Ben Bransby Repeats Superstition E8?Video

© Ben Bransby - Still shot from video
Ben Bransby on Superstition - E8  © Ben Bransby - Still shot from video
Ben Bransby on Superstition - E8
© Ben Bransby - Still shot from video
Ben Bransby has made what is likely the second ascent of Superstition (E8?) at Burbage North. Peak District, UK.

Superstition is the short and extremely difficult wall to the left of The Promise and Ben took advantage of the recent snowy conditions to make a highball (snowball) ascent above snow and bouldering mats.

The route is extremely technical, featuring tiny holds and the possibility of gear in a thin break if climbed with ropes. It was first climbed back in 1999 by Miles Gibson and was one of the few routes that stopped 'Team America' on their gritstone adventures back in 2008.

Here's Ben's excellent video of his ascent:

Ben Bransby is sponsored by DMM, Evolv, prAna and Western Mountaineering

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4 Apr, 2013
Brilliant! Every bouldering video should have a sliding child.
4 Apr, 2013
Great vid. Lovely to see a bit of humanity. Well done Ben.
4 Apr, 2013
Great effort,this one's been waiting a while!
4 Apr, 2013
Great little film, looks very sparse indeed - well done sir. Looks as if chalk might be better than slapping your jeans too.
4 Apr, 2013
Its probably to try and get some warmth to his finger tips....
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