The Hard RoadFri Night Vid


This week's Friday Night Video documents the story of 22-year-old Siddhi Manerikar from Mumbai, India. Siddhi grew up in a fishing village and got her start in climbing by playing in cashew trees as a child. Years later, a chance to try indoor climbing opened up a world of opportunities for Siddhi, which led to her becoming the first Indian woman to climb 8a and representing her country on the IFSC circuit.

As part of a project funded by JLL and in partnership with National Geographic, Siddhi was one of 6 young Asian athletes selected to take part in an elite training camp in Japan with GB Climbing Team coach Ian Dunn, where the climbers innovative motion technology to assess strengths and weaknesses. Although she lacks the facilities and opportunities that most competition climbers have, Siddhi isn't letting this get in the way of her Olympic ambitions and inspiring the next generation of female climbers in India.

Watch out for an interview with Ian Dunn about the Stories of Ambition project which will be released next week.

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2 Aug, 2019

Now THAT was worth watching--so inspiring. People are amazing. Thanks for positing.

2 Aug, 2019

"Climbing is not just a sport. It teaches an important life lesson as well."

Well said!


2 Aug, 2019

Was a pleasure to work with Siddhi in Japan, it’s what I love about coaching, just giving a couple of tips to improve the performance, so satisfying for both athlete and coach.

Siddhi makes you really appreciate what you have got and it’s not the facilities that drive you on it’s the attitude, she will go far, she is very determined and wants to work hard.

3 Aug, 2019

That was charming - as appears is the young lass.

Great to see me old mate Ian again. Had a rope off him up Right Wall about 1979 or 80 and he looks younger now than I recall from back then.

Nice one,



5 Aug, 2019

Now THAT is a climbing story! So inspiring. Let alone that climbing 8a within your first two years of climbing with no facilities is remarkable by any standards. Go Siddhi!

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