The Wideboyz Crack on in CanyonlandsFri Night Vid

© Talo Martin

Earlier this year Tom Randall and Pete Whittaker (AKA the Wideboyz) travelled back to their favourite crack haunt of Canyonlands National Park in Utah, where they established another hard first ascent in the White Rim – Black Mamba 5.14b – likely their hardest roof crack yet. This ascent came just days after they made the first repeats of Necronomicon 5.13d/5.14a (UKC article).

A film about their trip has just been released, which features all the grit (OK, sandstone in this case), determination and hilarity that we've come to know of this pair's adventures. Are you prepared to try so hard that your underwear breaks?

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21 Jun, 2019

Love it. Absolutely great. I've had a shit day in the office doing my IT stuff, and (have drunk too much wine) just love seeing that these two are still out there getting the most out of life, doing amazing things and being insiprational. I find most climbing vids deeply tedious, but as soon as I see Wide Boyz (sp?) my eyes light up and I'll be entertained .

Go boys go.

22 Jun, 2019

WC: "Hey everybody! Use the best new belay device in the world! It's fantastic!"

Pete: *uses Munter's hitch*

22 Jun, 2019

Cracks me up how you don’t really see any WC cams in this, but you do see a load of valley giants...

22 Jun, 2019

Do WC make them big enough? You'd wonder if it was worth them making some specially, given the sponsorship exposure they get.

(Sorry, I realise I'm just making the same point as you in a more long winded fashion)

22 Jun, 2019

They haven't as far as I know made the size 5&6 tech friend since 2013, maybe longer? Sure, those never went as big as the valley giants, but still...

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