Contributed by rachelSquirrel Aug/23 - This public ticklist has been seen 519 times

Candidate miltipitch trips

Looking out from the cave belay  © quis
Looking out from the cave belay
© quis, Oct 2023

4 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st rachelSquirrel 11% 25 May, 2018
1st steveboote 11% 9 Oct, 2023
2nd Sofabed 3% 22 Apr
2nd Mike Roger 3% 2022

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Sport

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Type 1 fun on Wild Country in Kalymnos

Wild Country
Type 1 fun on Wild Country in Kalymnos
© Haf42

Looking out from the cave belay

Wild Country
Looking out from the cave belay
© quis

Landing spot for Wigs for Life, Telendos - good skippering skills!

Wings for Life
Landing spot for Wigs for Life, Telendos - good skippering skills!
© Chris Craggs

Wild Country 6a+ fun multi pitch climbing

Wild Country
Wild Country 6a+ fun multi pitch climbing
© Steve Lewis

Wings for Life, 11 pitch route on Telendos.

Wings for Life
Wings for Life, 11 pitch route on Telendos.
© laurasmith

Pitch 9 on Wings for Life

Wings for Life
Pitch 9 on Wings for Life
© trevor

100th ascent Wings for Life Ed Hannibal, Laura Smith, Peter Stollery

Wings for Life
100th ascent Wings for Life Ed Hannibal, Laura Smith, Peter Stollery
© laurasmith

Amy Wigmore leading pitch 5 on Regensburg F5b

Amy Wigmore leading pitch 5 on Regensburg F5b
© blackegg

Amy Wigmore leading pitch 5 on Regensburg F5b

Amy Wigmore leading pitch 5 on Regensburg F5b
© blackegg

Amy Wigmore on pitch 6 of Regensburg F5c

Amy Wigmore on pitch 6 of Regensburg F5c
© blackegg

Pitch 1 at 6.45am

Wild Country
Pitch 1 at 6.45am
© neil3965

Wild Country just before the crux

Wild Country
Wild Country just before the crux
© Nicole Almond

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Lara Clette Extension 6a ** 24 ? Masouri Area
Pommel Extension 6b ** 9 ? Masouri Area
Propolis 6a * 109 75m • 2 Masouri Area
Kavafis 6b *** 50 50m • 2 Masouri Area
Pepe Gilles 6c *** 7 55m Masouri Area
Bon Voyage 6c+ *** 8 55m Masouri Area
Colibri 6b+ *** 19 25m Arhi
Grignotte 6a+ *** 5 47m • 2 Arhi
Madeleine 6a+ *** 8 59m • 2 Arhi
La Laurence 5a 1 ? Doizieux
Marie-Laure 6b *** 7 57m • 2 Arhi
Le Glod 6b *** 15 65m • 3 Arhi
Mika 6b *** 13 65m • 2 Arhi
Stone Diver 6a+ *** 30 62m • 2 Arhi
Patouch 6b *** 4 62m • 2 Arhi
Jump 6b *** 4 65m • 3 Arhi
Regensburg 5b ** 67 150m • 6 Arhi
Wings for Life 6a *** 365 250m • 11 Telendos South Face
Eterna 6b+ ** 71 275m • 10 Telendos South Face
Wild Country 6a+ *** 287 265m • 9 Telendos South Face
Prometheus 6b+ ** 23 ? • 8 Telendos South Face
Born to Run 6b+ *** 15 ? • 3 Myrties Area
Hoi Fredy 6c+ *** 2 ? • 5 Myrties Area
Eagle 6b *** 8 170m • 6 Myrties Area
Les Copains d'Abord 6a+ *** 83 33m Myrties Area
Modeste 6b+ *** 29 ? • 6 Myrties Area
Mimi et Lolo 6b *** 1 160m Myrties Area
71 stars 1,264 2,045m 94
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