Contributed by Dean Howard Dec/17 - This public ticklist has been seen 1,767 times

Top-roping the classic 7a+  © robbo99
Top-roping the classic 7a+
© robbo99, Jun 2013

8 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Dean Howard 69% 28 Apr
2nd steveanthony 61% 18 Oct, 2022
3rd J1_TOV 46% 2 Sep, 2023
4th MartinoPasswater 23% 22 Jun
4th Dylan Howard 23% 24 Jul
5th Ian Bell 7% 14 Aug, 2022
5th Emlyn Price 7% 9 Aug, 2020

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Sport

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

What crux move? Gwen Morgan cruising in the Wye Valley.

Almost Me
What crux move? Gwen Morgan cruising in the Wye Valley.
© Jon_Butters

What crux move? Gwen Morgan cruising in the Wye Valley.

Almost Me
What crux move? Gwen Morgan cruising in the Wye Valley.
© Jon_Butters

Ollie Elms on Almost Me

Almost Me
Ollie Elms on Almost Me
© chrisscutt

Matt Cousins on England's Dreaming

England's Dreaming
Matt Cousins on England's Dreaming
© Mark Alderson

Tomar on the hant

The Hant
Tomar on the hant
© JayLewin

That beautiful flowstone!

England's Dreaming
That beautiful flowstone!
© Ron Yeadon

Ollie Elms on Almost me

Almost Me
Ollie Elms on Almost me
© chrisscutt

Perched above Treherbert at the head of the Rhondda, in the valleys of South Wales.

Perched above Treherbert at the head of the Rhondda, in the valleys of South Wales.
© Mark Glaister - Assistant Editor

Martin Larsen on England's Dreaming

England's Dreaming
Martin Larsen on England's Dreaming
© Simon Hill

Matt Cox on 'Almost Me' F7c, Ban-y-Gor.

Almost Me
Matt Cox on 'Almost Me' F7c, Ban-y-Gor.
© _m.cox_

Tom Harrison attempting "Almost Me' F7c, Ban-y-gor.

Almost Me
Tom Harrison attempting "Almost Me' F7c, Ban-y-gor.
© _m.cox_

all going well, till i found a waterfall at the top! - taken by Justin

The Dead Vei
all going well, till i found a waterfall at the top! - taken by Justin
© chrisclimber

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
The Hant 7a ** 212 16m Trial Wall Area
Marmalade Skies 7a * 445 ? Foxhole
Pegasus 7c *** 41 ? Bowen's Parlour
England's Dreaming 7a+ *** 1000 21m Blacknor North
Trailblazer 7b *** 75 ? Taff's Well...
Strawberry Jam 7b+ ** 269 17m Tirpentwys
Almost Me 7c *** 219 23m • 2 Ban-y-gor
Scream for Cream 7a+ ** 40 ? Taff's Well...
Sink or Swim 7a+ ** 64 ? Taff's Well...
Sign of the Times 7a ** 67 ? Abbey Buttress
Fe 500 7a+ ** 27 ? Abbey Buttress
Nosepicker 7a *** 57 18m Treherbert Quarrry...
The Dead Vei 7a+ * 109 28m Tintern Quarry
29 stars 2,625 123m 14
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