IFSC Release New World Cup Dates

© Eddie Fowke/IFSC

The IFSC has released dates for six World Cups starting with Lead in Briançon on August 21st and 22nd. The adapted schedule runs until December and covers all disciplines: Lead, Boulder and Speed.

These World Cups will be held in accordance with the recently updated IFSC rules which cover pandemics. The addendum guidelines specifically cover 'hygiene, social distancing and the use of personal protective devices during sport climbing competitions.'

Due to varying travel restrictions worldwide, no points will be attributed to World Rankings and no trophy will be awarded at the end of the season.

Crowded scenes like this won't be seen for a while © IFSC

IFSC President Marco Scolaris said: 'I have seen an extraordinary willpower to move on in several organisers. We are aware of the difficulties, the challenges and the uncertainty. However, the world needs a message of hope. The health and safety of our athletes, officials, staff and volunteers will always be our top priority, but looking at the passion living in Briançon, today we are confident that, together with FFME and in full compliance with the French laws and regulations, we will be able to deliver a good competition. We trust the same could happen soon in other countries.'

Below is the full list of World Cups that the IFSC is currently working on:

  • Briançon (FRA) from August 21 to 22: Lead
  • Salt Lake City (USA) from September 11 to 13: Boulder and Speed
  • Seoul (KOR) from October 7 to 11: Boulder, Lead and Speed DATES TO BE CONFIRMED
  • Chongqing (CHN) from October 23 to 25: Boulder and Speed
  • Wujiang (CHN) from October 30 to November 1: Boulder and Speed
  • Xiamen (CHN) from December 4 to 6: Lead and Speed

Some key changes to competitions from the IFSC addendum:

  • A Competition Doctor will be appointed as Emergency COVID-19 Outbreak Response Coordinator
  • Temperature checks will be performed for athletes and officials upon entering warm-up/isolation zones
  • Hand rub/sanitiser will available in key areas at the venue, entrances/exits/toilets
  • Masks must be worn on site by officials, athletes and volunteers
  • In the event of a (supposed) positive case on site, the Technical Delegate will inform team managers and the IFSC President will make a decision as to the event's continuation
  • To avoid gatherings, there will be no screened qualifying route demonstration videos; these will be available to watch individually via a YouTube link instead
  • There will be no results board at the venue; results will be posted online instead
  • Athletes must wear masks (unbranded) in isolation/warm-up and transition areas and during route preview
  • No warm-up walls will be available, but athletes can bring a portable hangboard.
  • Athletes will be allowed 45 minutes to warm up. The first athlete will enter the warm up zone 45 minutes before climbing time, then each athlete will be allowed entry in staggered 5 minute intervals
  • Food and water will not be provided for common use in isolation/warm-up zones
  • Each athlete must bring a personal beach towel for use on chairs to avoid contamination through sweat
  • In Boulder events, hand gel will be provided for use before and after each boulder
  • A personal rope for Lead must be used per competitor or per national team, to be decided by each team.
  • Belay devices and autobelays will be sanitised after each round
  • No brushers must be allowed on mats. Athletes must brush holds themselves.
  • Paper scorecards will not be used. Results will be displayed on screens in the isolation zone for verification by athletes.
  • Athletes do not need to wear a mask for the entirety of the awards ceremony, but prizegivers will wear masks and athletes will collect medals/flowers directly from the tray
  • No hugs/kisses/handshakes on the podium

Missing the World Cup action this year? Check out our YouTube Series, In Isolation: a weekly socially-distant chat show which will hopefully go some way to giving you a fill of past-season action, with fond memories of former World Cup events and some famous faces as guests. Join IFSC Commentators Charlie Boscoe and Mike Langley and UKC Editor and former competitor Natalie Berry for some insight, laughs and banter. Below is the episode featuring Adam Ondra:

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