Contributed by Cooledge Jul/24 - This public ticklist has been seen 65 times

Best bouldering slabs on grit

Satin, Stanage  © Dan Lane
Satin, Stanage
© Dan Lane, Dec 2009

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1st Ilia Nadyrbayev 20% 6 Jan

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

The Angel's Light

The Angel's Share
The Angel's Light
© Nick Brown

Leo Houlding on Satin, Stanage

Leo Houlding on Satin, Stanage
© Adam Long

Onsighting Angel's Share

The Angel's Share
Onsighting Angel's Share
© Franco Cookson

Faith - or a lack of it - in friction

Faith - or a lack of it - in friction
© Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing

Nick on Satin

Nick on Satin
© 1234None


© KGshoots

unknown climbers looking for friction at the Roaches

Boba Fett
unknown climbers looking for friction at the Roaches
© le t

Tim holding the small holds

Dry Wit in a Wet Country
Tim holding the small holds
© belay bunny turned bad

John McCune on Velvet Silence

Velvet Silence
John McCune on Velvet Silence
© Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing

Cole Gosney on Dry Wit

Dry Wit in a Wet Country
Cole Gosney on Dry Wit
© Cooledge

Dave on Ron's Slab

Ron's Slab
Dave on Ron's Slab
© Tom Holdsworth

Nick climbing Satin

Nick climbing Satin
© Ryan83

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Beauty f6C ** 180 ? Stanage North
Honorary Caley f7A ** 223 ? Stanage Plantation
Satin f7A *** 459 ? Stanage Plantation
Pressure Drop f7A+ *** 40 ? Stanage Plantation
Ron's Slab f7B+ ** 14 ? Stanage Plantation
Ron's Slab II f7B ** 56 ? Stanage Plantation
Close Comfort f6C+ *** 21 ? Wyming Brook
Close Comfort Direct Finish f7B 3 ? Wyming Brook
Boonapi f7A+ *** 9 5m Lawrencefield
Spinal Slab f7A ** 207 3m Robin Hood's...
Dry Wit in a Wet Country f7A *** 507 ? Robin Hood's...
Appliance Friction f6B ** 299 ? Stanton in the Woods
Ginger Ninja f6A *** 4 ? Stanton Moor
Chicken Ninja f6A+ *** 64 ? Stanton Moor
The Angel's Share E8 7a ** 20 8m Black Rocks
Jumpin' on a Beetle E6 6c ** 25 8m Black Rocks
Velvet Silence E6 6c *** 37 8m Black Rocks
Trust f7A *** 354 ? The Five Clouds
Spring Slab f7A *** 196 ? Roaches Lower Tier
C3PO f7A+ *** 113 ? Roaches Lower Tier
Boba Fett f7B+ *** 6 ? Roaches Lower Tier
Slabotomy f7B+ *** 5 5m Roaches Lower Tier
Slabotomy Left-hand f7A+ ** 5 ? Roaches Lower Tier
Parental Duties f7B * 27 ? Roaches Lower Tier
The Fly f7B+ ** 44 ? Crookrise
Paul's Peach V6 * 9 ? Honley Old Wood
Syrett's Saunter/Pebble Wall f7B+ * 93 ? Caley Crags
No Pebble Arete f7C * 6 ? Caley Crags
Pebble Dash f8A *** 1 ? Ilkley (Cow and...
20 e, 66 stars 3,027 37m 29
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