Contributed by lauraclimbing Jul/24 - This public ticklist has been seen 42 times

Sugar tips 7A+  © Jayden
Sugar tips 7A+
© Jayden, Mar 2017

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1st Hidden 6% 4 Jul

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Top 12 photos of this ticklist

portishead quarry sport

Digit Pizzicato
portishead quarry sport
© loundsy

Eying up the crux moves.

Zee Zee Top (Bolted)
Eying up the crux moves.
© Paul at work

Sugar tips 7A+

Sugar Tips
Sugar tips 7A+
© Jayden


Heavy Cloud; Lots of Rain
© fly or die

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Waiting for Gordano 4c 28 ? Portishead Quarry
Dummy (Bolted) 5b 67 ? Portishead Quarry
Presumably this is how Goldfish Communicate? 6b 14 ? Portishead Quarry
Presumably this is a Farce 4a 12 ? Portishead Quarry
Not Just a Pretty Farce 5b 18 ? Portishead Quarry
Good Vibrations 6a+ 55 ? Portishead Quarry
Musical Chairs 5c 57 ? Portishead Quarry
Drummers of Burundi 6b+ * 191 ? Portishead Quarry
Digit Pizzicato 6b ** 228 12m Portishead Quarry
Bloody Digit 7a+ 5 ? Portishead Quarry
#Iamviable 6c * 23 18m Portishead Quarry
Out Of Tune 6c 5 ? Portishead Quarry
Legato Animato 7a+ 56 10m Portishead Quarry
Legato Pianissimo 6c+ * 14 ? Portishead Quarry
A Little Light Music 7b+ * 11 ? Portishead Quarry
Viking Slip Beat 6b * 99 15m Portishead Quarry
Viking Cop Out 5c * 25 ? Portishead Quarry
The Reach Around 6b 32 ? Portishead Quarry
SARA Bra 6b+ 7 ? Portishead Quarry
The Beat 6b+ - ? Portishead Quarry
Queeny Out 6c 10 8m Portishead Quarry
Kingy in 6c 5 8m Portishead Quarry
Zee Zee Top (Bolted) 6a+ * 32 ? Portishead Quarry
Lost and Found 5b 54 ? Portishead Quarry
Obsessive Behaviour 6c+ 6 ? Portishead Quarry
More Bladder Problems 7b 1 ? Portishead Quarry
Bladder Ladder 7c * 12 ? Portishead Quarry
Exfo '92 8a * 2 ? Portishead Quarry
L'Homme Absurd 7c 1 ? Portishead Quarry
A Route for the People 7a+ 4 ? Portishead Quarry
Agenda 21 7b+ 2 ? Portishead Quarry
El Mucho Ding Dong 7b+ 1 ? • 4 Portishead Quarry
Fight War, Not Wars 6b+ 2 9m Portishead Quarry
Major Block Surgery 6a+ 8 11m Portishead Quarry
The Creationist 7b+ 1 ? Portishead Quarry
Sugar Tips 7a+ 79 6m Portishead Quarry
Sugarcoat 6a+ 39 ? Portishead Quarry
Heavy Cloud; Lots of Rain 6b 302 ? Portishead Quarry
Small Minded; Long Winded 6b 122 12m Portishead Quarry
It Just Cracks Me Up 6a 18 ? Portishead Quarry
In Your Face 6c+ 10 ? Portishead Quarry
Dynamite 6b 6 ? Portishead Quarry
Twenty Year Itch 6c 6 ? Portishead Quarry
Explosion 6b 5 ? Portishead Quarry
Sheer Blister 6b+ 14 ? Portishead Quarry
The Seven Sea Mystery 7c 9 ? Portishead Quarry
Mystery Inauguration 7a+ 14 ? Portishead Quarry
Beltane Sexy Thunder 6b 11 ? Portishead Quarry
11 stars 1,723 109m 51
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