Mike Robertson Climbs The Eiffel TowerVideo

© Pete Lash
On Monday, 12th November, Mike Robertson, the Wareham-based climber and photojournalist climbed the 324-metre Eiffel Tower without ropes to draw attention to Total's - the French oil company, based in Paris - continued involvement in Burma. This is a short video of his ascent by Nicoletta Fagiolo.

Watch the video: HERE

Read more: Original UKClimbing News item: HERE

Join the discussion, with contributions by Mike Robertson: Original UKClimbing discussion thread: HERE

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19 Nov, 2007
and on our news page:
19 Nov, 2007
Bugger, one day earlier and I could have watched and cheered :o( Josh.
19 Nov, 2007
Very cool video. Respect to you Mike!!
19 Nov, 2007
19 Nov, 2007
Can I have my video camera back now???
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