Contributed by James Milton May/19 - This public ticklist has been seen 846 times

A selection of the worst and least repeated routes in (mostly) Scotland.

Early Bird  © James Milton
Early Bird
© James Milton, Nov 2019

6 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st James Milton 94% 3 Sep
2nd Robbie Hearns 3% 10 Feb
3rd Gemmazrobo 3% 28 Apr, 2022
4th tsmilton 2% 9 Jul
5th finc00 2% 2 Dec, 2023
6th Hidden 0% ??

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

James Milton Nearing the top on the first ascent of Where the Wild Things Are

Where the Wild Things Are
James Milton Nearing the top on the first ascent of Where the Wild Things Are
© Robbie Hearns

Huw on the FA of The Never Ending Era

The Never Ending Era
Huw on the FA of The Never Ending Era
© James Milton


Two Crimps to Solitude
© James Milton

FA of Where the wild things are

Where the Wild Things Are
FA of Where the wild things are
© Robbie Hearns

Power to the People

Power to the People
© Sophie Jacobs

FA of where the wild things are

Where the Wild Things Are
FA of where the wild things are
© Robbie Hearns

First pitch of early bird

Early Bird
First pitch of early bird
© Oonagh Thin

“Keep it local”

Komik Kuts
“Keep it local”
© Gemmazrobo

Shooting gallery

Shooting Gallery
Shooting gallery
© James Milton

Second pitch of early bird

Early Bird
Second pitch of early bird
© James Milton

second pitch of california

second pitch of california
© James Milton

Looking back at the second pitch of Dan and Sam do Brokeback Mountain

Dan and Sam Do Brokeback Mountain
Looking back at the second pitch of Dan and Sam do Brokeback Mountain
© James Milton

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Glassy Crack HVD 157 ? Rosyth Quarry
Dan and Sam Do Brokeback Mountain HVS 5a ** 2 85m • 3 Foinaven - Ganu Mor
Smackheads on the Beach HVS 5a 2 8m Foinaven - Ganu Mor
Scraping the Barrel HS 2 10m Coire Leacach
Shooting Gallery E2 5c ** 2 12m Clifton Crag
Early Bird III ** 2 50m • 2 The Saddle
Cutting It Short f6A+ 2 3m Glen Esk Boulders
5 Mile Crack f6B * 2 3m Glen Esk Boulders
The Trinity - Left Hand f6A+ * 3 3m Glen Esk Boulders
The Trinity Direct f6B+ * 2 3m Glen Esk Boulders
The Trinity - Right Hand f6B 2 3m Glen Esk Boulders
The Shield f6B+ * 2 3m Glen Esk Boulders
99 Luftballons f6C+ ** 2 5m Glen Esk Boulders
Banana Flake f6B+ ** 2 4m Glen Esk Boulders
Backed Into a Corner f5+ 2 3m Glen Esk Boulders
Shark Attack f6A+ * 1 4m Glen Esk Boulders
Swim Like a Salmon f6B ** 2 6m Glen Esk Boulders
Tidal Warfare f6C ** 2 6m Glen Esk Boulders
The Salmon Dance f6A+ * 2 5m Glen Esk Boulders
Swimming Up Stream f6A+ * 3 5m Glen Esk Boulders
Low Traverse f6A ** 3 4m Glen Esk Boulders
High Traverse f5+ ** 3 4m Glen Esk Boulders
Ice Cream for Breakfast f5+ ** 3 3m Glen Esk Boulders
The Scoop f4+ * 3 3m Glen Esk Boulders
Two Crimps to Solitude E1 5c *** 4 7m Rocks of Solitude
Crocodiles and Elephants HVS 5a ** 9 12m Ceannabeinne
Not Under My Roof f7A+ 3 ? Salisbury Crags
Do You Need Assistance? D 27 7m Blackford Quarry
You'd Love Index 6a+ * 54 9m Blackford Quarry
Baby Steps 4a * 120 8m Blackford Quarry
Komik Kuts IV 6 * 2 ? Blackford Quarry
Quarry Pinnacle IV 5 3 ? Blackford Quarry
Lock It In f7B 8 ? Agassiz Rock
Repetitive Strain E3 5c * 8 18m Ratho Quarry
I Can't Believe It's Not Butter E1 5b 2 30m • 2 South Head of Wick
Do Or Die f6B * 1 ? Glen Esk Boulders
Knuckleduster f7A * 1 ? Glen Esk Boulders
Arnamul vs Predator E2 5b ** 2 ? • 2 Mingulay
Don’t Play With Wild Arnamuls E1 5b *** 3 ? • 3 Mingulay
California IV 4 * 2 160m Sgurr Fhuaran -...
Agassiz Animal f7A ** 5 ? Agassiz Rock
Missing a Trick f7A+ 5 ? Agassiz Rock
Lank or Crank f6C 3 ? Agassiz Rock
Match and Dispatch f7A+ 3 ? Agassiz Rock
Slippy Lip f7B * 2 ? Spittal
Katana E6 6b ** 2 15m Auchinstarry Quarry
Procrastination (long) f7B+ 1 ? Agassiz Rock
Call Me What You Want S 4b 1 4m Shieldaig School...
Roof and Arete VS 4c 1 5m Shieldaig School...
FaceTime VS 4c 1 5m Shieldaig School...
Crackers Gromit D 1 5m Shieldaig School...
Wood D 1 5m Shieldaig School...
Left Hand Route D 2 10m Shieldaig Slab
Right Hand Route D 1 10m Shieldaig Slab
White Slab S 4a 2 10m Shieldaig Slab
Black Slab S 4a 2 7m Shieldaig Slab
Quartz Rib VS 4b 1 5m West Crag, Shieldaig
Maha’s Revenge HVS 5b ** 5 20m Gleann Mama
Monogomy S 4b * 1 14m Gleann Mama
Mama Rib HS 4b * 2 18m Gleann Mama
Three's Company E2 5b ** 4 15m Gleann Mama
Mormon Corner VS 5a * 2 20m Gleann Mama
Opening Break VD 2 5m Creag an t-Sneachda
Take Me to the Isles E2 5b *** 1 8m Ailort Walls
Bad Dog E1 5a 1 30m Ailort Walls
Big Whoop D 1 ? Creag an t-Sneachda
No Blue Skies VS 4b 2 ? Creag an t-Sneachda
It's Always Sunny E3 6a * 1 5m Creag an t-Sneachda
Rain, Rain f6B * 1 3m Nevis Bouldering
High Tide VS 4c 1 6m Borrodale Crags
Sunken Civic VS 5a 1 6m Borrodale Crags
Jungle Groove S 1 6m Borrodale Crags
Thin End of the Wedge HVS 5a * 3 14m Borrodale Crags
Hide and Seek IV 6 * 3 110m • 3 Sgurr Fhuaran
Where the Wild Things Are VI 6 ** 3 40m Sgurr Fhuaran
Lost the Plot V 6 2 115m • 3 Ben Nevis
Central Gully I 1 70m Stob a'...
The Force VI 6 * 2 ? Aonach Dubh
Robbie's 18 Minute Route IV 6 ** 3 40m Aonach Dubh
No 2 Gully Buttress Arête III 1 ? Aonach Dubh
Trapeze IX 8 *** 1 ? Aonach Dubh
Water f6A 2 ? Nevis Bouldering
Clean as a Whistle S 1 6m Windy Crag
Blow Me Off E1 5c 1 5m Windy Crag
Groovin' Low VS 5a 1 5m Windy Crag
Blow Me Sideways E2 6a 1 6m Windy Crag
Holly Tree and Oak S 1 6m Windy Crag
Quartzy Wall D 1 6m Windy Crag
Blow Me Up S 1 6m Windy Crag
Route 1 VD 2 7m Windy Crag
Route 4 VD 2 7m Windy Crag
Route 3 VS 4b 2 7m Windy Crag
Route 2 VD 2 7m Windy Crag
Wave Goodbye S 1 6m Windy Crag
Wave Hello HS 1 6m Windy Crag
Parting the Sea of Heather S 2 7m Windy Crag
Sheeple f6B+ 1 ? Nevis Bouldering
Power Surge VD 1 ? Schoolhouse Crags
Broken Rib S 1 ? Schoolhouse Crags
A Case of Mistaken Identity HVS 4c 1 ? Polldubh Crags,...
Access Route D 1 20m Railway Walls
Hogwarts Express HS 1 5m Railway Walls
Scotrail VD 1 5m Railway Walls
Can You Hear a Train? HVS 5b 1 5m Railway Walls
Cracked Slab D 1 6m Criche Crags
Ditch the Deer VS 4c 1 6m Criche Crags
Twinkle Toes E1 5b 1 10m Criche Crags
Sharks E2 6a 1 10m Criche Crags
Lock 'em Up VD 1 10m Criche Crags
Prison Break HVS 5a 1 10m Criche Crags
Arete! VD 1 8m Criche Crags
Ramp it Up E2 5c 1 8m Criche Crags
With Friends Like Mine E4 5c *** 1 20m Glenfinnan Lodge...
Brave Old Phoebe HVS 4c 1 20m Glenfinnan Lodge...
So Called "Climbers" S 1 15m Glenfinnan Lodge...
I Can Change E4 6a ** 1 20m Sound System Walls
Dance Yrself Clean E4 6a *** 1 20m Sound System Walls
Out of Style f7A+ *** 1 ? Nevis Bouldering
Sapling Crack S 2 6m Glen Shian
Detached From Reality E1 6b 2 9m Arnabol Crags
Sound of Silver E3 5c * 1 16m Sound System Walls
All I Want VS 4c ** 1 20m Sound System Walls
Bowling Pins E4 6a 2 5m Glen Shian
Sweet Melody E3 5c 2 10m Glen Shian
The Great Flake D 1 10m Glen Shian
The Swinging Shield HVS 4c 1 8m Glen Shian
Crocodiles E2 5c 1 10m Boardwalk Buttress
Alligators HVS 5b 1 10m Boardwalk Buttress
Eliminate the Alligators E2 5c 1 10m Boardwalk Buttress
Nethy Corner VD 1 30m Cnap Coire na...
I Feel Like a Child E4 6b * 1 8m Road Buttress
Crack in the Mirror VS 4c 1 8m Nudist Walls
Where Is Everyone? HVS 4c 1 9m Nudist Walls
Ants in My Pants VS 4b 1 9m Nudist Walls
Crescent E1 5a 1 10m Nudist Walls
Left Edge S 1 6m Nudist Walls
End of an Era E2 5b 1 10m Nudist Walls
Prodding Jobbies VS 4c 1 8m Nudist Walls
Cute S 1 6m Nudist Walls
Harder Than You Think VS 4b 1 8m Nudist Walls
Spread Your Cheeks VS 4b 1 10m Nudist Walls
The Never Ending Era E3 5c 1 10m Nudist Walls
Just Keep Climbing E1 5a 2 30m Nudist Walls
Ferns Up Ye Crack VS 4c 1 14m Nudist Walls
Harder Than Huw S 1 6m Nudist Walls
The Barrel VS 4c 1 7m Nudist Walls
The Boys in the Bracken HVS 5a 2 14m Nudist Walls
Flash and Dash E2 5c 1 8m Nudist Walls
Bracken Streaker VS 4b 2 8m Nudist Walls
Heather's Bush HVS 5a 1 14m Nudist Walls
Nate's Permission VS 4c 2 8m Nudist Walls
Caterpillar Corner VD 2 6m Nudist Walls
The Naked Midge S 2 7m Nudist Walls
Fantastic Flange HVS 4c 1 8m Nudist Walls
Clean Your Cracks E1 5b 1 10m Nudist Walls
Thin But In E2 5c 1 8m Nudist Walls
The Edge S 2 5m Nudist Walls
Coordination Failure VS 4b 1 7m Creag Òb...
Cut It Out HVS 5a 2 14m Creag Òb...
Managed Decline E2 5b 2 10m Creag Òb...
Bomber Boys VD 2 25m Inverbain Crag
Operation Mincemeat VS 4c 2 25m Inverbain Crag
The Sorcerer VS 4c 1 140m • 3 Ben Nevis
Bad Memories HVS 4c 1 8m Mast crags
Fahrenheit 451 f7A ** 1 3m Nevis Bouldering
The Usual Suspects E2 5b 1 10m Glen Shian
The Shoe Thief E1 5b 1 8m Glen Shian
Over and Out HVS 4c 1 7m Glen Shian
Where I Belong E1 5b 2 ? Schoolhouse Crags
What's Left Behind VS 4b 1 7m Rocks of Solitude
Power to the People E4 6a * 1 7m Rocks of Solitude
Right Away VD 1 6m Rocks of Solitude
Central Corner HS 1 ? Crulabhig
Classique HS 1 ? Crulabhig
Quiver Chimney VD 1 ? Crulabhig
Quiver Flake S 1 ? Crulabhig
Stick It In HS 1 ? Crulabhig
Water Feature S 1 ? Crulabhig
Mega Flakenami S 1 ? Crulabhig
One Jam HS 1 ? Crulabhig
Yer Boots E2 5c 1 12m Phil’s Wall
McCracken HVS 5b 1 12m Phil’s Wall
Herrup VS 4c 1 12m Phil’s Wall
Western Ethics HVS 5a 1 7m Stac Gorm
Bog Cotton E2 5c 1 6m Stac Gorm
89 e, 90 stars 662 2,122m 198
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