Contributed by quercusclimbus Jun/24 - This public ticklist has been seen 26 times

Zoe midway up
© manikally, May 2018

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Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Katie enjoying life!

Great Chimney
Katie enjoying life!
© JimR

Kelly at the top of Great Chimney (left hand crack)

Great Chimney
Kelly at the top of Great Chimney (left hand crack)
© lem

Ending the day with this gem!

Great Chimney
Ending the day with this gem!
© Kevin_Daniel_Garvey

Roxanne Wright traversing over on Great Chimney S 4a at Hen Cloud.

Great Chimney
Roxanne Wright traversing over on Great Chimney S 4a at Hen Cloud.
© Roxyclimbs

Matt in the dark chimney

Great Chimney
Matt in the dark chimney
© eazyclimbing

Zoe midway up

Great Chimney
Zoe midway up
© manikally

great chimney (hen cloud)

Great Chimney
great chimney (hen cloud)
© dja

Great Chimney

Great Chimney
© smudge23

JW demonstrating low long his legs really are on Great Chimney

Great Chimney
JW demonstrating low long his legs really are on Great Chimney
© Mrs Weasel

Dave climbs the Great Chimney and looks left to see the open mouths of some nesting birds.

Great Chimney
Dave climbs the Great Chimney and looks left to see the open mouths of some nesting birds.
© tomshooter

Corinthian E3 5c, Hen Cloud

Corinthian E3 5c, Hen Cloud
© NickAL & Norman

Charlotte tops out on the Great Chimney

Great Chimney
Charlotte tops out on the Great Chimney
© Hitch

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Great Chimney S 4a *** 1211 18m Hen Cloud
Corinthian E3 5c *** 67 16m Hen Cloud
3 e, 6 stars 1,278 34m 2
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