Chinese Mountaineering in the KarakorumVideo

© Ice Cream Studio

In June 2019, three young Chinese climbers set off for the Karakoram Mountains in Pakistan. Their goal was an unclimbed 6000m peak deep in the mountains above the unexplored Liligo Glacier. Hao Xin, Stanley and Ken set off together on what would become an ill fated attempt at the first ascent. Ken stays behind at base camp and once his friends are two days overdue, he suspects the worst.

The film is an emotive look at the emerging Chinese mountaineering scene and the three young alpinists who shared the joy and pain of climbing together:

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11 Jan, 2021

A sombre reminder of how high the risks can be in greater ranges climbing that is very rarely seen or talked about. A stark contrast to the vast majority of films you see. Thanks Ken for having the courage to make the film, I cant imagine how long whose 2 days must have felt.

12 Jan, 2021

I never met Hao Xin but was lucky enough to spend some time climbing with Stanley in Liming in the autumn of 2018. He was a lovely guy and great to be around, partly because of his passion and enthusiasm for climbing which was infectious. Sadly I never got to see him again before his trip to Pakistan the following year.

Well done to Ken on the film and sincere condolences to friends and family of both Hao Xin and Stanley. They will be badly missed.

12 Jan, 2021

Well worth 20 or so minutes of anybody's time. The film gives an excellent insight into the challenges of climbing in the Karakoram, but is distinguished by the sense of enthusiasm, passion and friendship of the team. It is perhaps one of the few films of its genre to capture the real spirit of the effort. It must also have taken great commitment to produce such a powerful film, given circumstances which must still be very raw. A fitting tribute to what comes across as 2 lovely, lovely guys. Thank you.

12 Jan, 2021

A beautiful and poignant film.

12 Jan, 2021

Wow, that's some viewing. Beautiful and sad film.

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