Contributed by quercusclimbus Jun/24 - This public ticklist has been seen 64 times

The Saddle via Forcan Ridge and Sgurr na Sgine  © Alex Frood
The Saddle via Forcan Ridge and Sgurr na Sgine
© Alex Frood, Aug 2014

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Distribution of grades - Winter

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Looking east along the horns of Alligin

Beinn Alligin Complete Ridge Traverse
Looking east along the horns of Alligin
© ruaridh.summers

The Saddle via Forcan Ridge and Sgurr na Sgine

Forcan Ridge (Summer)
The Saddle via Forcan Ridge and Sgurr na Sgine
© Alex Frood

On the Forcan Ridge

Forcan Ridge (Summer)
On the Forcan Ridge
© Iain Thow Collection

Horns of Alligin ridge section

Horns of Alligin
Horns of Alligin ridge section
© CaileanMac

Abseiling off the bad step for fun!

Forcan Ridge (Summer)
Abseiling off the bad step for fun!
© Kevin W.

Scrambled munros for breakfast.

Beinn Alligin Complete Ridge Traverse
Scrambled munros for breakfast.
© FrancescaLCBellasis

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Forcan Ridge (Summer) Grade-2 *** 461 ? The Saddle
Beinn Alligin Complete Ridge Traverse I/II ** 481 ? Beinn Alligin -...
Horns of Alligin Grade-1 ** 135 ? Beinn Alligin -...
Liathach - Spidean a' Choire Leith summit 553 1,055m Liathach - Spidean...
Sgurr Fhuaran summit 295 1,068m Sgurr Fhuaran
7 stars 1,925 2,123m 5
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