Andy Marshall finds 'The Thing in the Forest'...

© craig hiller / hillerscapes
Andy Marshall on the thing in the forest E7 6c.  © craig hiller / hillerscapes
Andy Marshall on the thing in the forest E7 6c.
© craig hiller / hillerscapes

'The Thing in the Forest' is a short E7 6c in the Cooley Mountains, Co. Louth, Ireland.

It has just seen its second ascent at the hands of Andy Marshall.

The route, first climbed by Ricky Bell (ground-up first ascent - UKC News) a year ago, has a boulder problem start which leads to good gear a little under half height with the top moves being protected by two “good” skyhooks.

Marshall's ascent was in the same style - ground up with bouldering pads.

Commenting on his ascent, Marshall said:

"Last year I tried to repeat the line straight after Ricky but got caught out being too pumped to finish it off -falling from its last move onto the two skyhooks, to my very good fortune they held and I scampered off vowing to return. Eventually I did taking a couple of trips back including a full day digging snow off the crag and putting up a tarp last week with the hope of limiting the seepage when the thaw came, it worked a little but still the upper holds were damp.

Luckily the holds that were wet were the better ones and the climb went smoothly enough.

This is a great find in a route relatively safe with really intricate climbing at the start to bold moves at the top - a wee gem."

RELATED VIDEO: Ricky Bell making the first ascent of The Thing in the Forest

PHOTOS: Andy Marshall on The Thing in the Forest

Andy Marshall on the thing in the forest E7 6c.  © craig hiller / hillerscapes
Andy Marshall on the thing in the forest E7 6c.
© craig hiller / hillerscapes

video still of the thing in the forest.  © craig hiller / hillerscapes
video still of the thing in the forest.
© craig hiller / hillerscapes

desperate times call for a ...tarp.  © craig hiller / hillerscapes
desperate times call for a ...tarp.
© craig hiller / hillerscapes


Andy Marshall is sponsored by Wild Country

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22 Dec, 2010
Neat how he changes shirts on the video!!
23 Dec, 2010
I think the video is of Ricky Bell and Andy trying it originally and is alternating between the two. Nice one and cool video.
25 Dec, 2010
I thought that was cool too... Looks like an awesome line, wish I could have seen it being finished
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