Contributed by lauraclimbing Nov/21 - This public ticklist has been seen 48 times

pile of choss..  © Tommy Harris
pile of choss..
© Tommy Harris, Jan 2013

3 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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1st Hidden 15% 4 Sep, 2021

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Sport

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Tim Hutchinson trying to climb Fragile Mind, Winspit

Fragile Mind
Tim Hutchinson trying to climb Fragile Mind, Winspit

Gettin' loose!

Smiling Assassin
Gettin' loose!
© After The Send

seconds before disaster

Peppercorn Rate
seconds before disaster
© rustaldo

Lunacy Booth 2 7b+

Lunacy Booth
Lunacy Booth 2 7b+
© Brian H

Pete Scott climbing his first 7c - and what a beauty!!

Disbelief Suspended
Pete Scott climbing his first 7c - and what a beauty!!

winspit sport

Pump Me Tenderly
winspit sport
© Tommy Harris

Tim Hutchinson on Fragile Mind, Winspit

Fragile Mind
Tim Hutchinson on Fragile Mind, Winspit

Final moves on Queen Anne's Men

Queen Anne's Men
Final moves on Queen Anne's Men
© Kayface42

Post-coital Snooze

Post-coital Snooze
© lazMo

Pulling on the razor sharp crux

Chick Power
Pulling on the razor sharp crux
© Dandan

pump me tenderly, 6c+, Winspit

Pump Me Tenderly
pump me tenderly, 6c+, Winspit
© matt.ridgway

Nathan showing how its done

Pump Me Tenderly
Nathan showing how its done
© lena.drapella

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
The Skin Room 7a+ 7 12m Winspit
Warm Love 6a * 567 ? Winspit
Crag Diva 5a 156 ? Winspit
Think About It 6a+ * 591 12m Winspit
Uno Mas 6c * 53 ? Winspit
Things That Make You Go Hmmmm... 6c * 161 12m Winspit
Restless Heart 6b+ ** 268 14m Winspit
Any Old Time 6b ** 272 14m Winspit
Bread Knife 4a * 1385 ? Winspit
Post-coital Snooze 6a+ * 706 14m Winspit
Iron Bar 5a * 1403 ? Winspit
The Chestnut Mare 7b+ * 24 ? Winspit
Mini Line 5c 615 ? Winspit
Book 3 6c+ 20 11m Winspit
The Fantastic Mr Faz 6a+ 167 11m Winspit
Idiot Village 6a+ ** 508 11m Winspit
Autumn Leaves 5c * 782 ? Winspit
Flux Capacitor 5c * 566 ? Winspit
Eromon 6c * 23 ? Winspit
Free Entre-prises 5c * 242 ? Winspit
The Genius of S.K. 6a 130 20m Winspit
Solstice 7b ** 80 ? Winspit
Avenging the Halsewell 7b *** 234 20m Winspit
Ancient Order of Freemarblers 7a ** 306 20m Winspit
Billy Winspit 7b ** 134 20m Winspit
Peppercorn Rate 7a ** 562 20m Winspit
Smiling Assassin 7a+ * 51 20m Winspit
So Naughty 5a * 1259 20m Winspit
Insanely Yours 6c+ * 74 20m Winspit
Jargon Eater 6b+ ** 406 20m Winspit
Unseen Ripples of the Pebble 6b *** 1109 20m Winspit
I Thought You Had It! 7a ** 153 ? Winspit
Gallows' Gore 7a+ ** 122 20m Winspit
Red Rain 6c+ *** 547 20m Winspit
Queen Anne's Men 6c ** 604 20m Winspit
Exuberance 7a * 395 20m Winspit
Stone Mason 6a+ ** 1616 20m Winspit
Hitachi and Girls 6a+ 316 ? Winspit
7a+ Took Me Lung 4c * 1405 ? Winspit
Resin Devotion 6a * 1232 20m Winspit
Insect Graveyard 6b * 826 20m Winspit
Know What I Mean Pal 6a * 1527 20m Winspit
Playtime with Playtex 6c+ * 20 20m Winspit
Tom's Patience 4a * 2593 20m Winspit
The West Face Direct (Wall of Death) 6a 260 ? Winspit
Tend My Daisy 6a * 539 15m Winspit
Pump Me Tenderly 6c+ * 360 20m Winspit
Pump Me Tenderly Direct Start 6c+ * 135 12m Winspit
Pump My Daisy 6a * 350 15m Winspit
Cold Day 6c * 156 12m Winspit
Anne-Marie Paid my Fee 4c * 1683 ? Winspit
Nine Years Absence 6a * 1069 16m Winspit
Tailwind 6b+ * 68 14m Winspit
The Vixen Bitch from Hell 7a+ * 51 20m Winspit
Agonies of a Dying Mind 7a * 49 20m Winspit
Dick Dastardly 7a+ * 31 20m Winspit
Korean South Face Route 6c+ * 12 ? Winspit
Lips of a Stranger 6c+ * 20 20m Winspit
Fragile Mind 6c+ * 37 20m Winspit
Card of Hearts 7a+ * 34 20m Winspit
Chrissy 6c+ ** 150 20m Winspit
Chick Power 7c ** 13 ? Winspit
Revhead's Hi-roller 7b+ ** 26 20m Winspit
Hadron Collider 7a ** 12 ? Winspit
First Dazes of Summer 6c ** 74 ? Winspit
Mackerel 5a ** 1291 16m Winspit
Stargazy 6a+ * 531 ? Winspit
Knickerless Crutches 6b+ * 138 16m Winspit
Premenstrual Princess 6b+ * 56 ? Winspit
Damn Busters 7b * 13 ? Winspit
New Dawn Fades 7c ** 2 27m Winspit
Damnation Game 7a+ ** 83 20m Winspit
Frightened of the Sun 7b+ ** 18 20m Winspit
Disbelief Suspended 7b+ ** 38 20m Winspit
Disbelief Reinvented 7c ** 10 20m Winspit
Disbelief Right-Hand 7b+ 6 ? Winspit
Mental Stealth Act 7c ** 2 25m Winspit
Souls of Mischief 7c+ ** 18 ? Winspit
The Pizza Express 7c+ ** 4 18m Winspit
Lunacy Booth 7c *** 77 20m Winspit
Happy Feet 7c ** 6 20m Winspit
Sectioned 7b+ ** 2 15m Winspit
Nosey 6a+ 51 14m Winspit
Rampant Love Jugs 6b * 180 20m Winspit
Plaice a Bolt 5b * 360 ? Winspit
Fishy Business 6a * 428 30m Winspit
Silver Bream Machine 6c * 79 4m Winspit
Gorilla Tactics 6c ** 213 20m Winspit
Flashheart Direct 6b ** 466 20m Winspit
Hot Beef Injection 6b * 450 12m Winspit
Birthday Treat 5c * 731 ? Winspit
Beavis and Butthead 5c 76 10m Winspit
119 stars 34,675 1,142m 92
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