Lindsay Griffin of MOUNTAIN INFO; live at

Lindsay Griffin will be available to answer questions on the Rocktalk forum at on Monday, 17th December between 1pm and 4pm.

Lindsay is the chronicler, researcher, writer and compiler of the authoritative MOUNTAIN INFO in Climb magazine.

Feel free to ask him how he puts it all together and probe his encyclopedic knowledge of the Alps and the Greater Ranges, from the Hengduan to the Alaska range, the Cordillera Darwin to the Kangri Garpo - Where is it? What's been climbed? Who? When? and What's left to climb? Ask Lindsay.

He has been serving the World climbing community for the last 15 years and he is the man in the know.

You can read an introduction to the world of Lindsay Griffin by Colin Wells HERE.

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13 Dec, 2007
When we post the same thread twice you tell us off!
14 Dec, 2007
Shhh, did nobody tell you Mick has a literary stammer What a lot of people want to know is can all that mountain info be accessed on the web?
14 Dec, 2007
Would be cool if it can. I don't see any ethical or financial reason why it shouldn't be.
14 Dec, 2007
14 Dec, 2007
Lindsay's worth posting twice. Brilliant bloke. Came across a pic of him (on here) the other day. The decades seemed to melt away. Golden days. Mick
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