Janja Garnbret Unfiltered + her thoughts on ParisFri Night Vid

© Lena Drapella/IFSC

Tonight's Friday Night Video is an 'Unfiltered' interview with reigning Olympic Sport Climbing champion Janja Garnbret. The Slovenian athlete is an eight-time world champion, three-time European champion, 45-time World Cup winner and ten-time overall World Cup winner. Today, she also shared some thoughts with the Olympic Information Service following a training session at Le Bourget climbing venue in the north-east of Paris.

Garnbret commented on the new two-medal format, which consists of one medal for a combined Boulder & Lead event and a single-discipline Speed medal.

"I also liked [the triple-combined format] in Tokyo 2020, but to be honest, I'm happy that sport climbing has two sets of medals in Paris," she said. "It's a sport that has so much to offer. Whatever the format is, some things never change: the focus on training, preparing physically and mentally, and giving everything you've got."

Since her historic win in climbing's Olympic debut in Tokyo, she confirmed that her passion for the sport remains the same.

"I didn't change as a person," she said. "I consider myself a happy person – I love meeting fans, I love competing and I love progress. The first few months after winning gold in Tokyo were hard, especially mentally, because I achieved the ultimate goal. But after that, I got back and set new goals. And now we are here, back at the Olympics."

Her training hasn't changed much - except for cutting Speed from her schedule. 

"Otherwise, my routine follows those good patterns we learned with my coach [Roman Krajnik] in the past couple of years," she said. "I trust his plan completely, he knows me as an athlete and as a person, so we did everything in our power to be successful again."

Amid heightened media attention and expectations from fans, Garnbret is shielding herself from the noise and hype. 

"I want to be focused in my own 'bubble' and this is where I trust a close team of people around me to help provide an environment that allows me to be who I am, on and off the competition in Paris," she said.

Garnbret believes that climbing will only experience further growth after its second Olympic showing - especially with a 6,000-strong crowd on-site and rising viewing figures since Tokyo 2020. 

"The Olympics had a massive impact on sport climbing - you can see the sport growing, getting that well-deserved attention, and I hope it will grow further because there is for sure still a lot of room for improvement," she said. "I feel the responsibility to help sport climbing grow around the world, to be a good example and a role model, to bring this beautiful sport even closer to people." 

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Janja Garnbret
Šmartno pri Slovenj Gradcu

Janja Garnbret is widely regarded as the Greatest climbing competitor Of All Time (the GOAT). In 2021 she added Olympic Champion to her resume, which already featured back to back World Championship Golds,...

Janja's Athlete Page 54 posts 11 videos

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