Uni Mountaineering Club Aiming for Cash Prize

© UKC News
The Imperial College Mountaineering Club has become a 'Bronze Finalist' in a competition to win £5000 for their club. If they get more views on their video than the other entrants, they win the cash, which will help them on their mountain adventures

Club member Tom Wheeler told us:

"Our video was entered into a competition to promote student societies and we have been lucky enough to make the final. We are the only mountaineering/climbing club to have made it this far into this nationwide competition."

Obviously here at UKClimbing we think that 5 grand for a bunch of students to go cragging is of course an excellent idea! Seriously though, supporting student mountaineering clubs is important, as these are often the places that the craft of climbing is learned, and many future climbing stars are born in these clubs. So why not have a watch of their video below, not only to help them win, but also because it might inspire you to get out and do some climbing yourself.

There are loads of excellent university climbing clubs, and if your club has run a recent expedition, do let us know and send us an expedition report.

We asked Tom to tell us a bit more about his club:

"Imperial College Mountaineering Club is an incredibly active mountaineering club based at the college's South Kensington Campus. As a London based climbing club with over 100 members, there is a huge variety of abilities in a wide range of climbing disciplines. The club runs weekly training sessions at various indoor climbing centres, fortnightly nationwide trips and monthly social events, as well as 3 international tours a year to allow members the opportunity to experience all that there is to enjoy in climbing. This has lead to the club (and its members) developing and becoming stronger year on year. This year, ICMC has seen its members go on to boulder V11 (Mr Fantastic), climb Scottish Winter IV (Aladdin's Mirror Direct) , sport 8a (Daniboy) and lead E6 (Committed).

Through various trips and tours, ICMC has managed to film and put together a 4-minute promotional video to showcase some of the highlights of the last 2 years for the club and its members. Through a stroke of luck, it has been selected to be a finalist in the RBS ESSA Promotional Video competition.

If you want to see the video then give it a watch on the link below. By doing this you could help ICMC win up to £5,000. If you are a student at Imperial, and would like to get involved get in touch through the union website."

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27 Jun, 2013
27 Jun, 2013
Put some t shirts on.
27 Jun, 2013
nah think we're gonna spend it on more Jam and funny jokes.
28 Jun, 2013
Nice video. Lots of inspiring footage. Made me want to get out and climb right now!
28 Jun, 2013
Good luck guys! Nice vid
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