Contributed by Calder Jun/11 - This public ticklist has been seen 10,838 times

The best routes from around Lancashire - including routes on natural and quarried grit, as well as limestone.

Currently, there are a good few routes with 2 stars that probably deserve 3. I'm thinking of Cave Route (Hoghton), Mustard (Round Barn), Ourang-otang (Cadshaw), and such like. Maybe the new guide will rectify this, but in the meantime don't be put off - just because no-one climbs there doesn't mean it's crap. Not necessarily, anyway.

I've tried to include stuff from all around Lancashire, but if I've forgotten anything let me know.

fighting hard to remove those fiddly wires  © efrance24234
fighting hard to remove those fiddly wires
© efrance24234, Feb 2012

144 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Flavio 92% 1 Jun
2nd akhughes 66% 23 Apr, 2013
2nd datoon 66% 2017
2nd Graeme Hammond 66% 24 Jun, 2023
3rd Hidden 62% 13 May, 2023
4th middlevern 58% 2015
5th neilh 56% 3 Apr, 2021
6th JendeHoxar 54% 25 Jun
7th Hidden 50% 19 Nov, 2019
7th Martin Bennett 50% 18 Apr, 2023

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Trad

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Same route, different season. Bede giving it some on his quest to tick the Last Temptation.

The Last Temptation
Same route, different season. Bede giving it some on his quest to tick the Last Temptation.
© JohnHartley

Bede fighting on the Last Temptation

The Last Temptation
Bede fighting on the Last Temptation
© JohnHartley

The golden, golden tower

The Golden Tower
The golden, golden tower
© Laurence

Sun, Ste, and Sand on MtMMoMHfMM

Mohammed the Mad Monk of Moorside Home for Mental Misfits
Sun, Ste, and Sand on MtMMoMHfMM
© Calder

999, Wilton 1

999, Wilton 1
© middlevern

Lead climber on Cracked Actor at Trowbarrow Quarry.

Cracked Actor
Lead climber on Cracked Actor at Trowbarrow Quarry.
© Graham O'Dwyer

Think Millstone x 2, splitter cracks & an esoteric slant......

Rhododendron Buttress
Think Millstone x 2, splitter cracks & an esoteric slant......
© Rich Kirby

Making committing moves low down on Max

Making committing moves low down on Max
© Tom Wharram

Pigs on the Wing

Pigs on the Wing
© Bede West

Micheal Robinson going ground up on Pigs on the Wing

Pigs on the Wing
Micheal Robinson going ground up on Pigs on the Wing
© JohnHartley

Dave Man on Nobody Wept For Alec Trench

Nobody Wept for Alec Trench
Dave Man on Nobody Wept For Alec Trench
© Eric Grindle

Matt cruising cracked actor.

Cracked Actor
Matt cruising cracked actor.
© JohnHartley

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
999 HS 4b *** 1111 18m Wilton 1
Central Route E1 5b *** 776 16m Wilton 1
Max E3 5c *** 309 18m Wilton 1
Cameo E1 5a *** 1075 18m Wilton 1
Dawn HVS 5b ** 888 14m Wilton 1
Isle of White E4 6a *** 46 24m Wilton 1
White Slabs Bunt E3 6a *** 94 26m Wilton 1
Supercrack E3 5c *** 170 24m Wilton 1
Adrenalin E4 6a *** 32 24m Wilton 1
Master Spy E4 6a *** 73 20m Wilton 1
Wipe Out E2 5b *** 269 18m Wilton 1
Run Wild, Run Free E6 6b *** 5 12m Wilton 1
Wilton Wall E3 6a *** 275 14m Wilton 2
Pigs on the Wing E5 6b *** 40 14m Wilton 2
The Swine E3 6a *** 104 14m Wilton 2
Iron Orchid E4 6b *** 38 14m Wilton 2
The Grader E3 5c *** 142 14m Wilton 3
Central Crack HVS 5a *** 784 12m Wilton 3
Shivers Arete E1 5b *** 889 14m Wilton 3
Guillotine E3 5c *** 22 ? Egerton Quarry
Renaissance E5 6a *** 34 ? Egerton Quarry
Satin Sapphire E3 5c ** 22 ? Egerton Quarry
Cherry Bomb VS 4c *** 203 ? Egerton Quarry
Nobody Wept for Alec Trench E5 6a *** 18 ? Egerton Quarry
Ice Cool Acid Test E4 6a ** 19 ? Egerton Quarry
Pigeon Toad Orange Peel E5 6b *** 11 ? Ousel's Nest
Samarkand VS 5a *** 525 18m Anglezarke Quarry
The Golden Tower E2 5c *** 505 20m Anglezarke Quarry
Gates of Perception E5 6a *** 66 24m Anglezarke Quarry
The Italian Job E6 6b *** 7 24m Anglezarke Quarry
King of Kings E6 6b *** 16 20m Anglezarke Quarry
Tangerine Trip E3 6a *** 85 16m Anglezarke Quarry
Terror Cotta HVS 5a *** 750 22m Anglezarke Quarry
Metamorphosis HVS 4c *** 933 16m Anglezarke Quarry
Complete Streaker VS 4c *** 113 22m Denham Quarry
Mohammed the Mad Monk of Moorside Home for Mental Misfits VS 4c *** 1022 16m Denham Quarry
Grave's End E1 5b *** 54 14m Summit Quarry
The Last Temptation E6 6c *** 44 ? Thorn Crag
Boadicea E2 5c *** 40 ? Hoghton Quarry
Mandarin E2 5c *** 84 ? Hoghton Quarry
Rhododendron Buttress E2 5c *** 53 ? Hoghton Quarry
Cracked Actor E2 5c *** 838 27m Trowbarrow
Jean Jeanie HVS 4c *** 2103 25m Trowbarrow
Jomo S *** 1665 ? Trowbarrow
Rappel Wall VD ** 772 16m Wilton 3
Plastic Iceberg E1 5b *** 34 ? Warton Main Quarry
The Third World HVS 5a *** 105 ? Warton Main Quarry
Deceptive Bends E1 5b *** 66 50m Warton Main Quarry
Daytona Wall E5 6a *** 40 10m Cow's Mouth...
Little Miss Id E2 5c ** 23 ? Blackstone Edge
Ha'penny Arete E1 5a *** 81 10m Deeply Vale
Slab Dab VS 4c *** 149 12m Deeply Vale
Mein Kampf E3 5c *** 34 12m Deeply Vale
125 e, 154 stars 17,656 702m 53
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