Contributed by Alex Mason Mar/11 - This public ticklist has been seen 6,616 times

Has to be done in a day to count.

Hitting the last move on Right Wall  © jethro kiernan
Hitting the last move on Right Wall
© jethro kiernan, May 2023

9 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Hidden 66% 1 May
1st wolf.leeb 66% 18 Mar, 2015
2nd Alex Mason 33% 17 Jul, 2013
2nd eel 33% Sep, 2016
2nd Ben_Roberts 33% 9 Apr

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Emma Twyford - Right Wall

Right Wall
Emma Twyford - Right Wall
© Marc Langley

Hitting the last move on Right Wall

Right Wall
Hitting the last move on Right Wall
© jethro kiernan

Emma Twyford - Right Wall

Right Wall
Emma Twyford - Right Wall
© Marc Langley

Emma Twyford

Right Wall
Emma Twyford
© Marc Langley

One of three of yesterday's ascents of Right Wall, midweek.

Right Wall
One of three of yesterday's ascents of Right Wall, midweek.
© Rachel Slater

Tom Lewis on Right Wall, Dinas Cromlech c. 1995

Right Wall
Tom Lewis on Right Wall, Dinas Cromlech c. 1995
© Ray Wood

Katy Whittaker on Right Wall (E5 6a)

Right Wall
Katy Whittaker on Right Wall (E5 6a)
© Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing

Minutes before taking flight from Right Wall

Right Wall
Minutes before taking flight from Right Wall
© Kevin Avery

Shake out the pump

Right Wall
Shake out the pump
© Marc Langley

Right wall, Dinas Cromlech

Right Wall
Right wall, Dinas Cromlech
© stuart lade

Central Icefall Direct

Central Icefall Direct
© Daniel Stephenson

Right Wall

Right Wall
© jethro kiernan

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Central Icefall Direct VI 6 *** 27 ? • 3 Craig y Rhaeadr
Jerry's Roof f7C *** 461 ? Cromlech boulders
Right Wall E5 6a *** 529 ? Dinas Cromlech
5 e, 9 stars 1,017 ? 5
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