Contributed by lauraclimbing Jan/22 - This public ticklist has been seen 65 times

Wessels climbing Baron's Revenge, Cuttings, Isle of Portland.  © robblowen
Wessels climbing Baron's Revenge, Cuttings, Isle of Portland.
© robblowen, Aug 2008

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1st Hidden 72% 29 Jul

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Sport

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Emmie gritting her teeth.

The Cutting Edge
Emmie gritting her teeth.
© After The Send

Anna stretching those fingers on mindmeld

Anna stretching those fingers on mindmeld
© Alex Turner

Pete Oxley climbing Hurricane on a Millpond (7c+) at the Cuttings

Hurricane on a Millpond
Pete Oxley climbing Hurricane on a Millpond (7c+) at the Cuttings
© James Dunlop

Neal Heanes on Evening Mistress

Evening Mistress
Neal Heanes on Evening Mistress
© Ben Stokes

Seb Miller making the impossible, possible!

Hurricane on a Millpond
Seb Miller making the impossible, possible!
© After The Send

Jamming the crack, full on arm jam glory

Jamming the crack, full on arm jam glory
© Sam Parsons (After The Send)

Nightmare Scenario

Nightmare Scenario
© JiPi

Jonny Aylwin in The Cuttings

Hall of Mirrors
Jonny Aylwin in The Cuttings
© Nick Beckett

I have always wanted to shoot this route. This is my first effort but looking forward to getting a better angle next time!

Hurricane on a Millpond
I have always wanted to shoot this route. This is my first effort but looking forward to getting a better angle next time!
© Sam Parsons

Under Duress 8a winter sun set

Under Duress
Under Duress 8a winter sun set
© Kris suriyo

Racing the sunlight to the top of The Cutting Edge

The Cutting Edge
Racing the sunlight to the top of The Cutting Edge
© Peter Gagie

The end of the layback on the glorious flake of Two Fingers ✌️

Two Fingers
The end of the layback on the glorious flake of Two Fingers ✌️
© Sam Parsons - After The Send

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Eat, Stick and Die 3a 651 6m The Cuttings
We're Only Placing Bolts for Nigel 3b 769 6m The Cuttings
Cheese and Pickle 5a 416 ? The Cuttings
Parsnip Soup 5b 306 ? The Cuttings
Corporal Punishment 5a 503 7m The Cuttings
On Manoeuvres 3b 638 7m The Cuttings
Arc Angel 3a 511 7m The Cuttings
Charity Work Mate 3a 522 7m The Cuttings
Magical Misty Tour 4a 587 7m The Cuttings
Bonsai 3c 609 8m The Cuttings
Sting in the Tail 6a 539 8m The Cuttings
Baron's Revenge 3c 421 ? The Cuttings
Chicken Boy 3c 346 ? The Cuttings
Tantrums and Tiaras 4a 414 ? The Cuttings
Sean 4c 137 9m The Cuttings
100 Sunny Days 3c * 832 ? The Cuttings
Juggernaut 5b 727 10m The Cuttings
Rock Lobster 5a 724 10m The Cuttings
Amazonia 4c * 1501 10m The Cuttings
The Great Hamburger Disaster 5a * 1567 11m The Cuttings
Definitely Maybe 6a+ * 770 12m The Cuttings
Little Chef 5c * 1173 12m The Cuttings
Little Sod 6b * 515 ? The Cuttings
The Sod 6a * 1201 12m The Cuttings
Lup Dup 6a+ * 160 ? The Cuttings
Mindmeld 7a+ * 480 12m The Cuttings
Sign of the Vulcan 7b+ *** 141 10m The Cuttings
Hillman the Hunter 6b+ * 216 13m The Cuttings
Flying Peach 6b * 67 ? The Cuttings
Grapefruit takes a Whipper 6a+ * 106 ? The Cuttings
Princess and the Pea 6b+ 37 ? The Cuttings
Pillow Talk 6c * 43 ? The Cuttings
Died in Your Arms 6c ** 108 ? The Cuttings
The Cutting Edge 6c+ *** 995 12m The Cuttings
Dumbfounded 7b * 304 12m The Cuttings
The Mermaid 7a * 168 ? The Cuttings
Chalkie and the Hex 5 5c ** 1610 12m The Cuttings
The Ramp 5a * 1346 12m The Cuttings
Lusty Wedlock Needs Coil of Prevention 7b+ * 10 10m The Cuttings
Rusty Chubblock Needs Oil of Lubrication 7c * 25 10m The Cuttings
Evening Mistress 6b ** 469 12m The Cuttings
Men Behaving Badly 7a+ * 89 ? The Cuttings
Amen Corner 5a ** 1566 10m The Cuttings
Mousefolk 6c * 434 10m The Cuttings
Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth 6b ** 1442 11m The Cuttings
Jam 4c ** 1895 11m The Cuttings
The Mantelist 6b * 134 ? The Cuttings
Chips with Everything 5a * 1697 11m The Cuttings
Quality Family Day 4c ** 1706 ? The Cuttings
Dignity 5c * 256 11m The Cuttings
True Love 6b+ * 111 ? The Cuttings
Bridget Riley 6b+ ** 156 15m The Cuttings
The Mind Terrorist 8a ** 24 10m The Cuttings
Knockout Punch 7b+ ** 28 10m The Cuttings
Spicer Direct 6b ** 134 18m The Cuttings
Levitation By Proxy 6c * 163 ? The Cuttings
That Divine Chill 6b * 72 18m The Cuttings
Finesse 7a * 152 17m The Cuttings
Hidden Treasure 6a * 908 17m The Cuttings
Looking for Love 6b * 109 ? The Cuttings
Blowing the Gimp 7a+ * 87 15m The Cuttings
The Sears Tower 7b+ ** 24 15m The Cuttings
The Holy Hand Grenade 7a ** 559 15m The Cuttings
Brief Encounter 6b ** 994 16m The Cuttings
Chasing Highs 7b+ ** 19 15m The Cuttings
Infernal Din 7b+ *** 168 17m The Cuttings
European Flavour 6b ** 731 17m The Cuttings
Gourmet 6b ** 63 17m The Cuttings
Europe Endless 6c ** 318 17m The Cuttings
The Breathing Method 8a *** 84 18m The Cuttings
Hall of Mirrors 7c *** 355 18m The Cuttings
Want Out 7b+ *** 362 18m The Cuttings
New Saladin 6c ** 752 18m The Cuttings
Hurricane on a Millpond 8a ** 29 16m The Cuttings
Consommé 6a+ ** 1924 17m The Cuttings
Marti Chef 7b ** 59 ? The Cuttings
Haute Cuisine 7a+ ** 611 16m The Cuttings
The Mouth Waters 7a+ ** 241 16m The Cuttings
Two Fingers 6a ** 1625 16m The Cuttings
Three Fingers 6a * 1340 16m The Cuttings
So Long, Marianne 6c * 70 ? The Cuttings
Opus 5a ** 1561 17m The Cuttings
Rusty the Red Neck TakesOne for the Team 6a+ * 752 17m The Cuttings
Perihelion 6b+ ** 618 ? The Cuttings
Disobedience Contest 6b ** 380 18m The Cuttings
The Potting Shed 6a * 708 ? The Cuttings
Rules is Rules 6b+ * 96 ? The Cuttings
Live is Life 6b+ * 224 18m The Cuttings
Old Buffer 6b * 405 ? The Cuttings
Live by the Sword 7a+ ** 496 18m The Cuttings
Another Notch in the Gun 6b ** 1047 18m The Cuttings
Figgy Dropwise 6c+ * 134 18m The Cuttings
For Michèle 6a ** 391 ? The Cuttings
Dusty Fred's Winter Collection 6c * 60 17m The Cuttings
Ectomorph 6a ** 500 ? The Cuttings
Rock On, Ian 6a+ 28 ? The Cuttings
Aperitif 5c ** 359 ? The Cuttings
Unknown Arête 7a+ * 55 ? The Cuttings
The Bournemouth Flyer 6b * 270 18m The Cuttings
Nightmare Scenario 7c ** 212 18m The Cuttings
Modern Nightmare 7a ** 396 19m The Cuttings
Fighting Torque 8a *** 173 18m The Cuttings
Under Duress 8a *** 45 15m The Cuttings
Shiver Me Timbers 7a * 120 17m The Cuttings
Weird Shit, Keep Drilling 6b+ ** 251 17m The Cuttings
138 stars 53,436 1,009m 105
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