Pete Robins adds Diamond Dogs (8c+) to the Diamond

© Ray Wood

Pete Robins has completed a new route on The Diamond in the nick of time before the wet winter weather returns. It had been a frustrating time for him since beginning on the project back in August with conditions frequently not good enough for a proper attempt. The successful ascent finally came on a surprisingly dry day in early October.

Pete Robins on Diamond Dogs (8c+), the Diamond, Little Orme. Photo: ©Ray Wood  © Ray Wood
Pete Robins on Diamond Dogs (8c+), the Diamond, Little Orme. Photo: ©Ray Wood
© Ray Wood

Pete commented, "I'm so happy with this, to do such a world class first ascent near my limit, minutes from home, in the uk, was a dream. I'd pretty much given up too, since the weather has been so shit. Thinking about it now, that go I did it was probably my last chance till next August, as I'm away now for two weeks, then it is November. Jeez, that was close!"

The route tackles the steep bulging central section of the Diamond (on the Little Orme, North Wales Limestone - UKC Logbook entry) utilising the start of The Brute, a hard 8b, to get above the desperately smooth lower section. It then breaks left onto the steep upper wall with some big long moves of up to font 8A. The route currently finishes at half-height although Pete had bolted the extension but it was too wet for him to complete on this occasion. He doesn't reckon it will change the grade which has been offered at F8c+.

  • For more information on Pete's ascent of this problem, check out the DMM News Item.
  • There is also a short interview with Pete about the route on the V12 site here.

The Diamond is obviously a crag with great potential but as yet only two routes have breached the desperate lower water-washed bulges - The Brute (F8b) and The Waiting Game (F8a) on the right-hand side. The name of the latter route reflects the approach most climbers with projects have to have at this crag since both tides and conditions are frequently unhelpful. The topo below updates the current state of play on the left-hand side of the crag.

Topo ©Rockfax

Pete Robins is sponsored by DMM , Five Ten , prAna and Podsacs
Thanks very much to Ray Wood for the photos and Ben Bransby for the video.

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17 Oct, 2012
Now with Ben Bransby's video. Alan
17 Oct, 2012
Good for him. I know how he feels about the weather. I'm trying to work out whether the ear ache I have at the moment is the precursor to flu, or I'm growing gills. Pardon my ignorance, but what do the P's on the topo mean?
17 Oct, 2012
At a guess I would say they mean Project, though I could be wrong.
17 Oct, 2012
Pardon my ignorance, but what do the P's on the topo mean? Project?
17 Oct, 2012
Thanks all, that makes sense.
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