Contributed by Arlo rogers May/23 - This public ticklist has been seen 333 times

Inspired by Tanya Meredith, Gill focusses on the Traverse  © Becky Wilby
Inspired by Tanya Meredith, Gill focusses on the Traverse
© Becky Wilby

3 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Arlo rogers 41% 17 May, 2023
2nd Hidden 25% 13 May, 2023
3rd EddieTJ 16% 23 Aug, 2023

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Simon Alsop on Wright's Traverse in 1992

Wright's Traverse
Simon Alsop on Wright's Traverse in 1992
© Simon Alsop

Awesome lip moves

Witness the Churnetness
Awesome lip moves
© Stuart Brooks

Mat on Pedigree Chum

Pedigree Chum
Mat on Pedigree Chum
© MathewWright1998

Mathew Wright working Pedigree Chum 8c+

Pedigree Chum
Mathew Wright working Pedigree Chum 8c+
© MathewWright1998

Inspired by Tanya Meredith, Gill focusses on the Traverse

The Traverse Of the Gods
Inspired by Tanya Meredith, Gill focusses on the Traverse
© Becky Wilby

Gill on her local project, the 300ft Traverse of the Gods

The Traverse Of the Gods
Gill on her local project, the 300ft Traverse of the Gods
© Tanya Meredith

Tanya completing her long-term goal Traverse of the Gods 8b+

The Traverse Of the Gods
Tanya completing her long-term goal Traverse of the Gods 8b+
© Pete Wilkinson

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Arch Angels f8A ** 30 ? Biblins Cave
Angels Extension f8A * 5 ? Biblins Cave
Body Wisdom f8A ** 10 ? Dinas Rock
Wife of Fyfe f8A+ *** 10 ? Dinas Rock
Witness the Churnetness f8A *** 20 ? Peakstone Inn...
Quarantine f7C+ ** 44 ? Anston Stones Wood
Pedigree Chum 8c+ *** 17 ? Chee Dale Lower
Pedigree chum part 1 8c *** 4 ? Chee Dale Lower
Pedigree chum part 2 8a+ *** 5 ? Chee Dale Lower
Wright's Traverse f7B *** 82 ? Wright's Rock...
Stamina Boys f8B ** 6 ? Raven Tor...
The Traverse Of the Gods 8b+ *** 18 ? Craig y Longridge
30 stars 251 ? 12
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