A * 25 ? The Cuttings...
Ménage a Trois f6A ** 109 ? The Cuttings...
Cyber Panic f6A ** 66 ? The Cuttings...
The Chisel f6A * 53 ? The Cuttings...
Force Member f6A * 24 ? The Cuttings...
A Moment in Time f6A * 11 ? The Cuttings...
The Cold Face f6A 13 ? The Cuttings...
The £100 Pork Scratching f6A * 83 ? The Cuttings...
Swoop and Scoop f6A * 50 ? The Cuttings...
Staunch, Bru f6A ** 79 ? The Cuttings...
Pockets f6A * 37 ? The Cuttings...
Day One f6A+ * 14 ? The Cuttings...
Day Two f6A+ * 13 ? The Cuttings...
Le Voie, Le Soleil f6A ** 31 ? The Cuttings...
Odyssey to Anyoona f6A 28 ? The Cuttings...
Serendipity Pattern f6A+ ** 58 ? The Cuttings...
Canada Dried f6A ** 84 ? The Cuttings...
The Edge of Hell f6A * 43 ? The Cuttings...
Snapping at Your Toes f6A 82 ? The Cuttings...
Avoiding the Issue f6A * 59 ? The Cuttings...
Timbo Dancer f6A+ * 6 ? The Cuttings...
Slapstick f6A * 22 ? The Cuttings...
Pitch Fork f6A+ 9 ? The Cuttings...
Rocky and Diesel f6A *** 465 ? The Cuttings...
Anvil Traverse f6A * 50 ? The Cuttings...
Man Hug f6A * 141 ? The Cuttings...
Stress Fracture f6A * 56 ? The Cuttings...
Pinky Powerless f6A 141 ? The Cuttings...
V1 Mantel f6A+ * 48 ? The Cuttings...
Masons Arête f6A+ * 15 ? The Cuttings...
Claustrophobia f6A * 7 ? The Cuttings...
Off to Cham f6A+ 14 ? The Cuttings...
Tim's Traverse f6A+ * 22 ? The Cuttings...
Days of Colour f6A * 44 ? The Cuttings...
Polyfiller f6A * 42 ? The Cuttings...
La La Land f6A 34 ? The Cuttings...
Non-stick f6A * 136 ? The Cuttings...
Tommy Cliffhanger, Sit-start f6A+ 28 ? The Cuttings...
Memory Lapse f6A+ ** 30 ? The Cuttings...
Tunnel Vision f6A * 60 ? The Cuttings...
Streamline f6A ** 262 ? The Cuttings...
Van Dyke f6A * 18 ? The Cuttings...
Hello Sailor! f6A * 97 ? The Cuttings...
I Don't Lichen it f6A 14 ? The Cuttings...
Bird Shit Arête f6A * 24 ? The Cuttings...
Jaws f6A * 49 ? The Cuttings...
Bowerbird f6A * 33 ? The Cuttings...
Low Bower f6A ** 29 ? The Cuttings...
The Strengthy and Reachy Show f6A 5 ? The Cuttings...
Ant Hill Traverse f6A * 1 ? The Cuttings...
Secretly Canadian f6A * 8 ? The Cuttings...
I'm a Swinger Baby, Yeah f6A * 16 ? The Cuttings...
Napalm f6A 22 ? The Cuttings...
Sacking of Home f6A * 18 ? The Cuttings...
Southeast Arête f6A 130 ? The Cuttings...
Attempted Suicide f6A 21 ? The Cuttings...
Ken Barlow f6A * 12 ? The Cuttings...
Into the Sun f6A * 149 ? The Cuttings...
Rolling Stones f6A 123 ? The Cuttings...
Norsefire f6A * 124 ? The Cuttings...
The Lip Traverse f6A ** 158 ? The Cuttings...
Pop Start f6A ** 54 ? The Cuttings...
The Arête f6A * 192 ? The Cuttings...
The Arête, Sit-start f6A+ ** 102 ? The Cuttings...
Petty Thief, Lip Start f6A * 176 ? The Cuttings...
Low Ground Clearance f6A+ * 24 ? The Cuttings...
The Pocket Traverse f6A * 66 ? The Cuttings...
Tufty f6A ** 297 ? The Cuttings...
Captain Cook f6A ** 293 ? The Cuttings...
Far Groove f6A * 14 ? The Cuttings...
Dust Storm f6A * 5 ? The Cuttings...
First Impressions f6A * 23 ? The Cuttings...
Edge of Darkness f6A * 7 ? The Cuttings...
Shark Bait f6A ** 21 ? The Cuttings...
Lemon Jelly w/Block f6A * 28 ? The Cuttings...
Dig f6A * 49 ? The Cuttings...
T.T.T. f6A 30 ? The Cuttings...
Dragon Chasers f6A * 17 ? The Cuttings...
Big Wall f6A * 33 ? The Cuttings...
9.82 Excuses f6A ** 9 ? The Cuttings...
Poxey Boulder f6A * 17 ? The Cuttings...
Bar Bar Black Sheep f6A ** 6 ? The Cuttings...
Bugs f6A+ * 5 ? The Cuttings...
Technical Knockout f6A+ 37 ? The Cuttings...
Point Load f6A * 16 ? The Cuttings...
Hounds of Darkness f6A * 10 ? The Cuttings...
Threadbare f6A+ * 14 ? The Cuttings...
Public Inquiry f6A+ * 3 ? The Cuttings...
The World's Best Beagle f6A * 3 ? The Cuttings...
The White Tower f6A ** 71 ? The Cuttings...
Flight of the Condor f5 ** 34 ? The Cuttings...
101 stars 5,637 ? 94
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