Staden Quarry Under Threat

On Joint Effort at Staden  ©
On Joint Effort at Staden
Nick Smith, Aug 2007

On "Liquid Courage" at Staden  ©
On "Liquid Courage" at Staden
Nick Smith, Aug 2007
The much used climbing venue of Staden Quarry (also known as Cowdale Quarry) is under threat from a major industrial development.

25 Jan 2010 - See updated news report here.

Peak district resident and keen local climber Phil Jones contacted UKC to voice his concerns:

"A planning application has been lodged with High Peak Borough Council to turn Cowdale Quarry near Buxton Derbyshire, a much loved venue for climbers, into a water bottling plant and business park with over 1000 parking spaces. All the natural rock faces will be closed to climbers if this application succeeds."

A quick look on the planning site proved him to be correct: High Peak Borough Council

According to Phil the area is not your average dirty quarry:

"As well as being a popular climbing venue the quarry is a rich and diverse habitat with sightings of goshawk, sparrow-hawk and raven."

Guy Keating of the BMC commented in the UKC forums this morning:

"The BMC has been aware of this planning application for several weeks, and recently met with the proposed developer.

It was thought the development was to contain a 'climbing centre and wall', however, it now transpires this may not be accurate and the plans seem to indicate the climbing centre will comprise changing rooms, a cafe/canteen and meeting rooms.

The BMC will continue to work on this issue - keep an eye on the BMC website for any news as it happens."

Matt Heason commented: "This is likely to be on the agenda at the next peak area meeting on Feb 17th. The venue is yet to be confirmed."

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20 Jan, 2010
20 Jan, 2010
will the climbing wall have a artificial climbing area? I can't see anything in the plans and i doubt a climbing centre as shown in the plans without a artificial wall surviving for very long at all.
20 Jan, 2010
That's bad news, Staden is one of my favourite summer venues! J :-(
20 Jan, 2010
Please make sure the BMC know about this, asap.
20 Jan, 2010
they do, apparently Henry F is attending.
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