Contributed by gregmacmillan Jul/24 - This public ticklist has been seen 112 times

Climbs in lovely places, up to VS.

Finding placement  © Maria - Spanny
Finding placement
© Maria - Spanny, Jun 2010

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User Percentage Latest Log
1st gregmacmillan 4% 1 Jun

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Trad

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Tower Gap Belay

Tower Ridge
Tower Gap Belay
© Paluchi

Glen Etive from top of the slabs

Spartan Slab
Glen Etive from top of the slabs
© A Crook

Jen "gracefully" pulling herself out of tower gap. Lots of ice on my lens...

Tower Ridge
Jen "gracefully" pulling herself out of tower gap. Lots of ice on my lens...
© DaveThexton

Dawn on Tower Ridge

Tower Ridge
Dawn on Tower Ridge
© toolboxtim

Eastern  Traverse

Tower Ridge
Eastern Traverse
© luckyjim

Martin on the Great Tower at dawn after a night time ascent of Tower Ridge

Tower Ridge
Martin on the Great Tower at dawn after a night time ascent of Tower Ridge
© Andrew Marshall

Looking down Integrity to Collie's route and the Cioch

Looking down Integrity to Collie's route and the Cioch
© tomdude

Hairy Mary

Hairy Mary
© westaway

Open Secret

Open Secret
© Jon Read

Gardyloo Buttress from Tower Ridge

Tower Ridge
Gardyloo Buttress from Tower Ridge
© Jamie Hageman

Tower Gap - Tower Ridge

Tower Ridge
Tower Gap - Tower Ridge

Unknown climbers tackling the crux.

South Ridge Direct
Unknown climbers tackling the crux.
© David Cooper

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Islivig Direct VS 4c *** 30 270m • 6 Griomabhal
Ardverikie Wall HS 4b *** 1599 185m • 6 Binnein Shuas
Squareface VD *** 518 90m • 3 Beinn a'...
Savage Slit (Summer) S *** 1161 80m • 4 Cairn Gorm - Cairn...
Fallout Corner (Summer) VS 4b *** 407 ? • 2 Cairn Gorm - Cairn...
Archer Ridge S 4a *** 512 ? • 3 Aonach Dubh
Agag's Groove (Summer) VD *** 2281 105m • 4 Buachaille Etive Mor
Kubla Khan HS 4b *** 318 ? Binnein Shuas
Cioch Nose S *** 1052 200m • 7 Sgurr a'...
Nirvana Wall HS 4b *** 201 ? Aonach Dubh
The Last Eighty S 4a *** 250 25m Ben A'an
Ecstasy S *** 22 95m • 4 Carnan Ban
South Ridge Direct VS 5a *** 817 395m • 13 Cir Mhor
Sou'wester Slabs VD *** 818 110m • 5 Cir Mhor
Yir VS 4c *** 375 ? Meall an Fhir-Eoin
Pine Wall HS *** 1077 ? • 3 Polldubh Crags,...
Secretaries' Direct Route S *** 546 80m • 3 Polldubh Crags,...
Hairy Mary VS 4b *** 388 ? Suidhe Biorach
Open Secret HS 4b *** 475 35m Stone Valley Crags
Cumming-Crofton Route (Summer) S *** 240 ? Beinn a'...
Indian Slab VS 4b *** 65 190m • 4 Indian Slab Crag
Pagoda Ridge S ** 81 220m • 9 A'Chir
Tidemark S 4b *** 21 ? Cioch na h-Oighe
Whither Whether VS 4b *** 351 40m The Cobbler
Spartan Slab VS 4c *** 1065 ? • 6 Beinn Trilleachan...
Hiccup VS 4c *** 240 ? • 2 Buachaille Etive Mor
January Jigsaw (Summer) S *** 957 75m • 4 Buachaille Etive Mor
Arrow Wall VD *** 92 ? Aonach Dubh
Butterknife HS 4b *** 207 ? Garbh Bheinn
King Bee VS 5a *** 611 ? • 2 Creag Dubh...
Tree Hee HS 4a *** 233 ? Creag Dubh...
The Old Wall VS 4b *** 166 40m Polldubh Crags,...
Resurrection VS 4c *** 1114 35m Polldubh Crags,...
Damnation VS 4c *** 812 30m Polldubh Crags,...
North East Buttress VD *** 458 500m Ben Nevis
Observatory Ridge (Summer) VD *** 552 500m Ben Nevis
Tower Ridge D *** 2457 600m Ben Nevis
Shangri-La VS 4c *** 116 ? Sron na Ciche
Cioch West S 4a *** 797 215m • 7 Sron na Ciche
Integrity VS 4c *** 891 76m • 2 Sron na Ciche
Grand Diedre VS 4c *** 74 ? Thearlaich-Dubh...
Jamie Jampot VS 4c *** 615 ? Suidhe Biorach
Midas Touch VS 4c *** 259 ? Neist
Number 3 S 4a *** 142 25m Aird Mhor Bhragair
Hunter’s Slab S 4b ** 21 40m Uig Sea Cliffs...
Fifteen Fathoms of Fear S 4a 27 50m Mingulay
East Buttress (Summer) D *** 279 210m Beinn Eighe
Assault Slab VD *** 456 ? Loch Tollaidh Crags
Original Route VS 5a *** 962 70m • 4 Old Man of Stoer
Stepping Out S 4b *** 274 15m Latheronwheel
Groove Armada VS 4c *** 162 35m Sarclet
The Selkie D *** 1 30m Tomb Of The Eagles
Final Selection D *** 220 60m Stag Rocks
Foy Corner VS 4c *** 8 45m Eshaness Lighthouse
The Clean Sweep VS 4c *** 508 185m • 4 Hell's Lum
The Talisman (Summer) HS 4a *** 375 100m • 3 Ben Macdui -...
Grey Slab (Summer) HS 4b *** 139 115m • 4 Ben Macdui - Stob...
Black Mamba VS 4c *** 130 ? Creag an Dubh-loch
Eagle Ridge (Summer) S ** 1001 250m Lochnagar
The Mousetrap (Summer) VS 4c *** 225 ? Creag an Dubh-loch
Central Crack HS 4b *** 627 35m Red Craig (Glen...
Punster's Crack (Summer) S *** 845 ? • 3 The Cobbler
Raeburns Arete S ** 213 230m • 6 Ben Nevis
182 stars 31,936 5,686m 159
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