Contributed by Graeme Hammond Apr/12 - This public ticklist has been seen 9,258 times

The Grade list from 2010 guide from the BMC.

My first lead at Froggatt. Was a breeze!  © cellomonkey1
My first lead at Froggatt. Was a breeze!
© cellomonkey1

65 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Graeme Hammond 73% 24 Apr
2nd nickcanute 58% 24 Mar
3rd deacondeacon 51% 6 May
4th Hidden 42% 20 Apr
5th mikej 41% Mar, 2022
6th Hidden 37% 13 Apr
7th Nick1812P 36% 11 Nov, 2023
8th Hidden 33% 6 Feb
9th DerwentDiluted 32% 29 Sep, 2012
10th Brown 32% 4 Sep, 2021

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Top 12 photos of this ticklist

It doesn't get any easier with age! Climber topping out on Cioch Crack.

Cioch Crack
It doesn't get any easier with age! Climber topping out on Cioch Crack.
© highaltitudebarista

Almost There. Johnny Woodward on FA of Beau Geste March ?? 1982

Beau Geste
Almost There. Johnny Woodward on FA of Beau Geste March ?? 1982
© chris_jackson


© Cheque Pictures

Michele Caminati, Gaia, Black Rocks, Derbyshire

Michele Caminati, Gaia, Black Rocks, Derbyshire
© Paul B

Ben Rouse on (just) Nettle Wine

Nettle Wine
Ben Rouse on (just) Nettle Wine
© Ant roberts

Epic day at Curbar, complete with inversion and quality routes

Epic day at Curbar, complete with inversion and quality routes
© joese7en

A tough nut placement

A tough nut placement
© Will Rupp

Hearse Arete

Hearse Arête
Hearse Arete
© azer

Sunset slab sport

Sunset Slab
Sunset slab sport
© Ollie B

Evening light at curbar

The Beer Hunter
Evening light at curbar
© mattstygall

Strapadictomy vs. Bruno

Strapadictomy vs. Bruno
© Simon Richardson

Falling from the top groove on Janus E7

Falling from the top groove on Janus E7
© Will Rupp

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
The Groove E9 7b *** 2 ? Cratcliffe Tor
Doctor Dolittle E10 7a ** - 15m Curbar Edge
Harder Faster E9 7a ** 2 18m Black Rocks
Knockin' on Heaven's Door E9 6c *** 15 18m Curbar Edge
Lonely Heart E9 6c * 2 ? Froggatt Edge
Meshuga E9 6c *** 9 24m Black Rocks
Born Slippy E9 6c ** - 18m Curbar Edge
The Power of the Dark Side E7 6b *** 39 ? Upper Matlock...
The Grey Area E8 7a ** - 23m Curbar Edge
Soul Doubt E8 6c ** 4 12m Froggatt Edge
Superbloc f8A+ *** 12 ? Gardom's Edge
The Angel's Share E8 7a ** 20 8m Black Rocks
The End of the Affair E8 6c *** 77 14m Curbar Edge
Gaia E8 6c *** 40 20m Black Rocks
Slab and Crack E8 6c *** 16 15m Curbar Edge
Renegade Master f7C+ *** 21 7m Froggatt Edge
The Devil is in the Details E7 7a ** 2 14m Black Rocks
Screaming Dream E7 6c ** 6 6m Froggatt Edge
Feeding the Pony E8 6c * 1 10m Black Rocks
Beau Geste E7 6c *** 27 14m Froggatt Edge
Toy Boy f7C+ * - 15m Froggatt Edge
Gecko Blaster E7 6c ** 5 8m Shining Cliff
Cool Moon E7 6c *** 45 12m Curbar Edge
Dharma E7 6c *** 28 27m Duke's Quarry
Lip of Fools E7 6c ** 2 13m Eastwood Rocks
Speak the Truth E7 6b *** 12 8m Hall Moor Quarry
Fat Slapper E7 6c *** 6 11m Eastwood Rocks
Bud E7 6c * 2 10m Froggatt Edge
The Grand Potato f7A+ *** 28 9m Baslow Edge
Circus E7 6b *** 9 15m Froggatt Edge
Kaluza Klein E7 6c *** 53 ? Robin Hood's...
Janus E7 6b *** 34 18m Curbar Edge
One Step Beyond E6 6b *** 18 20m Curbar Edge
Spanish Fly E7 6c ** 6 15m Gardom's Edge
White Lines E7 6b *** 9 13m Curbar Edge
Hot Dog Sniffer E6 6a ** 15 13m Black Rocks
Geordie Ewoks E6 6c ** - 8m Froggatt Edge
Dana Awen E6 6c *** - 8m Eagle Tor
Epiphany E6 6b ** 9 12m Froggatt Edge
The Clockwork Monkey (The Sloth) E6 6c *** 1 8m The Alport Stone
Neon Dust E6 7a * 4 ? Froggatt Edge
Benign Lives E7 6c ** 82 8m Froggatt Edge
White Water E6 6c ** 25 7m Curbar Edge
Mensa E6 6b ** 18 14m Curbar Edge
The Fall E6 6b ** 19 16m Curbar Edge
Committed E6 6b ** 52 8m Curbar Edge
Slackers E6 6b ** 38 9m Curbar Edge
The Beast of Bauston E6 6b ** 7 12m Bauston Tor
The Mint 400 E6 6b ** 14 9m Froggatt Edge
Jugged Hare E6 6a * 32 14m Froggatt Edge
Sentinel Groove E6 6c * 3 7m Chatsworth Edge
Velvet Silence E6 6c *** 37 8m Black Rocks
Narcissus f7A *** 70 18m Froggatt Edge
Linden E6 6b *** 65 23m Curbar Edge
That's Cool By Me E6 6b * 3 7m Shining Cliff
The Shape of Things to Come E6 6b ** 11 16m Curbar Edge
Mickey Finn E6 6b *** 14 15m Gardom's Edge
Jumpin' on a Beetle E6 6c ** 25 8m Black Rocks
Crack and Slab E7 6c * 5 12m Curbar Edge
Make it Snappy E6 6b *** 45 13m Gardom's Edge
Irritable Owl Syndrome E6 6c ** 1 8m Eastwood Rocks
Camel Hot E6 6b *** 10 22m Black Rocks
Hairy Heart E6 6a * 33 15m Froggatt Edge
Science Friction E6 6a * 57 12m Froggatt Edge
Mean Streak E6 6b ** 26 12m Froggatt Edge
Genocide E6 6c *** 24 8m Cratcliffe Tor
Rigid Digit E5 6b *** 13 18m Curbar Edge
Poppers E6 6c * 4 9m Baslow Edge
Upping the Ante E5 6b *** 8 ? Robin Hood Quarries
Pseudonym E6 6b ** 18 16m Black Rocks
Moonshine E5 6b *** 45 13m Curbar Edge
Ulysses or Bust E5 6b *** 71 8m Curbar Edge
Crème de la Crème E6 6b *** 20 18m Yarncliffe
Discombobulator E5 6c ** 6 20m Black Rocks
Don't Slip Now E5 6a ** 40 12m Curbar Edge
Bad News for Slab Climbers E5 6a ** 2 12m Bauston Tor
Hairless Heart E5 5c *** 210 15m Froggatt Edge
Esoteric Generic E5 6b ** 4 8m Leashaw Brow
Curving Arête E5 6b *** 22 12m Black Rocks
Visually Stunning Underpants E5 6b * 18 14m Shining Cliff
Heartless Hare E5 5c ** 297 12m Froggatt Edge
Untoward E5 6b ** 7 18m Black Rocks
Free Way E5 6b ** 4 11m Curbar Edge
Perfect Day E5 6b *** 61 22m Gardom's Edge
Spock's Missing E5 6c * 19 ? Froggatt Edge
Artless E5 6b ** 189 15m Froggatt Edge
Whisper E5 6a ** 2 16m The Secret Garden
Moon Crack E5 6b *** 99 14m Curbar Edge
Fun Traverse E4 6b *** 11 20m Black Rocks
Right Between the Eyes E5 6b * 2 12m Turningstone Edge
The Long Distance Runnel E5 6c ** 4 16m Cratcliffe Tor
Beyond the Forbidden Forest E5 6b ** 8 10m Eastwood Rocks
Strapadictomy E5 6b *** 381 9m Froggatt Edge
Reticent Mass Murderer E4 6b *** 26 8m Cratcliffe Tor
Lazy Day E5 5c *** 55 20m Shining Cliff
Instant Karma E4 6b * 2 9m Curbar Edge
Forbidden Planet E5 6b ** 17 12m Curbar Edge
Profit of Doom E4 6b *** 105 16m Curbar Edge
Downhill Racer E4 6a *** 488 16m Froggatt Edge
Hurricane E5 6a ** 18 21m Curbar Edge
Nettle Wine E5 6b *** 75 12m Cratcliffe Tor
Stopper E4 6a * 31 7m Curbar Edge
Seismic Influence E4 6c ** 1 13m Eastwood Rocks
Peaches E4 6b *** 51 14m Birchen Edge
Usurper E4 6a *** 157 12m Curbar Edge
Twisted Reach E4 6b * 2 10m Chatsworth Edge
Monster Monster E4 6b ** 4 10m Eastwood Rocks
Dark Entries E4 6a * 16 10m Curbar Edge
Bristol Dreaming E4 6c ** 11 10m Eastwood Rocks
Calling the Grit E4 6b * 1 15m Turningstone Edge
Indoor Fisherman E4 6a *** 170 10m Froggatt Edge
Both Sides Now E4 6a ** 6 8m Turningstone Edge
Oedipus Ring Your Mother E4 6b ** 217 8m Froggatt Edge
National Power E4 6a ** 5 15m Turningstone Edge
Moon Walk E4 6a *** 349 12m Curbar Edge
Diet of Worms E4 6a ** 52 9m Curbar Edge
Demon Rib E3 5c *** 72 18m Black Rocks
Stormbringer E3 6a ** 81 20m Gardom's Edge
Deadbay Groove Direct E3 6a ** 12 11m Curbar Edge
Emerald Crack E3 6a *** 109 14m Chatsworth Edge
Requiem E3 6a *** 117 26m • 2 Cratcliffe Tor
Rat Scabies E3 6b ** 62 10m Curbar Edge
The Beer Hunter E3 6a * 30 ? Curbar Edge
Landsickness E3 6a ** 74 10m Gardom's Edge
Tour de Nudsville E3 6a ** 6 8m Leashaw Brow
Right Eliminate E3 5c *** 239 17m Curbar Edge
Raincry E3 6a ** 4 13m Eastwood Rocks
Sleeping Sickness E3 5c *** 44 10m Gardom's Edge
Rainy Day Blues E3 5c ** 43 17m Turningstone Edge
Cave Wall E3 5c *** 96 12m Froggatt Edge
Jellyache E3 5c ** 25 12m Turningstone Edge
The Crocodile E3 5c ** 139 12m Gardom's Edge
Finger Distance E3 6b ** 286 9m Curbar Edge
Great Slab E3 5b *** 606 18m Froggatt Edge
Vain E3 5b ** 22 13m Curbar Edge
Marathon Man E3 6a * 56 13m Shining Cliff
Waterloo Sunset E3 5c *** 113 18m Gardom's Edge
Armageddon E3 5c * 190 12m Froggatt Edge
Nutcracker E3 6a *** 25 20m Cratcliffe Tor
Hot Yimminy E3 5c ** 6 14m Eastwood Rocks
The Clasp E3 5b * 6 11m Chatsworth Edge
Parallel Piped E3 5c * 224 6m Froggatt Edge
Brown's Eliminate Direct E3 5c ** 277 ? Froggatt Edge
Long John's Slab E3 5c ** 990 14m Froggatt Edge
Boot Hill E3 5c *** 307 18m Cratcliffe Tor
Sentinel Crack E3 5c *** 93 17m Chatsworth Edge
Stiff Cheese E2 5c * 96 12m Froggatt Edge
Golden Days E3 6b ** 107 8m Black Rocks
Apollo E2 5c ** 117 19m Curbar Edge
Midshipman / Plain Sailing E2 6a *** 158 12m Birchen Edge
Amber Nectar E2 5c ** 16 25m Ravensnest Tor
Cave Crack E3 5c *** 216 12m Froggatt Edge
The Gully Joke E3 5c ** 115 15m Froggatt Edge
Saddy E2 5c ** 135 10m Curbar Edge
Scroach E2 6a ** 129 21m Curbar Edge
Hot Ziggerty f6C *** 64 ? Baslow Edge
Finale Wall Direct E3 5b * 27 16m Black Rocks
Vaya Con Dios E2 5c ** 36 20m Gardom's Edge
Tom Thumb E2 5c ** 154 18m Cratcliffe Tor
Firebird E2 5c ** 30 16m Black Rocks
Predator E2 5c * 229 13m Curbar Edge
Fern Hill E2 5c *** 672 12m Cratcliffe Tor
Vibrio Direct E2 6a ** 77 12m Chatsworth Edge
Five Finger Exercise E2 5c *** 694 22m Cratcliffe Tor
Mad Hatter E2 5c ** 77 12m Curbar Edge
Fidget f6C *** 95 7m Curbar Edge
Cyclops' Eye E2 5c * 68 11m Turningstone Edge
Elder Crack E2 5b *** 756 18m Curbar Edge
Unidentified Flying Object E2 5c * 39 15m Shining Cliff
Insanity E2 5c *** 489 9m Curbar Edge
Pearls E2 5c ** 192 13m Chatsworth Edge
Sons and Lovers E2 5c ** 20 11m Eastwood Rocks
Lichen E3 5c *** 30 35m • 3 Chatsworth Edge
Bean Stalk E2 5c ** 205 18m Cratcliffe Tor
Brightside E2 5c ** 494 12m Froggatt Edge
The Raven E2 5c * 15 27m Ravensnest Tor
Synopsis E2 5c ** 605 14m Froggatt Edge
The Unreachable Star f6B+ *** 206 8m Curbar Edge
Katherine's Dilemma E2 5c * 11 20m Ravensnest Tor
Promontory Traverse E1 5b *** 94 32m • 2 Black Rocks
Mordaunt E2 5b *** 52 60m • 4 Cratcliffe Tor
The Sprain E2 5b ** 63 8m Black Rocks
The Big Crack E2 5b *** 827 15m Froggatt Edge
Neb Traverse E2 5b *** 18 16m Eastwood Rocks
Brown's Eliminate E2 5b *** 1876 16m Froggatt Edge
The Toy E1 5c ** 797 7m Curbar Edge
Soyuz E2 5c ** 345 10m Curbar Edge
Left Eliminate E1 5c ** 370 11m Curbar Edge
Rhythmic Itch E1 5b ** 151 25m Gardom's Edge
Smoke ont' Watter E1 6a ** 242 9m Curbar Edge
Hercules E1 5a * 115 11m Curbar Edge
Deadbay Crack E1 5b ** 98 11m Curbar Edge
Strapiombo E1 5b ** 524 9m Froggatt Edge
Left-hand Pillar Crack E1 5b ** 102 10m Gardom's Edge
The Ghoul E1 5b ** 55 12m Eastwood Rocks
L'Horla E1 5b *** 1253 10m Curbar Edge
Despot E1 5c ** 78 13m Chatsworth Edge
Cioch Variations E1 5c * 19 11m Curbar Edge
Strapiombante E1 5b *** 2003 8m Froggatt Edge
Motorcade E1 5a ** 1363 18m Froggatt Edge
Kayak E2 5b ** 1107 9m Curbar Edge
The Bear Hunter E1 5b ** 226 11m Curbar Edge
Moyer's Buttress E1 5b *** 895 21m Gardom's Edge
Private Targets E1 5b ** 22 22m Hall Moor Quarry
Black Nix Wall E1 5c * 240 8m Curbar Edge
Lamebrain E1 5b ** 185 9m Curbar Edge
The Eye of Faith E1 5c *** 477 25m Gardom's Edge
Nylon Stocking E1 5b ** 14 10m Bauston Tor
Blenheim E1 5a * 41 13m Gardom's Edge
Hearse Arête E1 5b ** 180 20m Gardom's Edge
Hugo de Vries E1 5b *** 185 12m Turningstone Edge
A Farewell to Arms E1 5b * 68 15m Shining Cliff
Three Pebble Slab HVS 5a *** 5248 12m Froggatt Edge
Chequers Crack HVS 5c ** 1332 14m Froggatt Edge
Orpheus Wall HVS 5c ** 865 14m Birchen Edge
Bramble Crack HVS 5b ** 131 14m Shining Cliff
Nowanda HVS 5a ** 420 12m Gardom's Edge
The Peapod HVS 5b *** 1798 16m Curbar Edge
Corpse Crack HVS 5b *** 82 10m Eastwood Rocks
Lightning Wall HVS 5a ** 73 15m Gardom's Edge
Green Crack HVS 5b *** 577 11m Curbar Edge
Suicide Wall HVS 5b *** 1474 30m • 2 Cratcliffe Tor
Overton Arête HVS 5a ** 223 12m Turningstone Edge
Renaissance HVS 5b ** 642 ? Baslow Edge
Valkyrie HVS 5a *** 2514 20m • 2 Froggatt Edge
Tree Wall HVS 5a ** 291 11m Curbar Edge
Maupassant HVS 5a *** 1531 11m Curbar Edge
Amber Nesta HVS 5a * 16 ? Ravensnest Tor
Amber Buttress HVS 5a ** 165 14m Turningstone Edge
C.M.C. Slab HVS 5a * 1083 16m Froggatt Edge
Ratline HVS 5b ** 895 14m Birchen Edge
Zapple HVS 5b *** 581 20m Yarncliffe
Green Acres HVS 5a * 363 8m Curbar Edge
Avalanche Wall HVS 5a ** 2022 12m Curbar Edge
Chequers Buttress HVS 5a *** 4389 14m Froggatt Edge
The Giant's Staircase HVS 5a * 232 18m Cratcliffe Tor
The Line HVS 5a ** 245 9m Curbar Edge
Sorrell's Sorrow HVS 5a *** 447 12m Curbar Edge
Benk HVS 5a ** 20 13m Leashaw Brow
The Rib Direct HVS 5a ** 99 8m Baslow Edge
Sunset Slab HVS 4b *** 4643 14m Froggatt Edge
Great Crack HVS 5a *** 264 25m Duke's Quarry
Pedestal Crack HVS 5a ** 1763 14m Froggatt Edge
Tody's Wall HVS 5a *** 6471 18m Froggatt Edge
Two Pitch Route VS 5a ** 195 24m • 2 Curbar Edge
Broken Crack HVS 5a ** 1594 10m Froggatt Edge
Birthday Crack VS 5a * 118 7m Curbar Edge
Lean Man's Superdirect VS 5a *** 130 20m • 2 Black Rocks
Amber Arête VS 4c ** 265 13m Turningstone Edge
Lone Tree Groove VS 5a ** 718 18m Black Rocks
The Sickle f5 * 92 ? Upper Matlock...
Downes' Crack VS 5a * 150 11m Froggatt Edge
Calver Wall VS 5a * 698 8m Curbar Edge
Wall Climb VS 5a ** 762 9m Curbar Edge
Birch Tree Variant VS 4c ** 356 18m Black Rocks
The Brain VS 4c *** 659 20m Curbar Edge
Mast Gully Buttress VS 5a * 304 12m Birchen Edge
Cioch Crack HVS 5a ** 285 11m Curbar Edge
Gardom's Unconquerable VS 4c ** 266 14m Gardom's Edge
Black Crack VS 4c ** 58 10m Black Rocks
Pensioner's Bulge VS 5a ** 255 6m Baslow Edge
Sand Buttress VS 4c *** 464 22m Black Rocks
Birch Tree Wall VS 4c *** 689 20m • 2 Black Rocks
Chequers Climb VS 4c ** 305 20m Froggatt Edge
Hawk's Nest Crack VS 4c *** 2311 12m Froggatt Edge
Undertaker's Buttress VS 4c ** 256 22m Gardom's Edge
Plumbers Corner VS 4c ** 127 20m Shining Cliff
Men Only f3+ ** 190 ? Baslow Edge
The Shoulder Route VS 4c ** 55 8m The Alport Stone
Boulder Arête f5 ** 90 ? Upper Matlock...
Lean Man's Climb VS 5a *** 332 22m Black Rocks
Queen's Parlour Slab VS 4b ** 144 16m Black Rocks
The Crow's Nest VS 4c ** 1451 14m Birchen Edge
Fall Pipe VS 4c ** 127 16m Yarncliffe
Elliott's Buttress Direct HS 4b ** 831 25m Gardom's Edge
Oread VS 4c ** 317 16m Gardom's Edge
Trapeze Direct VS 4c * 3729 12m Froggatt Edge
Apple Arête VS 4b *** 2080 18m Gardom's Edge
Bel Ami VS 4b *** 1616 20m Curbar Edge
Topsail VS 4c ** 4148 12m Birchen Edge
Hazy Groove HS 4b ** 33 15m Chasecliffe
Stonnis Crack VS 4b ** 561 10m Black Rocks
Janker's Crack HS 4b * 980 10m Froggatt Edge
Camperdown Crawl HS 4c ** 3019 14m Birchen Edge
Porthole Direct VS 4c ** 2024 12m Birchen Edge
Beech Buttress VS 4c * 177 11m Curbar Edge
Ghost Train HS 4b ** 22 20m Eastwood Rocks
Crossover HS 4a * 8 15m Bradley Edge and...
Terrace Crack HS 4b ** 2898 12m Froggatt Edge
Owl's Arête VS 4b * 911 15m Curbar Edge
Slab Recess Direct HS 4c * 3289 14m Froggatt Edge
Diamond Crack HS 4b ** 3039 8m Froggatt Edge
Nelson's Nemesis VS 4b *** 1252 16m Birchen Edge
Sunset Crack HS 4b ** 5810 12m Froggatt Edge
Boulder Climb HS 4c ** 89 15m Robin Hood's...
Wiggly Crack HS 4b * 12 9m Rowtor Rocks
Potter's Wall HS 4b ** 643 10m Curbar Edge
Grey Slab S 4b * 1015 12m Froggatt Edge
The Long Promenade HS 4b * 82 50m Birchen Edge
Sail Buttress HS 4b ** 3330 14m Birchen Edge
Victory Crack HS 4b * 1217 14m Birchen Edge
P.M.C.1 HS 4a *** 2344 15m Curbar Edge
Trafalgar Wall S 4b ** 3601 12m Birchen Edge
Cave Crack S 4b ** 136 12m Chatsworth Edge
Byne's Crack S 4b ** 66 15m Gardom's Edge
Alpha S 4b * 268 12m Curbar Edge
Powder Monkey Parade S 4b ** 2680 16m Birchen Edge
Sail Arête S 4b ** 263 12m Turningstone Edge
Elliott's Crack S 4a * 182 10m Gardom's Edge
Cioch Wall S 4a ** 159 12m Curbar Edge
North Climb S 4a * 136 10m Cratcliffe Tor
The Rib HVD 4a * 158 8m Baslow Edge
Allen's Slab S 4a ** 2698 16m Froggatt Edge
Marionette S 4a * 8 10m Eastwood Rocks
Horatio's Horror HS 4a ** 766 14m Birchen Edge
Flying Buttress S 4a * 747 12m Curbar Edge
Green Gut HS 4a *** 4765 14m Froggatt Edge
Lookout Arête S 4a * 399 12m Birchen Edge
East Arête S * 11 13m Black Rocks
Slab Route S 4a 526 9m Curbar Edge
Campion Groove S 4a * 138 16m Curbar Edge
Cider Apple HS 4a * 385 18m Gardom's Edge
Derwent Groove HS 4b 46 10m Curbar Edge
Ant's Arête VS 4a * 733 16m Yarncliffe
Whisky Wall S 3c * 28 12m Gardom's Edge
Emma's Dilemma S 4a * 2304 14m Birchen Edge
Lone Tree Gully S 4b ** 770 14m Black Rocks
North Climb S 4a * 1879 12m Froggatt Edge
Short Climb VD 104 5m Robin Hood's...
Sickle Buttress S 4a * 1700 12m Froggatt Edge
Straight Chimney HVD 4a * 37 ? Gardom's Edge
Emma's Temptation HVD 4c * 2076 14m Birchen Edge
Giant's Staircase S 4a * 413 14m Gardom's Edge
Swimmer's Chimney S 4b * 319 12m Froggatt Edge
Vee Chimney S 4a ** 23 12m Turningstone Edge
Bulldog Crack S 4b * 137 10m Curbar Edge
Stonnis Arête S 4a ** 288 30m Black Rocks
Roadover S 4a * 129 7m Curbar Edge
The Bat House HVD * 45 12m Shining Cliff
Central Buttress HVD 3c *** 358 24m Black Rocks
Brown Crack S 4a * 145 18m Gardom's Edge
Index Climb S 4a ** 152 12m Baslow Edge
Buckle's Sister HVD 4a * 118 7m Curbar Edge
Sail Chimney S 4a ** 1713 14m Birchen Edge
The Easy Turnpike HVD 3c ** 99 8m The Alport Stone
Heather Wall HVD 3b *** 6694 16m Froggatt Edge
Kiss Me Hardy HVD 4a * 948 12m Birchen Edge
Emperor Flake Climb VD ** 370 12m Chatsworth Edge
Queen's Parlour Gully VD ** 296 26m Black Rocks
Capstone Chimney VD * 60 ? Baslow Edge
Pillar Slab VD * 222 12m Curbar Edge
N.M.C. Crack HVD 4a *** 1523 18m Gardom's Edge
Derwent Groove Variation VD 4a 15 10m Curbar Edge
Cave Climb D * 125 15m Chatsworth Edge
The Cave Gully VD * 74 8m Baslow Edge
Brookside Crack VD * 144 6m Froggatt Edge
Shallow Chimney VD * 329 10m Curbar Edge
Owl Gully VD * 211 20m Cratcliffe Tor
Solomon's Crack VD * 1027 12m Froggatt Edge
Slack Crack VD 96 7m Curbar Edge
Trafalgar Crack VD 4a * 4059 14m Birchen Edge
Cannonball Wall VD * 658 10m Birchen Edge
Trapeze VD ** 2890 14m Froggatt Edge
Flake Gully D * 424 15m Froggatt Edge
Red Sky Rib VD * 44 16m Gardom's Edge
The Funnel D * 837 12m Birchen Edge
Stepped Crack D * 64 20m Gardom's Edge
Stonnis Pinnacle HD * 11 22m Black Rocks
Apple Crack VD * 776 ? Gardom's Edge
Gun-Cotton Groove VD * 697 12m Birchen Edge
Gamma VD 2809 12m Froggatt Edge
The Crack D * 210 8m Baslow Edge
Slab Recess D ** 3131 16m Froggatt Edge
Fat Man's Chimney D *** 142 18m Black Rocks
Garden Face Indirect D * 406 10m Gardom's Edge
The Original Route D * 336 ? Tegness Quarries
Monument Chimney D * 1057 14m Birchen Edge
Admiral's Progress D * 780 12m Birchen Edge
Choked Crack D * 214 10m Chatsworth Edge
Holly Tree Traverse D ** 11 17m Eastwood Rocks
The Promenade D ** 1899 16m Birchen Edge
Capstone Gully M * 50 10m Gardom's Edge
Matterhorn Arête M * 35 5m Baslow Edge
Nursery Slab M 1307 10m Froggatt Edge
The Gangplank M * 1257 10m Birchen Edge
848 e, 757 stars 197,301 5,079m 397
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