Contributed by PaddyTolan Jul/24 - This public ticklist has been seen 103 times

Marsha Balaeva at the chains on Seventh Aardvark  © Luke Dawson
Marsha Balaeva at the chains on Seventh Aardvark
© Luke Dawson, Apr 2021

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1st Hidden 2% 8 Aug

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Sport

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Andy delicately making the traverse into An Uneasy Peace 7c+ with plenty of air beneath his feet!

An Uneasy Peace
Andy delicately making the traverse into An Uneasy Peace 7c+ with plenty of air beneath his feet!
© John Thornton

Obsession: as if the holds weren't small enough there's the exposure to contend with too!

Obsession: as if the holds weren't small enough there's the exposure to contend with too!
© Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing

Making the final big move on An Uneasy Peace 7c+ at Malham Cove with all the exposure a person can ask for.

An Uneasy Peace
Making the final big move on An Uneasy Peace 7c+ at Malham Cove with all the exposure a person can ask for.
© John Thornton Photography

Locations don't get much better than this!

Green Lipped Mussels
Locations don't get much better than this!
© Phillip Wright

High above the beck on the upper tier of Malham Cove - L'Ob Session 7c+

L'Ob Session
High above the beck on the upper tier of Malham Cove - L'Ob Session 7c+
© John Thornton Photography

Purple steve belaying John Gaskins on Militia, G-Spot

Purple steve belaying John Gaskins on Militia, G-Spot
© matt

Autumn days at Malham - Jacob Harmer on Free & Easy (7c)

Free and Easy
Autumn days at Malham - Jacob Harmer on Free & Easy (7c)
© Joe Tomlinson

knitting at Malham

The Minimum
knitting at Malham
© daviesxxx

Bede on a successful redpoint of Illywacker

Bede on a successful redpoint of Illywacker
© JohnHartley

Jan getting into the kneebar rest on Illywacker 7c

Jan getting into the kneebar rest on Illywacker 7c
© Henry Henderson

Free "n' Easy

Free and Easy
Free "n' Easy
© richard kirby

Stretched out on Man With A Gun

Man With A Gun
Stretched out on Man With A Gun
© kevavery

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Yosemite Wall 7a+ *** 609 22m Malham Cove
Hands of Time 7c * 6 20m Malham Cove
Against the Grain 7a+ ** 262 22m Malham Cove
Tremelo 7c *** 208 22m Malham Cove
New Dawn 7c *** 348 22m Malham Cove
Zoolook 8a *** 156 22m Malham Cove
The Minimum 7a+ * 121 ? Malham Cove
The Maximum 7c+ ** 80 12m Malham Cove
Raindogs 8a *** 344 12m Malham Cove
Chiselling the Dragon 7c * 143 12m Malham Cove
Seventh Aardvark 7b ** 527 12m Malham Cove
Thriller 7c+ 27 ? Malham Cove
Free and Even Easier 7a+ ** 845 12m Malham Cove
Bongo Fury 7b ** 195 12m Malham Cove
Something Stupid 7b * 423 12m Malham Cove
Chocolate Logger 7c * 26 10m Malham Cove
Queen of Harts 7c * 15 12m Malham Cove
Hartley Hare 7a+ ** 419 12m Malham Cove
Free and Easy 7c ** 82 20m Malham Cove
An Uneasy Peace 7c+ ** 8 ? Malham Cove
Obsession 7b+ *** 382 20m Malham Cove
L'Ob Session 7c+ *** 75 20m Malham Cove
Herbie 7c+ *** 162 20m Malham Cove
The Toad of Beck Hall 7b+ * 74 10m Malham Cove
Toad Licker 7c * 20 10m Malham Cove
Militia 8a+ *** 22 10m Giggleswick South
Moseley Shoals 7b ** 26 10m Giggleswick South
Out of the Limelight 7a+ ** 76 10m Giggleswick South
Finger of Fun 7a+ * 66 15m Giggleswick South
Silent Laughter 7b *** 183 14m Giggleswick South
Sunset Boulevard 7b+ *** 186 ? Giggleswick North
Illywacker 7c *** 188 ? Giggleswick North
Jorjas Connection 7c ** 21 ? Giggleswick North
Hollywood Bowl 7c ** 5 ? Giggleswick North
Silver Buttons 6a+ *** 97 45m • 2 Langcliffe Quarry
Moonwalk 6b+ ** 21 90m Langcliffe Quarry
Offwithereds 7a+ *** 25 18m Attermire Scar
Lost In Thought and Lost In Time 7b+ *** 67 25m Attermire Scar
Soulsports 7c *** 24 25m Attermire Scar
What Do You Want Me To Do With It 7a+ * 15 18m Gordale Scar
Don't Matter Just Don't Bite It 7a+ * 11 16m Gordale Scar
Green Lipped Mussels 7c ** 13 10m Gordale Scar
Slapstick 7c 1 8m Gordale Scar
Revival 7b+ *** 58 29m Gordale Scar
Hang onto your ego 7c ** 9 ? Gordale Scar
Revitalised 7b+ *** 10 ? Gordale Scar
Defcon 3 8a *** 117 30m Gordale Scar
Pierrepoint 7c+ ** 9 40m Gordale Scar
Dogpoint 7c+ *** 75 40m Gordale Scar
Trubble 8a+ * 11 10m Gordale Scar
A Grand Day Out 7c+ *** 3 50m Gordale Scar
Jocasta 7b *** 106 10m Stony Bank (Stoney...
Burlesque 7a *** 219 22m Stony Bank (Stoney...
A Play of Light 7a+ ** 13 22m Stony Bank (Stoney...
Cliptomania 7b ** 40 25m Stony Bank (Stoney...
Devil's Grip 7c ** 52 16m Yew Cogar
Cruisin' for a Bruisin' 7b+ *** 226 15m Yew Cogar
Time Out of Mind 7a+ *** 20 ? Blue Scar
Childhood's End 7a+ ** 8 ? Blue Scar
The Arthur Sowden Concept 7a+ ** 16 16m Blue Scar
One Previous Owner 7a+ ** 19 16m Blue Scar
A Bit of Previous 7a+ ** 1 ? Blue Scar
Across the Wide Blue Yonder 7a+ *** 4 56m • 2 Blue Scar
An Awfully Big Adventure 7a+ *** 1 61m • 2 Blue Scar
Sidekick 7a+ * 155 ? Kilnsey
Sideshow 7b * 211 ? Kilnsey
Metal Guru 7c ** 214 ? Kilnsey
Man With A Gun 7c+ ** 118 ? Kilnsey
Hardy Annual 7b * 247 ? Kilnsey
Visitation 7b ** 127 ? Kilnsey
Sticky Wicket 7b+ * 476 ? Kilnsey
The Ashes 7c+ *** 223 ? Kilnsey
50 for 5 7c * 336 ? Kilnsey
Comedy 7c *** 550 ? Kilnsey
Taking the Mick 7a+ ** 133 ? Kilnsey
Nerve Ending 7b * 202 ? Kilnsey
The Bulge (aka Let Them Eat Jellybeans) 8a *** 166 ? Kilnsey
Ground Effect 7b ** 340 ? Kilnsey
I Ain't No Sponsored Hero 7c+ ** 89 ? Kilnsey
The Truth Drug 7b+ * 170 ? Kilnsey
Witches Brew 7b ** 213 22m Kilnsey
Frankie Comes to Kilnsey 7b+ *** 298 ? Kilnsey
Sabbath's Theatre 7c ** 3 25m Kilnsey
China Crisis 7c+ ** 65 22m Kilnsey
The Jekyll 7c+ ** 62 20m Kilnsey
Silk Road 7b * 11 25m Kilnsey
Open Road 7a ** 372 20m Kilnsey
Quiet Flight Direct 7a+ ** 554 16m Kilnsey
No More Jumping to Conclusions 7c ** 78 ? Kilnsey
The Alternative Extra Option 7a+ ** 433 17m Kilnsey
Biological Need 7c *** 218 20m Kilnsey
Soft Option 8a *** 72 18m Kilnsey
Dominatrix 7c *** 340 ? Kilnsey
WYSIWYG 7b+ ** 572 ? Kilnsey
Dead Calm 7c+ *** 118 25m Kilnsey
The Last Gasp Finish 7b ** 218 ? Kilnsey
Slab Culture 7b+ ** 255 ? Kilnsey
205 stars 15,260 1,350m 100
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