Enzo Oddo hits Bleau

© Pierre Délas

To no one's great surprise, Enzo Oddo, the 15 year old French wizkid, has repeated Sébastien Frigault's l'insoutenable légèreté de l'autre, a steep physical 8B at Franchard Isatis, Fontainebleau.

Compared to Khatarsis, the 8B he did last year, this problem has a lot fewer moves.

Enzo has now quit (home)school to become a professional climber and leaves for a three week trip to Smith Rock, before heading to Mexico for a Petzl Roc trip.

Enzo Oddo on Biographie
© Pierre Délas

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 "I’ve enjoyed climbing from early childhood. Why? I was born in Nice, there’s rock everywhere and the weather’s good year round, so going climbing is easy. My parents climbed. When I was...

Enzo's Athlete Page 19 posts 1 video

23 Sep, 2010
Well bugger me, i want his tendons.
23 Sep, 2010
I want his name.
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